Friday, October 20, 2017


If these policies they claim were in place, why were they not followed in this case. How was the Superintendent claiming she wasn't aware of the situation until a TV reporter apparently showed up at Board Headquarters yesterday.

And if the policies were in place and they were ignored, who will be held accountable?

How can a school security guard sit in on the interrogation of a student with no parents present? And did the Security Guard ever notify his/her supervisor of the incident? If so, how did the information never make it up the chain to the Superintendent or her Chief of Staff?


  1. It all falls on the commander and chief, Bronin!
    The head of the snake needs to be cut off.

  2. Are you really suggesting that these questions be answered here before the case plays itself out in the courts? Couldn't the disclosure of that information cause prejudicial harm to the prosecution of the case?

  3. The Chief of Staff is an Educational and managerial Hack. It appears that she is only here because if the board let her go, they would have to pay her contract. If the city needs to cut money to cut positions to save the education of the students, that position is number one. Your publication of the big salaries of the Central office, if cut, could balance the budget while having a positive effect on the education of our students. We are in the business of education yet the highest paid personnel in the district have no contact with students.

    The Office of Talent Management and Labor puts policies in place to protect themselves and blame those in the schools for their failures to screen out bad folks. You read the legaleeze of the statement - - it simply says not our fault. From what has been released, this is an error of administration.

    The teacher needed to be immediately removed from the situation so it could be investigated to ensure a fair and impartial investigation of a highly charged situation.

    Citizens of Hartford need to clean out the infection of the Hartford Public Schools Central office before it becomes septic and kills the entire system - - - it is on life support already.

  4. Kevin, have you heard anything about a questionable photo of Deputy Chief Brian Foley that has surfaced. Apparently, the CT Latino News Network has it posted on their Facebook and Twitter accounts and they are deeply concerned with possible misconduct.

  5. I guess Foley’s clowning around and shenanigans caught up with him. Some very upset people. Does he not understand he’s a Chief and needs to act accordingly? Of course the media will refuse to cover it.

  6. Talking about Eduardo Genao, where is this devil these days? Is he behind bars or maybe he was promoted? After all, isn't this the way things go in Hartford?

  7. The Duke Of Hartford CountyOctober 21, 2017 at 7:10 AM

    Looks like those chickens are coming home to roost this is the same Brian Foley whos subordinates broke into his office while he was on vacation and put a live possum in there because of how he treated them the same Foley who danced on tables drunk in rocky hill naked throwing around the N Word the same Foley who made videos of himself harassing and tormenting citizens and posting them on YouTube the same Foley that also has a picture out here degrading the LBGT community which Wil also be revealed im glad I was arounf to see all this unfold

  8. Foley is done. Chief Rovella might have tolerated the endless buffoonery and bullying from him, but Chief Rosado won't. I have seen the photo and it is very unbecoming from someone from the chiefs complex, who is supposed to set an example for his subordinates. An immediate I file should be initiated, or do the rules only apply to some.......

  9. Most inufluential hpd cops in history

    1. Steve meile
    2. Brian foley
    3. Dennis oconnor
    4. Will smith
    5. Tracey green
    6 kamil stackowitz

  10. These comments have nothing to with a serious matter involving the welfare of children. Enough is enough

    1. So then start a story covering the conduct unbecoming of DC Foley Kevin, so we can comment under that. Or has Foley persuaded you not to cover it like he has with the local media.

    2. Not for nothing Kevin we know Brian is your friend but this dies look like favoritism I support the blog and all the good its done but that man acts like a teenager and above the law as the saying goes whats good for the goose

    3. Kevin, when have any of your posts stayed on topic? Stop giving Foley preferential treatment.


  11. The picture of Brian Foley is Disturbing
    and Vulgar. Brian Foley should be fired immediately .
    What A Disgrace!!!

    Brookman are you not going to cover this Outrageous story.

  12. I sent this pic to every city hall in the state. FOley will never get a job anywhere in the state tell him from me
    that chro complaint just made lemark a very rich woman
    no one will hire foley now
    I drink a bottle of don to celebrate him leaving hpd
    he will be forced out now clean out that complex office I'm glad

  13. cant cover for him no more brookman
    that snake head has been slayed
    who will you call for dept stuff now ??

    first sgt eric smith don't like you either

    1. The Foley story is just as if not more newsworthy than any of the eric smith stories / blog posts, yet nothing. Hmmmm, wonder why?

  14. Four people shot last night and not a peep out of Foley? He tweets everything else and has time for inappropriate selfies.

  15. I think the bigger story here is how Foley has complete control over the media (including you). This is a story that should be reported on to be fair and unbiased. The only one that has is CT Latino News, surely only because they don’t want or need anything from Foley. It’s a grim reality how biased, corrupt and fake the news media is. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

  16. What a bunch of babies, I get nauseated of Foley and his constant self promoting tweets, but, he’s having fun. If you want to attack Foley, at least trip over something more substantial, not this picture in front of a city residents car...

    1. Hey Mike and Tony.....your ride is over when Foley departs us. Those dogs will donated to a nice family in the City of Hartford and then it's back to reality for you two. What do they really do anyways?

  17. amazing how Kevin goes mute so quickly when the stories relate to his personal friends. Foley anyone?

  18. Fire the Supt of schools, her staff and pay the next person what they are worth and not $300,000 per year. What an idiot. I just learned she has never been a teacher, or principal. She was a social worker. How can she run the schools, having never taught or been a principal? Next lets clean house on the BOE, Yep, time for Stallings and Wareing to go to.

  19. Kevin you need to start the conversation about who is doing the hiring?
    Who sits in on the interview?
    And who is doing the backround checks.
    This goes to the top office at the board, superintendent, and HR Natasha Durant.

  20. From what I have been hearing, Mike's dog and him do nothing even though the City spent money to train them to find gasoline and other stuff at fires.
    Hearing he is always "unavailable" and doesn't follow up with easy cases, dog doesn't or can't find anything on scene.
    Might be a good time to ask Foley about this seeing how he is supposedly also in charge of the detectives when he is not posting about himself or on nbc. ask him why he keeps saying there is not a arson problem in Hartford even though Freeman and the rest of the FMO guys says there is. Reports don't lie. Hearing the FMO gave Freeman and earful and Freeman is tired of his game told them to start calling the state dogs in and not him anymore

  21. The Hartford Board of Education is useless. The decisions they make are ridiculous. The new HPS Superintendent was not qualified. Yet, the wonderful members who sit on the Hartford Board Education selected her. The state has to take over Hartford schools. There is no direction or leadership. The Hartford educational system has been going downhill for many years. We have excellent teachers. Hartford children and young adults suffer when Superintendents change patterns. Hartford residents please speak up. Your voices must be heard.

  22. Richard Wareing"s term is not over. However, Craig Stallings is on the ballot. I honestly say get ride of the Hartford Board of Education. The State of Connecticut should take over the public schools. Hartford pupils would have a better education and Hartford teachers would have less stress.

  23. The new superintendent has been a SCHOOL social worker, which means she has spent her career working with students, parents, teachers and administrators. As the SSW, her focus has been on what is best for the students at all times. She has had a bird's eye view of the day to day workings of a school. The SSW is instrumental in helping to maintain the proper school and home environment necessary for the students and teachers to be successful. Personally, I can't think of anyone more qualified to become a superintendent of schools than a person who has served as a school social worker before becoming an administrator. Also, she has handled this situation properly by immediately removing the teacher and the principal from the school while a full investigation takes place.

  24. The Super was the best person for the job. She is a product of the Hartford Public Schools and has the best interest of the students in mind. Her position is not just a stepping stone or a trophy for the mantle as others would have coveted with their arrogance.

    What is killing the Hartford Public Schools it the over paid and over empowered central office. The Kingdom of 960 Main Street will be the death of the school district. No matter who the super is, these parasites will suck big six-figure salaries with no regard for what the school district is the business of accomplishing . . . the proper and effective education of our city's students.

    Eliminate the waste of PAYROLL in OTM - - look at the huge salaries for clerks you have listed in the post of salaries. DART has got to go, Banks not Durant (the Harpy has some how convinced poor "Banks" to wed her. She too is a secretary that has kissed the right asses to climb the ladder) poor Hartford!

    If the Super is reading . . . eliminate these people as they will drag you down. Your heart and mind are in the right place and you can change the course of the district but you must let them ALL GO! Clean house of the parasites that draw the big dollars. They have no interest in the growth and development of the children of Hartford otherwise they would be int he classroom. Eliminate the cadre, no army, of useless academic and other coaches we are paying in the schools and in Central Office. The BLOOD SUCKERS in the Office of Talent Management need to go NOW! FIRE THEM ALL! as they have failed so miserably. How much has their incompetence cost the district in child welfare, lawsuits, and lost learning should our city have to endure?

    EMPTY Central Office and you will see a huge growth in student achievement as the teachers will be able to TEACH and facilitate learning rather than gather the DATA that the HIGHEST paid personnel in the district count, generate reports, powerpoint presentations, and justifications for their PATHETIC positions. They are stealing from the most "AT-RISK and vulnerable" students in our city and our state.

    We are looking a state budget that is in the red and folks are look at cutting the schools. Teachers are the first target . . . when it is the overpaid and incompetent management. More money for education is NOT required . . . it needs to be spent properly. Let the educational professionals TEACHERS who are in the daily grind of the process take control. These KISS-ASS teach for 6 years and become an administrator when the only management position they may have had is assistant manager at Wendy's. Principals in the district have their positions based on whose ass they have kissed in the district or even CREC.

    We are in this mess because of ADMINISTRATION - - - The people of HARTFORD need to see this and eliminate them all form their positions of authority. We can change the direction!

    The families and children of Hartford deserve it - - as well as the taxpayers of the state of Connecticut.

    EMPTY 960 Main Street - - that is the CANCER!

  25. @8:06 You nailed it!! OTM is even paying computer data entry people 94K + a year plus bennies according to what Kevin got on his FOI.. These are non-certified people who do not need to hold degrees managing what teachers put in the computer system literally a job worth 28K to 38K range tops and instead are being paid more then top level teachers with degrees and certification requirements. Its appalling no wonder city is broke...Finance spends tax payer dollars with drunken abandonment where central office is concerned and forget the students and teachers.
    Additionally principals and security guards have no right at all to investigate any suspicions of abuse for merit or any other reason that is solely the job of DCF and police . Mandated reporters only mandated job is to report the suspected abuse incident immediately to DCF. If People in administration positions are truly still conducting their own private investigations even after that OCA report and being put on notice they deserve no less than to be terminated as this is again one of the many inappropriate administration problems the OCA report revealed.

  26. @8:06 I agree that the administration is part of the problem. what I disagree with you about is that it starts at the super. the super makes 300,000 do you think those under her make? All pay go up every time the board hire and increase pay the super. let's start with the board and cut pay for super and all the rest of the pay will go down. We can't run schools without some central office so my question is how many are needed and at what pay? And that too begins and ends with the super and board. Blame where it rests at the very top for the mess we in.

  27. 8:06 PM ,I say we also fire the men and women who decide ( or not ) to have child after child and expect others to “tutor” them through their education. You state “ the families and children of Hartford” What is the percentage of intact and educationally involved parenting in Hartford? I guarantee it’s going to be another national statistic the capital city won’t be proud of. Has anyone else observed the interviews on tv of some of the “ mothers” related to Hartford’s school issues? They can’t even put a few sentences together that I can comprehend . Most use English as a second language and they were born here! And no I don’t mean Spanish , it’s a street slang language that those kids are exposed to from day one. Good luck to all those well intentioned teachers who attempt to educate Hartford’s children. Lastly,where are the fathers in these television interviews? The only time I see men involved is the first day of school where male teachers and administrators shake kids hands on the way into school,the problem is there are another 364 that lack male involvement. Kevin,it seems like you were fortunate as I in knowing the love and devotion of a REAL family.

  28. @8:06pm, Glastonbury gets it. They quote "the buck stops with Superintendent Bookman". He "sets the tone for the district and keep us focused on our mission". He provides "Wisdom on difficult issues and a steady hand in times of crisis". "Well thought out decision making". These are qualities of a great leader. That is what Hartford needs in the city and in schools and defend all you want but that is what we are missing. When leaders fail to lead or have these qualities, chaos takes over. I say the buck stops with Mayor and superintendent. And most would agree.

  29. Glastonbury is that the place where the one of the two black police officers are called the N word in a meeting? Great place to live.

    1. So why is there no mass hysteria but with Lanza there is?

    2. Name one town better than Glastonbury to live in

  30. Hartford Public Schools are a mess and have been for years. Former Mayor Pedro was a social worker too. He had no clue what he was doing leading the capitol city. The new HPS Superintendent has a social work background. A wonderful qualification to run HPS? Who cares where she was raised. She will create a bigger mess in Hartford. The Board of Education gave her a great deal. Her salary and benefits are ridiculous. It is just another waste of tax payers money. Great job Harford Board of Education. You did it again.

    1. Hartford hired a Superintendent with NO experience to run one of the most complicated school districts in New England. That is a fact, not an opinion. Her previous title was “Portfolio Director”, overseeing 8-10 Principals within the district. Prior to that, she was, some would argue, a less than successful Principal at CREC. The district, changed her title to “Assistant Superintendent ” along with the other five “Portfolio Directors” at the time, to avoid a labor ruling which would have required the “Portfolio Directors” to be part of the HPS Adminstrators’union. Changing the title circumvented that ruling. Why is that important? She was an Assistant Superintendent in name only . She did not have the requisite responsibilities that a traditional Assistant Superintendent would have had in most district which are necessary to prepare someone for the top job, Particularly an urban district like Hartford. In fact, as Assistant Sup/Portfolio Dir. she reported not to the Superintendent, but rather to the Chief of School Improvement which she has now demoted to oversee high schools. Contrast that with the experience level of newly hired Superintendents in the region and you wonder why Hartford Public Schools is in the shape it is in. Look at Providence, larger city, larger district. The new highly qualified Superintendent there makes 60k less than Hartford’s Superintendent does
      and PPS is running in the black. The city had a budget surplus of 11 Million. I’d like to think you get what you pay for...but in Hartford we pay top dollar for novices and our children are the ones who suffer.

  31. 2:01PM

    Hartford, I would be bored in Glastonbury. Besides, Hartford is a challenge, what is there to change in Glastonbury?

  32. Why is Hartford constantly cutting teachers, Paras and secretaries but increasing Admin jobs?

    Btw did you hear about the Teacher at West Middle that gave the babysitter the wrong student. My question is how did that happen and why didn’t Admin step in and do something... with all the Admin in Hartford there was no Admin to help?!
