Thursday, September 28, 2017


Hartford, Conn. (September 28,2017) –   

 Today, the Hartford Police Department arrested a male suspected of starting three fires around the City. The incidents occurred in Keney park, on Oakland Terrace, and a mattress in a separate location at Keney Park.  

Around 11am, employees from the City of Hartford’s Department of Public Works (DPW) noticed a fire next to a storage container near the football field in Keney park.  Upon further investigation, they observed a male stoking that fire with a stick. The DPW employees immediately notified Hartford Police Department (HPD).  HPD promptly responded to the area and conducted a search for the suspect.  A short period later, the suspect was observed walking north on Oakland Terrace in the vicinity of 153 Oakland Terrace, where Hartford fire department (HFD) personnel were actively engaged in fire suppression activities on a detached garage. 

The suspect was taken into custody at the intersection of Greenfield Street and Oakland Terrace.  At the time of the arrest, the suspect had in his possession a plastic bottle with a flammable liquid, two lighters, and a bag of heroin. “The City of Hartford will utilize every resource to hold individuals who intentionally set fires accountable. I applaud the efforts of our DPW employee, Hartford Police Department and members of Hartford Fire Department’s Fire Marshal Office for their prompt action and professionalism” said Fire Chief Reginald Freeman.

Because of the collective efforts of members from DPW, HFD, and HPD, the City of Hartford is a little bit safer today.


  1. Hey Reggie, so are you going to promote from the current Lieutenant list or are you planning to eliminate the list because the remainder of the list is only White and latino candidates like you said?? Please tell all the city of Hartford residents how you really feel after all your secret meetings with retired deputy chief Billy Smith who was let go years ago for discrimination against white firefighters and your meetings with Steve Harris?? Please Chief, the members of our department and citizens would like to know? Can you please be transparent here. Can you also explain how you are trying to make a position for a Lieutenant that mandates a Captain as you were advised to do by the North end community leaders.Now we know who really is running the Hartford Fire Department.

  2. Scap fire union rats. Eliminate the list. I will study day and night to prove a point. All day long !!!

  3. Behind closed doors the same guys take care of the same people.

  4. Keep up the excellent work Hartford's HPD, HFD and DPW!! Hartford is a little safer! Hartford has these fine men and women on the payroll and residents/taxpayers know they can count on them.

  5. according to Luke Bronin we don't deserve our pensions.

  6. Already a soon to retire black Fire Captain has been asked to serve as interim assistant chief when he retires. I am sure there are soon to retire white and hispanic captains who are far more qualified than the current one that was asked to serve as interim assistant chief.

  7. First, Always help your brotha. Pheonix Society lives, members only, basic demographic requirement necessary. Equality hypocrites accepted. Serve your political God!

  8. The Captain will be a great assistant chief !!! This guy needs absolutely no help in getting up to speed. He will be perfectly able to hook his play station into the big screen in the AC's office all without technical assistance, saving the city big bucks already.

  9. I thinks it’s about time we start posting some classic Chief Billy Smith/Vinny Graves excerpts from racist files. Maybe this white boy will take knee next time I hear the National Anthem and start my own protest against REVERSE DISCRIMINATION!!! How soon “some” forget. Anyone else read the official statement by Chief Stewart mandating that Special Services be lead by “black officers only” . I did ! Anyone else FORCED to attend wake for said Chief while on duty? I was!

  10. Yes Captain PlayStation is always ready in his slippers and PlayStation remote control in hand!!!

  11. You mean the Captain whos wife parked in the no parking zone in front of Ladder6 and when the firetruck was returning from a call struck her driver side mirror and then the Captain tried to blame the poor guy driving Ladder 6 that day??

  12. I don't know who is worse Captain Panicky at Ladder 6 or Captain PlayStation at Ladder 4. At least Captain PlayStation lets his crew work at a fire. Captain Panicky wants to direct everything,he makes a big deal out of every minor incident.If you are that scare to do your job then don't take the promotion as a Captain!! Or grow some balls already you coward.Actually perhaps you should go see the Wizard of OZ to get some courage and Captain PlayStation can tag along to see the Wizard of OZ and get a brain.

  13. I'm sick of Engine LTs seeing a huge fire and asking "Hey Chief you want us to take a hydrant?" Or Ladder LTs asking if they can respond to a report of fire in there 1st or second due district after clearing a call. If it's your district tell dispatch to cancel the ladder responding in your place and state that you are responding. It's your district stop asking and take command of your district and company. For Engine LTs if you have to ask to take a hydrant if you see heavy smoke or fire then you don't belong in front seat as a boss!!!

  14. No response to Billy Smith/Vinny Graves infamous tapes ??? HOW SOON “ALL” FORGET ???

  15. The Duke Of Hartford CountySeptember 30, 2017 at 4:02 PM

    If you wanna bring up so called racism from 1998 involving billy Smith then we black fire fighters can bring up racism from 1968 and beyond stop your bloodshot crying if you don't like the job then leave if you dont like the politics then leave if you think you can change things then move to hartofrd and register to vote to make change in the community the jobs and politics until just STFU oooohhhh poor me the little White Guy not getting my way anymore as if white men in this country didn't get a free ride for the last 400 years cry me a river

    1. Hey Idiot, this country isn't even 300 years old!

  16. 11:06pm

    I've never driven a ladder truck, so I'm just asking. Shouldn't the ladder driver have been in control of his vehicle and aware of his surroundings or is it routine to just back into things that get in your way, whether parked legally or not?

  17. 9:11pm

    Maybe take a moment and call the Chief with your concerns, or ask him on one of his frequent company visits.

    He answered your questions when I called him and asked and I am pretty sure he would do it for anyone else that asked. One thing that I have found about Chief Freeman is that he is always ready to answer questions and explain why he does what he does. You may not like the answers but he is honest and willing to explain his moves. I think that is called transparency

  18. This white boy was born and raised in Hartford , it was people like you and Billy Smith that drove me out of “your” city to raise my kids in a different atmosphere. Maybe your the one person I heard about that believes two wrongs DO make a right! 4:02 PM,Did you celebrate also when OJ bought his “innocent “ judgement? Everybody should watch WFSB’s report on Maple Giant Grinder leaving “Little Italy” , the owner deserves an award for his political correctness stating his reason for leaving. I picture a resident like 4:02 PM when the owner says the area is changing. And no , I don’t mean skin color but the uncivilized behavior that has tentacles all through the city. Good luck Maple Giant,D+D Market,Difiore Pasta and what ever other jewel in the Southend that would rather shine somewhere else.

  19. Franklin giant is still better and dibaccos is also great. Go eat at subway or grill weanies on the fire grill in the back lot if u choose. U all better start studying little fire mice . Study those tac books and practice your oral skills. The cream will rise and the lazy bums can play nintendo and twittle the shift away.

  20. Dear Duke,
    Why would a group of people perpetuate the same treatment they so called loathe?
    It's not a stretch to want to even the score now is it. Keep up that attitude of equality, the irony is great fodder albeit sickening.
    You're probably the best looking 400 year old in the world!

  21. Cry Me A River, Question , If you think they those few Italian eateries and bakeries are still gonna be in Hartford ten years from now , can I interest you in buying a SUCCESSFUL minor league baseball stadium ? Thanks for the laugh,it’s much better than “crying you a river”. AND PLEASE , If you find HFD so incompetent and unnecessary DON’T call 911 for their help, according to you they would rather hangout in the firehouse than revive you from a drug overdose,run into a burning building to pull you out ,extricate you from a MVA or any other lifesaving emergency that will knock on your door someday. Maybe your beloved Vinny Graves or Billy Smith can come out of retirement and save you,they were great firefighters, (AT THIS POINT PLEASE VISUALIZE ME LAUGHING MY ASS OFF)

  22. Is brian foley hosting a sunday show again ? Money well worth the 136k to be a C movie star. Hopefully the soon big change coming will put this slugs and pretty boys to work.

  23. I truly hope all of this Black vs. White bs stops with the next classes coming on. I know in the past organizations would get to the recruits and feed them hate speech and the "we got to stick together to watch our own" crap. I understand the past happened, I've heard the stories of hate from many it happened to, its up to us to understand that was wrong, move forward, and breed a new equality. Focus on the future and the job we have to do as a crew and a department. You guys know once that smoke thickens we are all the same, we can't see black or white while in your masks.

    Obviously the job now represents the community we serve and there are officers and crews of all races equally distributed. For the past 30 years there has been a fair race based mix of front office positions. You want to move up the ranks, than study, the tests aren't hard. Hell, they spoon feed you exactly what to study. We all know the majority of guys dont open a book then complain and play the race card. Chiefs promote on score not what color you are. Im honestly completely sick of the divide. We are firefighters for Christ sakes, just a municipal job, enough of the race and hunger for power. Once you leave your spot is filled and no one thinks twice about you. Do your job and do it well!

  24. The Duke Of Hartford CountyOctober 1, 2017 at 12:12 PM

    1031 great speech I agree but i wish I shared your sentiment truth is Kevin and alot of his followers and supporters voted for Trump not that Killary was any better but we all see the debacle travesty and Tom foolery thats been the mere mention of his name causes divide dicension anger and hostility and the fact that Kevin or his followers have denounced his antics and admitted that that monster has been a total disaster and disgrace to the White House I can't share those same sentiments

  25. It doesn't matter who I voted for, he is still our President. It is time we take control of our own futures, especially locally, and stop divide everything along racial issues and start looking more at right and wrong and fairness and equality

  26. My statement on racial divide has nothing to do with trump and his antics. He's only been around for 10 months now. This divide between race within the fire department has been going on since the first minorities joined up 60 years ago. Frankly it's ignorance and I've been around long enough to know the people who continue to spread the hate and divide have never been great firefighters to begin with and that's for all the races involved. No need to name names, we all know who they are. Who gives a crap what they have to say. We dont respect them in a fire why care what they say behind closed doors. Frankly many of these guys are in special services and the Fire Marshalls office, those guys gave up on being firefighters. They don't sacrifice their lives, health, sleep or sanity like we on the line do. They can have that. Move forward!
