Tuesday, October 24, 2017


This morning  I was a guest on WDRC radio with Brad Davis and Dan Lovallo. We discussed the abuse allegations of  a teacher at the Mary Hooker School and how this as handled , or  perhaps more appropriately mishandled by the Board of Education.

You can listen to the interview here,  https://audioboom.com/posts/6424172-brad-dan-oct-24-2017-hartford-school-system-under-scrutiny-again


  1. Well done.

    The people of Hartford need to put pressure on the board to eliminate the Administrative incompetence in the schools and the central office. The posters on this forum appear to have quite a bit of inside experience in the district and know where to make the best improvements. The superintendent must take notice and get rid of the managerial failures.

    Keep the light of truth on those who have authority over others Kevin. This entire mess would have been covered up as it involves an administrator. If it was just a teacher, the OTM would have been parading him out like a witch in Salem. It is just another in a long history of the JC Hodgeman/Admin cover up tradition.

    Mr. Stallings and the BOE pay attention to what your managers are doing - - they are steering the ship onto more rocks.

    1. Why isn’t the Chief Academic Officer for Elementary Schools, Dr Catherine Carbone on Adminsitrative leave too? It is her responsibility to ensure that her school teams are following protocol. Mary Hooker is her school. She makes over 170k a year. This is competent oversight?

    2. Has anyone seen a proposal floating around where the plan is to harvest trees from our parks and bring them to a lumbar yard to be located in Keney park for the production of wood products? The proposal doesn't mention who will receive the financial benefit from the deal, the impact that it will have on the parks, building of roads etc to get to those trees, the inherent danger of operating a lumbar yard, and the fact that Hartford's own city forester is behind the document a direct unethical conflict of interest. A forester that oversees contracts which have cost the city much more than the individuals they had when they had a forestry department.

  2. Kevin, Please watch yourself with those 2 birds from WDRC . They are as two faced as they come . Get this , they have Luke Bronin on air once a month and allow him to go on his extra tall soapbox full of lies and deception blaming everyone and everything but himself for the fall of his empire.In the beginning Brad and Dan would allow callers to question Bronin but I found out quickly just how chummy they were while protecting Luke from criticism ,I would get hung up on almost mid sentence,I asked him to justify decisions like sending 33 teachers to Florida,securing $250,000 of taxpayer funds for a statue of Doc Hurley, Luke’ poor judgement and Sarah Bronin’s horrible negotiations regarding Dunkin Donut Stadium (side note:Dan Lovallo is hired by the Yardgoats to announce games on the radio and WILL NOT UTTER A NEGATIVE WORD ABOUT THE STADIUM LOSING MONEY,THE PENDING LAWSUIT ETC. NOTHING!) back to my attempts to question Luke,his disregard for HPD’s lack of manpower/disbanding specialized units/failure of city residency requirement,Sarah Bronin’s involvement in the million dollar I-Quilt sidewalk to nowhere. As long as Brad and Dan were going to enable this creep to use them ,THEN I WAS GONNA CALL EACH AND EVERYTIME! Then a few months ago Brad and Dan decided to ban me and others as they were smart enough to ask questions without input from listeners and constituents. Brad Davis states that Luke is “doing a great job” but then again he also stated that “ nobody loves Hartford more than Pedro Segarra” So Kev, please don’t get duped like me with their phoney “WOWS” and “ YOUR KIDDING ME’S “

  3. Why isn’t Dr Catherine Carbone on administrative leave? It’s her job to ensure that her schools are following protocol. Hooker is under her administration. She makes over 170k a year. Where’s the accountability??? The Superintendent should DEMAND HER RESIGNATION!! The bucks stops with HER!

  4. @6:32 the captain is sailing the Hartford ship onto the rocks. why blame the deckhands for the captains failure to plot the course or take command of the ship? until we demand answers and hold the captain responsible, the ship will continue to take on water and sink. All while our children are left to walk the plank.

  5. @8:29
    So, in another word, you were trolling them? Why did you have a need to tune in and call every day? Something in the water you drank? I could understand having an issue once in awhile. But doing this every day, hell, I would ban you, too.

  6. As long as there are radio personalities delivering misinformation daily ( not once in awhile) and worse yet ,protecting the very politicians that have created this mess ,then I’m going to call and right their wrongs. If that’s being a troll then I’m honored to be labeled such. Who’s this? Brad,Dan or Ed ? I liked WDRC better when they played oldies all day. I assume you enjoyed John Rowland when he also misused a microphone on WTIC ,SHAME ON THEM FOR ALLOWING A CRIMINAL TO SPREAD HIS PROPAGANDA TO HIS SHEEP!Just as a side note, EVERY time I called in ,the line was never busy so they should thank me for willing to waste my time resisting the snake oil they try to sell.

  7. You all are a bunch of whiners and do nothing's and are to blame for Hartford failing......get off your dead asses and do something beyond crying on this blog

  8. WDRC radio has been around a long time. Brad Davis makes his views know. However, Mayor Luke Bronin is the Mayor of Hartford and every news media outlet loves to talk to him. Do not forget Bronin ran against former Mayor Pedro Serggra because he wanted to try to turn the capitol city around. Serggra is still well respected. Yet, the voters spoke. Seggara sat on the Board of Education. Nothing changed. The time has come to let the State of Connecticut take over. It was done before and it needs a new direction now.

  9. DR. Carbone is a crooked as they come, i agree why isnt she on leave its her responsibility to oversea all Hartford Elementary schools. how come others have been removed for false and erroneous claims. Carbone plays favorites she sets up the admins to fail if she doesn't like them.

    1. Well we know she put the most unqualified Executive Director of Special Education in place in 2016. The District and special needs children will be dealing with the repercussions of that decision for years.

  10. Hey Earl there are a few solutions this whiner can offer to fix Hartford but I’m not allowed to take action on so your stuck with me venting on this blog,I would lockup criminals,stop enabling welfare recipients to go on their fourth generation of accepting freebies,advise said recipients to STOP HAVING BABIES THEY CAN’T AFFORD AND HAVE NO ABILITY TO PARENT ,force the males /females who procreated to be involved in child’s education and lastly,somehow force civility on these people. Now if you can tell me a way I can implement any of these suggestions then I will “get off my dead ass”and do it ! I don’t know how much longer I can bite my tongue from saying exactly why Hartford is F%#KED UP ,,,,it needs to be said! Go ahead and knock me for saying this but ,I’m ashamed to state that I was born and raised in this mess of a capital city named Hartford. So go ahead and say “good riddance”, but trust me you need men like me to move back into the city and try to recapture the era of a city that was once inundated with “ productive/civilized residents” . Sad part is , it wasn’t that long ago! Kev,thanks for letting me whine.

  11. I have an insider at the OTM office who confirms that there is now multiple lawsuits against HBOE from Admin, staff and coaches who have been defamed by unsubstantiated cases. like the coach from Buckley who was cleared of his the claims made against him, hes now suing the district for defamation and there are many suits to come. this can end up very expensive for a city on the brink of bankruptcy.

  12. Temporary sterilization and constant drug testing for welfare recipients.

  13. Finance and OTM run the system and see the tax payers as an easy mark..its one incompetent director fool after the next and they cover for one another like most corrupt cliques do to keep the $$$ coming.. That OCA report did not begin to touch on the administration and managerial horse manure that exists in the district. BOE is clueless and allows finance, OTM and central office a free reign its not like other towns at all its a sicko Kabal actually. Ask yourselves what other towns have staffs of accountants, OTM specialists and non-teaching managers and lists of directors and now multiple assistant superintendents that oversee administration principals..it is truly lunacy. How much oversight of principals do tax payers need to pay for get rid of the principals then and let the assistant superintendents run the various schools if they are so special.. They are a huge Money Pit on the tax payers dime and for all that each school has a failing mark in CT Mirror so clearly this system of management has not increased reading, math or school performance and needs a big overhaul. If you fail at your job in the real world you get replaced. Its not about teachers or students anymore they think they are in a delusion of grandeur and think they are some wall street corporation.
