Thursday, January 4, 2018


I don't typically venture much outside Hartford's City limits in my critique of dirty politics, but this one seems pretty clear to me.

A special Election is planned for next week in Bloomfield to elect a replacement State Representative  in the 15th District for the current Stet Rep who was elected locally as the Probate Judge.

The candidate endorsed by the Bloomfield Democratic Town Committee , by his own recent actions , has shown he may not be the right person for the job. and in my opinion  definitely not a proper role model to represent the District, and that says a lot for me coming from Hartford.

Bobby Gibson was supported as the endorsed candidate, beating out long time Bloomfield resident Joseph Suggs. According to sources familiar with the process, Suggs lost out, apparently, because he supported a challenge slate of new politicians that were breaking out of the political mold and promised to bring new ideas to the Bloomfield Town Council. The challenge slate eventually prevailed in the election and dethroned the long time Council.

Apparently Suggs support was not appreciated by the Democratic loyalists who were not thrilled over losing their stranglehold on local power. Suggs reportedly needed to be taught a lesson by his local Democratic Town Committee and was punished for supporting the challenge slate, thus the endorsement of Gibson.

Now typically, the local endorsement pretty much guarantees a win to the endorsed candidate. Unless of course that candidate goes out and gets himself arrested on a DUI charge in the same town he wishes to represent in the Legislature, while driving at almost twice the legal limit. Compound that with the fact that the allegedly intoxicated driver is also a schoolteacher dealing with children and his credibility would normally be called into question under those circumstances.

Add to the top of everything, the allegedly Drunk Driver giving a phony address of residence to Police at the time of his arrest. I can imagine too much alcohol does different things to people, but not remembering where you live, or was it more of an effort to avoid detection of your deeds with an election coming up.

Joe Suggs has served the people of Bloomfield and the State of Connecticut with honor and distinction for years. In 1989 Mr. Suggs was elected as the first African-American  Mayor of Bloomfield and eventually went on to become the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut. All without any questions of his character or allegations of any improprieties. Now that's a role model worthy of representing Bloomfield in the Legislature.

The document below is the information Gibson gave to Police at the time of his arrest, even though he actually lives in Bloomfield . The address he gave is a Hartford rental unit he apparently owns, but is not his residence. And he ran for office previously using his Bloomfield address.

Integrity needs to be restored to our political system. Positions of public trust can not be awarded based on dirty deals and underhanded backroom politics. Actions like this only undermine our Democracy more and do nothing to encourage voters confidence in the system.


  1. Buckshot covers for rodney, just like all the antics of the rangemaster. So at least he covers for guys across the board.
    Is the rangemaster going to make a reserved parking spot for chief rosado or do the non hpd personnel get to keep their “VIP” parking spots inside of hpd property ?
    And the entire dept knows how the rodney thing was leaked anyways .......

    1. Awesome men, the likes of which you could never hope to emulate, men that have 50 years of combined police experience, and another 28 years military volunteer their valuable time to help teach hartford recruits for FREE and you bitch that they have their own parking spots??? I'll tell you something crazy, good sir, you should go down to the tower you giant nutless sack of a coward and tell the rangemaster to take their assigned parking spots down, he might even buy you dinner at Capitol Grill for proving you're not a giant nutless sack of a coward! To answer the question other than staff assigned to the range no paid employee of the department will ever have a parking spot, that includes the Chief. The rangemaster doesn't need "this job" he enjoys it. When it stops being fun he will drive back across the river and fade into forgotteness all while enjoying his pipe and the quiet of home. Until then I suggest you listen to what he's trying to teach you, keep your pistol clean and stay sound in your tactics. I'm pretty sure if you want to voice opinions on how to make the range better you can knock on the tower door and he will be open to suggestions. Hell he might even turn the Marty Robbins down to hear what you're saying. He doesn't want new friends and certainly isn't trying to make any. He just wants to keep guys and girls alive!

  2. Please follow this and if he is elected FOI the DMV and the criminal dispositions for your followers. DMV is allowed to ruin people in this state even when there is not a DUI conviction. Administratively DMV can keep a failed BAC at a .8 or higher (for non cdl drivers) and a .4 or higher (for CDL) for 7 years on the record essentially branding the individual unemployable anywhere after a background check. Its a 55 years brand if there is a DUI conviction. So essentially your entire working years are shot. If he is allowed a different set of standards then others who have lost everything to this process it needs to be front and center. So tired of there being a different set of standards for the politically connected when Obama's crew was caught DUI after a WH party hitting the front gate and the story was reported then died quickly with zero consequences to those involved... and Hilary/Uma classified data =free pass : poor navy sailor chump takes classified picture= bankrupt entire life destroyed loss of all VA benefits despite 11 years and 2 tours. This set of different standards for certain folks needs to stop and the only way is for someone like you Kevin to put it on blast and not let it become a quick back story. The case is already sealed so no doubt a free pass with pub ed job, DMV and the court...and "twice the limit"... where people have had wrecked lives at a .8. This BS is one of the biggest scams in the state because the consequences both financially and life based are not applied consistently.

  3. @12:06 At some point we are going to have to learn to stop expecting perfection from human being. You are 100% right when you stated that there is a different set of standards for our elected officials this a something that we all have come to realize with the last presidential election we had to bear though. Our country was given two candidates that lacked integrity and most of us sat back and chose a side throwing insults and threats back and forth. I truly have not heard about the Obama incident you referenced I will have to do some research and judge for myself. The Clinton email violation you mentioned there is some truth to that as well when you said she received a free pass. But did she really get a free pass? This was one of the main reasons I couldn’t vote for her.

    As for the “Poor Navy Chump” you describe with such dignity. He was 100% wrong as well for taking the pictures and being so reckless with them. Just to be clear I am I am not passing off judgement for taking the pictures. Anyone that spent any time in theater has taken some pictures of the cool stuff they have done with their brothers over there. There is a procedure of getting them cleared and it must be followed for the safety of others. Having a garbage man find these photos in a trash pile can’t happen. He truly got off lucky in actuality the Country got lucky my opinion. The benefits that he lost our just that a benefit not an entitlement. You never stop being a being a solider you just run out of people to fight at some point he knew better.

    If I had to put a number on a bias slant of Kevin stories he post I would have to say 87% of his story are fact based which I think is excellent in the current climate of bloggers. I don’t mean that as a slight in any way Kevin I am not sure if you identify for yourself as a blogger or journalist. Either way you do a great job of keeping Hartford citizens like me informed of the pure non sense that is coming out of 550. That being said you were right in your thoughts in your first sentence there seems to be some dirty politics in Bloomfield and you should focus on Hartford. This is a DUI plain and simple he showed horrible judgement on getting behind the wheel. And we shouldn’t pass judgment on him that is for a judge in a court room to do. You brought up the fact that he is a teacher which is true. One has nothing to do with the other in my personal opinion. Being deceitful about his address to a police officer is the only issue that I see here.

    If you do choose to go past city limits to demand integrity in politics please feel free to start with our President who seem to lack integrity and empathy in a quarter of the things that comes out of his mouth or twitter feed. As a lifelong Republican he is making it harder each day to defend my party. And just so I keep it fair and no one accuses me of being bias. The fact that we have a convicted felon running for governor on the Democrat ticket and no one is saying anything about it. I love reading your post I will often refer people to your blog to get accurate information on Hartford issues. But this story seems to have an agenda behind it to be honest. Either way I probably wasted too much of your time reading this..jking. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year and please keep up the good work keeping us informed on our great city. Be Well!

    1. Who is the convicted felon running for governor??

  4. Joe Ganim from Bridgeport. Kind of hypocritical of Democrats to abandon him after they all touted their “second chance” programs. Joe Ganim did jail time and paid his debt for his corruption, unlike Eddie Perez who just got a slap on the wrist for his felonies

  5. Democrat Joe Ganin looking to be the next Gov car was pulled over the other day by a State Trooper. The car was going almost 100 miles an hour. No ticket was given. Are we surprised? Ganin formerand present Mayor of Bridgeport has served jail time for a variety of crimes. Yet, Bridgeport loves him. In addition former Republican Gov John Rowland has been in and out of jail. He also has a large following. And the political list goes on and on. Corruption is nothing new. Trump is out of control and he was before he became President of the USA. Hilary and former President Bill Clinton are no saints. Hartford, Bloomfield or any place in the USA there is no integrity in the political game. Town Committee's are useless. The system has to change. However, it will never happen. Good luck CHAP you deserve everything Bloomfield Democrats have to offer you. NOTHING!!! Big money talks every one else walks including Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin.

  6. Extra, Extra hear all about Bloomfield Democratic Town Committee shows and supports vengeance toward Joe Snuggs. Hey, Bobby Gibson go for it. You abide by the rules or you will go tumbling.

    1. Here is the truth about where he was ,where he was coming minutes before he was pulled over a voicemail he left on Nov 16th clearly saying everything to me in regards to where he was ,where he was heading minutes before getting pulled over for DUI but yet he has lied to everyone and enough is enough I am tired of the lies. The second link States an altercation Bobby Gibson had with me I am still saddened and upset about what happened to me but I've been silent enough for the last 2+ years of being with this man.

  7. Joe Suggs is a good honorable man. Cannot understand why he would tarnish his good name by putting a (D) next to it. Bloomfield is a one party town. If you don't tow the democrat party line, you will be destroyed. That's how they roll.

  8. Some free political advice for Joe Suggs, smoke a joint, chug a bottle of wine or two and hit the road and get a DUI arrest, maybe strike a pedestrian for good measure and then falsify your arrest documents, you will be a hero with the Bloomfield DTC and a shoe in for any elected position you want in town. Why worry about integrity and honesty and being a role model when you can have a hell of a time doing it the way I suggest?

  9. dennnis house has direct and tough questions for Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim. To me this means that Ganim is not the democratic favored. Dennis rarely ask politician the tough questions. Luke Bronin gets coddled and pat on the back on the Dennis House see me show.

  10. @ January 5 1202 AM

    Sounds like you are some upset jealous turd who failed their quarterly qual and is blaming it on the rangemaster because you were exiled to booking for your own ineptitude in such a perishable life or death skill. The same turd who is complaining about walking an extra 40 feet to fail said qual. Maybe you are looking for a shorter walk of shame to your cruiser gunless to be escorted back to booking. You should befriend the rangemaster and get some tips to get your act together...but hey it's warm inside booking and nobody wants your incompetent ass watching their six out on the street anyway. Better luck next quarter......

  11. 10:40 am I don’t understand why a portion of our society gets so upset and sensitive over Trumps tweets and speeches . WHO CARES ABOUT THAT STUFF!!! Aren’t Trumps actions and results more important than words and tweets???I’m not gonna make a list of his accomplishments in just ONE YEAR! , you’ll have to research that along with the Obama incident. Here’s the way I see it and relate to it ,if I pick a surgeon to cut me open ,I DONT CARE IF HIS SKIN IS ORANGE, HE HAS A HAIR WEAVE,HIS WIFE WEARS HIGH HEELS IN A DISASTER AREA,HIS PANTS ARE TOO HIGH ,HE SHAKES HANDS TOO AGGRESSIVELY,HE SITS WEIRD OR LASTLY, IS OBSESSED WITH TWEETING,,,, JUST DO THE JOB I SELECTED YOU FOR AND GIVE ME POSITIVE RESULTS! To all you Trump haters ,stop embarrassing your gullible selves by reading and reacting to tweets.

  12. Maybe Gibson really lives in Hartford and is lying about living in Bloomfield. Doubt he told cops wrong address it had to be on license or registration.

    1. He does live in Hartford, he uses his parents address that he has on his license and just switched his voter registration last May but prior to that was,a,register voter in Hartford but he does not reside there, also he has been stating he has,a clean slate and never arrested before ALL LIES!!HE has had,a dcf case, been arrested for domestic violence, has been in rehab before for drinking but guess in the world we live none if that matters and is swept under rug

  13. To the incompetent pathetic loser who sits in Booking .
    We know You Failed the Quarterly at the Range.
    You Cry You Baby cause You Hate
    Cavana .
    We Dont Want to hear it.
    Git another Job You Ignant.


  14. Eddie Perez Got a slap on the wrists
    because He is Hispanic. If you are Black or Spanish
    You can do WHATEVER.


  15. Did Anyone
    notice how GG Garcia
    can Barely qualify yet she gets a pass
    from the Rangemaster.Oh how she loves to flirt..

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. She’s not a detective, she’s a lieutenant. She manages Sergeants and does a pretty decent job. You don’t hear many issues, complaints or unrest coming from SID. Seems to be a pretty happy family in her house for the most part.

  17. 12:23am
    I feel pretty comfortable saying no one gets a "pass" from this rangemeaster. Now if you said she got a pass after hitting a tree in Glastonbury in her City Tahoe while 36 and saying she hit a deer, I would probably agree with you on that.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Why would anyone go after LT. Watson and LT. Garcia. Two of the nicest commanders we have in the department. They may not be a Pia or O’Hare when it comes to police work but at least they are not retaliatory and vindictive like Foley, Rovella, Ford, Cicero, and probably some others. But that shot at them is probably coming from someone that has been spoon fed by one of the cancers of this department. I pray LT. Col. Rosado cleans house an gets rid of this immature high-school behavior.

  20. 12:58

    Since you seem knowledgeable on the issue, could you maybe address and help clear up the issue of the ummm, "Dirty Dancing" and expulsion from PERF

  21. Why didn’t you post my comment with Cicero mentioned in it? You can post rumors about people dirty dancing but can’t post the truth about Cicero abusing his wife? You are shameful and I will let everyone know that you are not a real blog. You just write and post about things you don’t care about. Let’s see if everyone continues to give you information under anonymous names. All your contacts in the PD don’t know everything that’s going on so you’re just hurting your own blog.

  22. because your comments are untrue, good enough reason? The comment you tried to post about Lt. Watson wasn't even about her, you had some details correct but the wrong LT. Your info about LT Cicero was totally incorrect. The dirty dancing is true, And my sources are much wider than the Police Department, if you knew me or follow me, you would know that, it would be pretty boring if I just wrote about HPD. And most of my contacts also provide documents or information that can be verified through documents, or the information is verified through at least two independent sources . Maybe you can start your own "real blog" and engage in as much character asassination as you want, but then of course you wouldn't be able to remain ANONYMOUS

  23. Here is the truth about where he was ,where he was coming minutes before he was pulled over a voicemail he left on Nov 16th clearly saying everything to me in regards to where he was ,where he was heading minutes before getting pulled over for DUI but yet he has lied to everyone and enough is enough I am tired of the lies. The second link States an altercation Bobby Gibson had with me I am still saddened and upset about what happened to me but I've been silent enough for the last 2+ years of being with this man.

  24. Mayor Luke Bronin the wolf in sheep's clothing that pretended to cars about the community made his rounds at Parker Memorial Center the Willie Ware Center Sisters restaurant and every other northend cornerstone and never came back shame on the so called black leaders and political leaders for introducing that snake to our community I womt call out names here but they know who they are probably got payoffs behind closed doors luke I promise you this you will not be governor of the state of CT by the time our organization is done with you get ready because you are going to have a war on your hands for stabbing us in the back

  25. Hope you all vote Republican . Stop believing elitist democrat liars who do nothing for the people yet live large like swollen tics off the working class tax payers Voters need to admit they were suckered into a fools game. Democrats have lied to every union and bankrupted towns,cities and the state. Vote everyone of them out for 2018.
