Monday, July 17, 2017


This weeks "WE THE PEOPLE" program is one that I am very proud of.

 Not so much because of the program, but more because of the content.

 My guests today were my sister, Sheryl Haraghey and her son Andrew.

Andrew has qualified for the Winter Paralympics to be held in South Korea in 2018 Andrew is a downhill Alpine skier.

 For regular readers of the blog, I have written about Andrew's endeavors as he has worked toward his goal of competing in the Paralympics. Andrew and his fellow skiers will be competing on the same slopes and venues used weeks earlier by the 2018 Winter Olympic competitors.

 In this interview we discuss Andrew's life with Cerebral Palsy and his mother and his family's efforts to support him in his quest to ski and eventually compete.

 Andrew is an amazing young man who has met life's challenges head on and excelled in meeting his goals and has been an inspiration to almost everyone who has had the opportunity to meet him.

 You can read more about his efforts at or on facebook at There is also a link there if anyone would wish to help sponsor Andrew in his fundraising efforts for costs associated with the Paralympics  (roughly $10,000.00) To those who have been there the last several years supporting Andrew's quest, Thank you. And or those of you willing to donate, Thank you in advance for helping make Andrew's dreams and goals come true.


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