Friday, January 26, 2018


HPD Video of the fatal accident caused by "Second Chancer" Patrick Milner last night

You are probably asking yourself "who is Deidre Gray?". The answer to that is simple. Diedre Gray is the young, 32 year old mother who, as recently as yesterday was enjoying life in the company of her 12 year old son.

That life came to an abrupt and violent end last night a little before 8:00PM. Today, Diedre Gray is in a refrigerated drawer at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiners Office in Farmington after her autopsy, her son is recovering from his injuries after he was released from CCMC.

Dierdre Gray was killed last night by one of the stellar recipients of Connecticut's "Second Chance" society, Patrick Milner, 24 of Hartford.

Milner was driving recklessly in his car, possibly high on heroin or other drugs with stolen guns in his possession at a high rate of speed on Westland Street. He struck Gray's vehicle and killed her in his reckless state and injured her son. The physical injuries to Deidre's son will hopefully heal quickly, the emotional scars of watching his mother die probably never will.

All of this act was perpetrated by a thug who should not be on our streets. Patrick Milner, who was no stranger to HPD had already been arrested on 10/30/2016 for carrying a pistol without a permit and later in 2016 on drug charges. Connecticut's liberal courts gave him a slap on the wrist and put him back on the streets with his "second chance"  to go out and make the world a better place.

He killed Deidre Gray last night with his "second chance". He killed the hopes of Deidre Gray to watch her 12 year old son grow up. He killed the chance of Deidre's son to share his life in the company of a loving, nurturing mother.

People make mistakes and some people actually do deserve a chance to get on the right path after their mistakes. Patrick Milner is not one of them. Especially when you consider that the charges that he faces from last night, minus the vehicular homicide charges which haven't been lodged yet, are almost identical to the original charges from his first arrest which labeled him a convicted felon.

Some people can be rehabilitated, others can not. Patrick Milner appears to be one of the "can not's"

Instead of closing Prisons and claiming that crime is down because of the "second chance" smoke screen, we need to face the fact that some people just should not be on our streets.

Will any of the second chance "supporters" have the nerve to show up at the wake and funeral of Deidre Gray and express their condolences. Will Mike Lawlor or Dan Malloy admit that not everyone can be rehabilitated, or is the carnage on our streets part of the program we just have to accept?

Patrick Milner got his "second chance" and wasted it. How does Deirdre Gray and her family get their second chance?


  1. Did Luke go to the funeral ? During the mayoral campaign he went to a lot of them, I do not see him at them anymore or at the vigil's ...does Luke care or was it merely a campaign ploy?

  2. I am being told by a source familiar with the Bronin campaign that internal polling conducted by Bronin show him a distant third place behind Jonathan Harris and even Susan Bysiewicz. So to answer your question, if Luke thinks it will draw votes for his campaign, I am sure he will be there capitalizing on a tragic death. sadly

  3. do a poll as to whether your readership supports Luke or not...I bet he does lousy with them also.

  4. Mike Lawlor has lost his mind. He believes that young violent offenders can be rehabilitated but guess what Mike some can’t. You would know that if you ever actually went onto the street. But let’s not give that out of touch lifelong politician the full blame. This rotten example
    of a criminal suspect is mainly responsible for his actions and was a street mutt who ruined the quality of life
    of all around him. Now he destroyed a family with his reckless actions. He belongs warehoused away
    from society unless one of his supporters like Mike can spare a room to counsel him.

    Violent criminals deserve nothing except the same treatment they give the rest of society.

  5. The City of Hartford and the CT judicial system is a joke ...TOO MANY RECENT EXAMPLES TO MENTION,BUT TWO STANDOUT FOR ME ,,,Leroy Mims -130 ARRESTS IN HARTFORD ALONE !!!! Robert Pernell just got sentenced for the murder of a woman BUT before that he served little time for shooting a woman in the face AND before that he served little time for stabbing/beating a woman AND before that served little time for raping and beating a woman. KEVIN ,START PROVIDING THE NAMES AND NUMBERS OF THESE JUDGES ,PROSECUTORS,DEFENSE ATTORNEYS AND PAROLE BOARD MEMBERS WHO PUT US AT RISK WITH THEIR LIBERAL BULLSHIT THAT ALLOWS THESE SHITBAG ANIMALS TO LIVE AMONGST US !!WHY SHOULD THEY BE AFFORDED THE LUXURY OF BEING NAMELESS AND UNACCOUNTABLE????

  6. These shitbag animals get a very short time behind bars and are released even earlier. These shitbag animals get a second chance again and again and again


  7. Keep electing Lib-Dems.

    "Keep doin' what you do, you'll keep gettin' what you got"

  8. Any chance this Bozo is related to former Mayor Thirman Milner? Inquiring minds want to know.

  9. How many times have we seen violent criminals end up released by naive judges only for them to commit further violence upon the community. In CT the penalty for carrying without a license is: first offense: up to two years in prison or jail, a fine of up to $500, or both. Now why wasn't he locked up for the full 2yrs? I think we all know why and just wait, because Hartfords out of control crime will creep outside of Hartford. Soon guys like Milner will be committing thier crimes in the suburbs where many of these SA's and judges live. Lets see if they'll be in the mood for a second chance when their communities are targeted.

    1. AS a black male who lives in Hartford I hate to admit I agree with you of these bastards were committing these hawinous crimes in upper wchelon white communities they would be put in front of firing squads not given short prison sentences I don't condone police brutality but if arriving officers would of killed this scum on scene you wouldn't have gotten any complaints from me

  10. LIAMD and this state is overloaded with them!

  11. One of Luke's inner circle confirmed his recent poll and told me that at least Susan B and Ned L placed well ahead of Luke at this point and even Harris beats him

    Luke is unlikeable with a huge sense of entitlement and done very little for the citizens of Hartford...and he does not have the support of the DTC entirely so he cannot go around claiming to have the support of his town committee.

  12. Why not let ATF charge these people with violation of federal gun laws? or is this an "undocumented" concealed carrier situation where the federal laws are like the unenforced immigration laws. Hartford, Sanctuary city for gun crimes.

    1. ATF would but O'Hare and his boys ran them out of Hartford over his petty personal issues. Top brass supported this. Clearly it's more important to spend thousands of C4 than it is to reduce gun crime through federal enforcement.

  13. Can’t wait for poor little rich boy Lucas gets to go home. Try not to sabotage to much for the next mayor, Lucas. Then again he is doing all for his friends and kind so what the hell does he care.Enjoy your nest eggs you self entitled greedy ass phony democraps. Go back to your NIMBY*club meetings and find another cause to embrace. *(Not In My Back Yard)

  14. This is very sad. The first responsibility of our government is to protect it's citizens and the second to provide law and order. The victims family need to sue the state of Connecticut for it's decision to place a dangerous felon back onto the streets without supervision and required security on the streets. If the state wants to risk giving a dangerous person a "second chance" it must provide needed security in the community to protect innocent people. If incarceration is not the plan, then the plan must be to protect innocent people by the actions of the state. More police, cameras, monitoring, whatever it takes to keep innocent people safe.

  15. Not a single Capitol politician or judge or their family was harmed, so what's the problem? The communities they 'serve' see death, but they see success. They possibly don't have the resources, but nothing will change until the victims families uprise and protest at the Capitol in massive numbers, and stay there every day, and get the media along too (except the media are running cover for Malloy and democrats, but a big protest is hard to ignore). Are any community 'leaders' listening, or they are too busy worrying about Trump's tweets?

    Heaven forbid a cop should defend himself and injure a minority, that would be front page news nationwide and cause the NFL to implode.

  16. Further collateral damage is not acceptable. We must pull out immediately before any more innocent lives are lost. Most of us saw this day coming long ago and have pulled out already. Sorry folks, if your politicians won't protect you and will not allow you a means to protect yourselves, it's game over. The criminals have won. Don't blame the cops, they are doing the best they can without support from the spineless ruling political class. The ruling class are all very well protected in their Taj Mahal on Capitol Avenue.

  17. What is the common denominator in all of this? The lying lawyers all make out in the end. They always make sure to get theirs up front. Especially the ones that become politicians. Shame. Wake up America!

  18. Here’s the scariest part ,the liberals in bordering towns towns are welcoming Lying Luke Bronin and hiis grand plan for “REGIONALIZATION” It won’t be long before West Hartford Center,Newington Town Green, Old Main St in Wethersfield LOOK LIKE AN EXTENSION OF ALBANY AVE AND/OR PARK ST ON “HOT” AUGUST NIGHT !!! I can see it now now ,LOITERING,GARBAGE IN THE GUTTER,OPEN DRUG TRANSACTIONS,HOMICDE MEMERIALS (side note to package stores ,STOCK UP ON COURVOISIER,COORS LIGHT AND COLT 45,CANDLES TOO! ) Someone will have to send me a pic though ,BECAUSE I WILL ASSURE YOU THAT MY FAMILY AND I WILL BE LONG GONE . TRUST ME WEST HARTFORD,NEWINGTON AND WETHERSFIELD,,,ITS JUST A MATTER OF A FEW YEARS BEFORE THE ROT FROM HARTFORD RUINS YOUR NICE BUSHEL OF APPLES !!! SLOW BUT SURE,,,SLOW BUT SURE!

  19. Kevin, "Where is Deidre Gray's 2nd chance"? is one of the most powerful editorials you have posted to date. Many empty suites take the easy road and "politrick" with ambiguous recycled one liners from the history of public speaking.

    Kevin, "Where is Deidre Gray's 2nd chance"?

    Thank you!

  20. I feel for the officers and firemen that had to go and deal with this scene and the poor son. Theirs is not a job for most. God Bless them!

  21. OH cut it out with that "liberal" bullshit act. You sound like the asshole Trump trying to discredit a program based on one incident. Having said that, I happen to agree with you that this jerk never deserved leniency. Do you want to play the Wizard of Oz on who can pick the losers from the winners?

    Good, we should hire you, Kevin Brooking, as Hartford's own Wizard of Oz.

  22. 6:23 PM ,, No need for the Wizard of Oz ,,The Scarecrow is more than capable of picking the losers from the winners in Hartford ,,,,AND HE DOES’NT EVEN HAVE A BRAIN !!!! IN FACT , HE’S OVERQUALIFIED!!!

  23. Giving offenders a second chance is a touchy subject, and nobody can agree on the correct answer. Policymakers have to consider complex issues such as the societal impact to jailing youth (i.e. when they are eventually released can they reintegrate and be contributing members of society?), political scwabbling, cost to tax payers of jailing people, the emotional and economic impact to society of recidivism, and many more topics that I didn’t even consider. When something like this happens we tend to revisit the issue and decide whether second chance laws need to go away. Should one jerk like this guy ruin it for the countless other individuals who have reform themselves? Where are the success stories? Are there any? Does this incident prove that no one can be reformed? How do you assess or predict someone’s future behavior? And, if we do decide as a state to eliminate second chances, what will it cost taxpayers to jail these people? And which group will have to take reduced funds from the state in order to pay for more jails? Would state employees be willing to make more concessions in order to make the streets safer? That would be the real test of society’s desire to punish. Would a state agency (i.e. state employee) be willing to take less money and benefits from the state in order to eliminate this law? This is a complex issue Brookman, and if I read your post correctly you oversimplified the solution.

  24. 7:57 AM , It’s less of a burden on society to keep in jail uncivilized individuals who have no desire to rehabilitate. My vehicle insurance is almost unaffordable thanks to criminals who vandalize , steal ,crash and kill others while driving illegally and recklessly. My state and federal taxes are almost unaffordable thanks to the amount of police , public prosecutors,public defenders,correction officers and parole officers that these criminals keep busy. And lastly ,the cost of human life, whether it be death or injury is immeasurable . So for me it’s a no brainer ,keep criminals in jail at least for the maximum of their sentences. We will SAVE money in the long term.

  25. I don't know you. I live in the Northend and I'm guessing you don't.
    For you to attempt to politicize the death if this young woman is reprehensible.
    You, a white man, don't get to advance your political agenda by using this tragedy.
    I find incredibly hypocritical to hear this from the state that gave us John Rowland and Joseph Ganim.

  26. 9:09am

    You need to check your facts. In your haste to turn my posting into a racial matter, I think you are blinded to the actual facts, and yes ,actually, I do live in the Northend. I wasn't aware that white men are not supposed to live North of Capitol Avenue or that when a white man lives north of Capitol Avenue, he is forbidden from commenting on social issues that affect crime in our neighborhoods. Are you condoning Milner's behavior, repeatedly running around our City with illegal guns, or are you OK with the fact that he killed an innocent mother while he was driving like a fool , high on drugs. I don't care what color he is, a person acting like that is a menace to our well being as residents. And it is not a political agenda, it is called knowing the difference between right and wrong and willing to stand up for it. Maybe you can go to the 12 year old child who is burying his mother and explain your position.

  27. Kev, Help me out with this ,PLEASE! I never understood the defense of violent criminal behavior by some based solely on that they share the same skin color. As a white/Caucasion I have no reservation in stating that violent criminals who share my skin color are “A$&HOLES” and should rot in jail !!! Whether it be Timothy McVie,Charles Manson,Ted Bundy Etc. Thankfully they were charged and jailed accordingly,BUT , if they weren’t ,you would never witness me enthusiastically cheering their acquittals as in the OJ Simpson case . AND WHY WOULD THEY WANT THEM FREE TO TERRORIZE THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS !!! Regarding Rowland and Ganim , yea they participated in criminal activity but it’s not the same as vehicular homicide or “putting a cap” in someone! Respectfully Submitted,White With No Guilt

  28. Kev, Help me out with this ,PLEASE! I never understood the defense of violent criminal behavior by some based solely on that they share the same skin color. As a white/Caucasion I have no reservation in stating that violent criminals who share my skin color are “A$&HOLES” and should rot in jail !!! Whether it be Timothy McVie,Charles Manson,Ted Bundy Etc. Thankfully they were charged and jailed accordingly,BUT , if they weren’t ,you would never witness me enthusiastically cheering their acquittals as in the OJ Simpson case . AND WHY WOULD THEY WANT THEM FREE TO TERRORIZE THEIR NEIGHBORHOODS !!! Regarding Rowland and Ganim , yea they participated in criminal activity but it’s not the same as vehicular homicide or “putting a cap” in someone! Respectfully Submitted,White With No Guilt

    1. Because historically White people make up the establishement and weild all the power. Giving breaks to minorities is an attempt to repair 400 years of oppression that started with slavery, indentured servitude, Jim Crowe laws, which was then followed by mass incarceration.
      Clearly no one will give a pass to a mass murderer or psychopath regardless of their skin color, but for lesser offenses reparations come into play.
      Keep in mind that I say all these things in general terms, and I’m not gearing it toward specific offenders/offenses.
