Friday, November 24, 2017


Much of what the Hartford City Council does is beyond explanation, and here is one more example that needs explanation.

Does anyone know what this resolution is about?



Council President Thomas J. Clarke II City of Hartford, November 27, 2017

WHEREAS, The Court of Common Council hereby takes issue to any ‘City Employee’ who retains employment with any other town or municipality while still employed by The City of Hartford; and

WHEREAS, The perception of such actions at this time is viewed as showing favoritism and a decrease in employee moral; therefore, now, be it

RESOLVED, That the Court of Common Council request that The Administration implement a policy that will prohibit the retention of any city worker currently employed by another town or municipality; and be it further

RESOLVED, That The Administration provide the Court of Common Council with a copy of this policy within 30 days of the passage of this resolution.

Please email or call me if you have any additional information


  1. Sounds like a fire fighter that works one day a week for the City of Hartford and has a second job with another municipality.

    1. Don't most if not all the members of the City Council have other employment? This does apply to them right? What's the big deal anyways? Maybe if the pay rates and salaries were more competitive they wouldn't need secondary employment.


  3. I coach bball on the weekends and receive a town check. Wtf

  4. I will opt to support the firefighter who works ONE day a week over the THOUSANDS of able bodied freeloaders who wouldn’t even consider working ONE day a week.

  5. I find it amusing this is the focus of council with everything else going on. That speaks volumes! As long as outside employment does not impact your city "job" what's the problem here? Wasn't Bronin pushing regional cooperation? Get a life TJ. You don't have control of what city staffers do on their own time. Stop wasting ours with these silly resolutions.

    1. The community backs TJ you got a problem with you got a problem with us and you don't want that buddy

    2. 8:51 am: the focus of Hartford City Council is how to stick to their seats for as long as they can

  6. 5:49 am,,,,Recently the Hartford city council voted to secure their “executives assistants” employment ,so it’s only natural that they have more FREE TIME TO DELIVER THEIR NONSENSE !!!! Maybe that “fiscally responsible” Jimmy Sanchez will put forward a resolution to AGAIN layoff the rehired dog catcher to pay for his assistants salary! Jimmy and the rest of them are clowns! Does anyone know how the John Gale proposal of having taxpayers purchase a NHL hockey team is going??? YEA,I REMEMBER THAT IDIOT TOO ! Gale probably stole that idea from Sanchez’s playbook.

  7. Isn’t Jimmy Sanchez’s assistant his nephew or Godson or some relation? Isn’t that called nepotism in most places?

  8. "WHEREAS, The perception of such actions at this time is viewed as showing favoritism and a decrease in employee moral..."

    Well, I don't know about you, but I feel that anything that causes a decrease in "employee moral" should certainly be taken seriously, especially with all the news lately regarding sexual harassment. A lapse in morals among city employees is not to be ignored. Are we paying them to play around with members of the opposite (or same)sex on our dime? Outrageous! As for the council assistants, I think that with their excellent skills--particularly spelling skills--they deserve every penny in their paychecks...maybe even more.

  9. 5:02 PM --
    Your observation is partly correct. This resolution appears to be an attempt to deflect attention and "look tough" after failing to act on their own Council Aides. But I think it's too late. Shortly, the Governor and Legislature will soon try to render the City Council ineffective by going from a Level 3 oversight to a Level 4 oversight of the Legislature's Municipal Accountability Review Board (MARB). Their inability to challenge the Mayor with basic research performed by the Council Aides or their own legal counsel, and their blind acceptance of Darrell Hill and Adam Cloud's false fiscal/financial advice and conduct, will unfortunately take their toll. I like all of them as people, but collectively as politicians, this group has not worked well together as true stewards on behalf of the City of Hartford.

    For Councilman Gale to fail at getting his pared-down changes to the City Council Aide/staff ordinance spoke volumes. I wasn't there to watch the vote but I heard Council commentary was useless. Council needs to quickly demonstrate it can take some tough votes or initiate some true fiscal oversight via resolution or ordinance, otherwise, WE THE PEOPLE (as in residents not the blog) will be soliciting signatures and making the necessary changes to ordinances and the Charter next November via ballot vote. Reducing the number of Council Aides was a no-brainer to demonstrate to Hartford and the region that it can cut expenses in its own department. "Politics" has clouded Council's judgment.

  10. Alyssa
    You talk a good game as always but why arent you acting? Your always MIss Righteous but wont take action on your Council aide friends. Three of them are missing most of the day at second jobs or somewhere smoking pot. The dude reeks. You of all people know whats going on.

  11. Anonymous @ 6:05pm:
    Who's smoking what? When and where?
    Names, names please, let's start cleaning up the mess in our city.

  12. To Anonymous @ 6:05 PM --
    Why am I or Kevin Brookman or any other Council watcher the ones who have to act??! To my knowledge, the issue of Council Aide time has been addressed multiple times at management level. If you're not happy, you or anyone else can write out your concerns to the Fraud Hotline @ You can even do it ANONYMOUSLY because they provide a mailing address, but somehow I doubt you will.

    I actually agreed with Councilman Gale about reducing the # of positions. The Council Aide system is a holdover from when Council ran the City and that era is long gone. To my knowledge, Haywood (Russell) Hicks is retiring this month. He was the only employee cited by COO Malley in her report to Internal Audit. He is a diligent worker but his Bloomfield residence makes Councilwoman Jennings' regular complaints about HPD or other staff living outside of Hartford fail and fall on deaf ears. That would be one Aide position less and another should follow. Then again, once the MARB looks at Hartford's budgets . . . a LOT more might be changing.

  13. Please make sure we expose these council members at tomorrow's meeting. Media you are more than help. Not the fake Hartford Courant, use Ed Peruta, he'll get the truth out. I'm sure it would make for great national headlines.

  14. I think my readers and this blog do a pretty good job of getting the truth out on our own, Thanks

  15. Council Aides should be limited to one Aide for every three Councilpersons. The Aides should be subject to drug testing. Yes, the Hartford Court of Common Council should have downsized their Aides. However, they did not. The nine Councilpersons are useless. The members are a terrible combination of uniformed people. A take over is the best thing that could happen for Hartford.

  16. Did anyone else find todays Hartford Courant front page article disturbing? Is Puerto Rico that uncivilized where humanitarian efforts have to be performed under the “cloak of darkness” ? I was left pondering if it would be safer to do an air drop like in a third world country and hope the needy get the supplies before the “Latin Kings” show up in their stolen vehicles and pillage from storm victims. Why aren’t these volunteers escorted by one of the over 18,000 police officers on this small island?ARE THEY CORRUPT TOO? As taxpayers we should demand the proper vetting of new arrivals in our town or state. I DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR ANY SAVVY “LATIN KING” STYLE BARBARIANS WHO SLIP IN CLAIMING HARDSHIP .

  17. They already tried this with members of the fire department stating they could not volunteer, volunteer is considered an employee and the courts stated they could not stop them. Another lawsuit is coming.

  18. So what is the update on the former Hartford Police academy commander mertes investigation ?
    Sexual related comments made in front of a dozen recruits and one sgt.
    I would not want to be deputy chief Rendock if the rumor is true that he completed zero investigation.
    I thought the city of hartford had a zero tolerance policy on this type of behavior.
    Were the new employees ever even questioned by deputy chief Rendock ?
    What is the status dusty ? Not a bright move to try and downplay a serious incident........

  19. So how is it that mertes making sexual comments around recruits not investigated ?
    A dozen hartford police recruits witnessed her stating to a recruit to ... practice pleasuring himself to improve his shooting skills ..
    Where is the ZERO tolerance for the city of hartford ?
    Is city hall aware that certain high ranking members of hartford police covered it all up ?
    Why is mertes so protected ?
    With all the current media sexual harrassment incidents, it makes a logical person wonder what is really going on in the complex.

  20. Deputy chief Rendock did zero when instructed to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct by Lt mertes towards members of the hartford police department. Fact
    None of the dozen or so hartford police employees ever questioned about the incident. Fact
    Why would the city of hartford allow a deputy chief to decide the fate of pending civil litigations ?
    Maybe its time to FOI the investigative file. It has only been six monthes.
    The new chief is really being handed a raw deal with these gems in the complex. Good luck with those fools .....

  21. I cant believe that Lt Mertes is not even questioned concerning making sexual related comments to hartford police recruits. Why the coverup ?

  22. That new chief has no idea what he is geting handed .......

  23. Maybe some media personnel should ask american idol host foley about the update and or status on the removal of police academy Lt Mertes . I guess the local media does not think sexual harassment by a female supervisor to a dozen new officers is not important. I guess deputy chief dustin rendock can refuse or “ squash” the paperwork.
    Maybe a nice foi judge order to enlighten some in that complex.
    Does the new chief knows the ownership he will take of this coverup investigation?
    And all that mighty outstanding supervisory diversity opinion training. Why were 80 employees punished to suffer because of the sexual remarks stated by Lt Mertes.
    Fear should not cloud ones judgement.
    The ink should be dry by now. Only has half a year.
    I guess those zero tolerance city of hartford policy posters can be used for toliet paper.


  24. Why Double Standards for Christine Mertes
    she has dated many officers in the Police Department
    and now she is not Disciplined ?
    Why Is Mertes protected by Chicken Rendock?


  25. Why Double Standards for Christine Mertes
    she has dated many officers in the Police Department
    and now she is not Disciplined ?
    Why Is Mertes protected by Chicken Rendock?



  27. Go figure ,the City of Hartford has to pay Danny Nolan $423,000 over the next 30 years after he proved that he was wrongfully terminated on some made up,trumped up ,bullshit charges. Get this ,one of the charges was an “anonymous” complaint that he abused recruits while he was in charge of training. No names,no witnesses,no proof ,,nothing! So this time around the City of Hartford has a credible reason to investigate a abuser of power,sexual harasser and thief of taxpayer money in that Lt Mertes is not fulfilling her obligation to her job description AND they do nothing???Someone please explain. Merry Christmas Danny, $14,000 every November for the next 30 years,, I wish they fired me too!

    1. Dan Nolan, like his father, is a class act. And John as well. But you? I know you by your works, as the good book says. You talk of "brotherhood" and claim to "have your back' while you gossip, shit-talk, and demean those "brothers". Many years before I served on the HFD I worked at Aetna in a department consisting of 14 women and 2 men. The women were bitchy, catty,back stabbing, gossip mongerers. But when it came to bitchy viciousness they had nothing on the rank and file of HFD. You sit and judge, all the while whitewashing your own personal failings, which, judging by your anger, are vast. YOU wish you got fired, too? I'm sure plenty of your "brothers" feel the same way. About you, that is.

  28. Some Management within the City of Hartford government does not have accountability. The City of Hartford personnel rules and regulations are guidelines and suggestions. The policies are weapons used to intimidate and terminate employees that do not fall inline with a culture of misguided practices and bad habits that are more self serving to the individual and less beneficial to the city if Hartford.
    Darryl Hill was the unworthy benefactor of a $170 thousand dollar annual salry. During his tenure and substandard management of the the baseball stadium and the Dillon stadium redevelopment. The secret baseball stadium deal was about 60 million dollars over budget and so late that individuals accustomed to "cp time" grew impatient with all the missed deadlines. Darryl Hill was not fired, instead he was allowed the city of Hartford's infamous "gradual transition" exit.

  29. Mr brookman who is this Lt Mertes and what are all these comments about?

  30. Lt Mertes was the former police academy commander. One faithful morning at the hartford police range located at 50 jennings rd she attempted to help a recruit. With two sgts and about a dozen other recruits, she suggested that a recruit could improve his shooting ability by masterbating. FACT
    She was then removed from her postion. FACT
    Deputy Chief Rendock then failed to complete an investigation, possibly related to the friendly relationship between mertes and former assistant chief heavren. POSSIBLE FACT
    No investigation ever completed. FACT
    The city of hartford has strict zero tolerance for any type of sexual remarks.
    Media involvement obviously had no affect. I guess foley has a leash on nbc reporters these days.

  31. Another murder last night in Hartford. Another victim.
    Will 2017 be Hartford's record homicide year?

  32. No, no record this year. Although the numbers are a lot higher than last year, I think we would have to double this years number of homicides to approach breaking the record. The increase in serious crime and homicides can be directly correlated to reduced Police presence on Hartford's streets as a result of failed hiring and liberal soft on crime policies by the Bronin Administration.

  33. Kevin please post my comment,thanks. Hey 9:59 pm , Please explain yourself. You make it crystal clear that you despise gossip,shit-talk,backstabbing,bitching etc. WHY ON GODS EARTH WOULD YOU BE A VOYEUR ON THIS BLOG ? And confusing still is that you participate by posting a few very demeaning sentences. A little hypocritical,don’t you think? I bet your also disgusted with pornography but have to watch every category of it just to make sure!

  34. A voyeur is someone outside looking in. I worked at Aetna before I was on HFD. I've worked with you. I lived in Hartford most of my life. Read entire posts before you comment on them. Oh, and keep doing your best at Making Amerikkka Hate Again.

  35. A voyeur is someone outside looking in. I worked at Aetna before I was on HFD. I've worked with you. I lived in Hartford most of my life. Read entire posts before you comment on them. Oh, and keep doing your best at Making Amerikkka Hate Again.

  36. Exposing how dense you are, I truly believe you work or have worked for HFD. I bet the test was very challenging for you. What’s 2+2,how much does 50lbs of feathers weigh,which ocean is on the east coast ,Atlantic or Pacific? So let me “simplify” my question, If you don’t like gossip,why do you read the posts and/or comments on this blog? It’s almost as hard as a entrance exam question ,isn’t it? Good luck to CVS buying out Aetna, especially if your an example of what their going to inherit regarding employee talent.
