Thursday, January 11, 2018


The first round of campaign filings for the Governor's race are in. It is an interesting list of donors for Hartford's mayor Luke Bronin.

Apparently Bronin will attempt to buy the Governor's Office the same as he did in purchasing the Mayor's Office in Hartford in 2016.

Not surprisingly, very little of Bronin's monetary support is coming from his Hartford constituents, but rather seems to be based in Fairfield County and out of State. Much of his donations are coming from New York City and as far west as San Francisco.

And on the Democratic side, if donations are any indication of viability, things look good for West Hartford's Jonathan Harris who has reportedly raised almost double Bronin's amount. Harris's campaign  reported  raising$232,745 to Bronin's $113,710. Even Susan Bysiewicz's low key exploratory run has out raised Bronin. "Friends of Susan" reported raising  at $140,745.

Middletown's Mayor Dan Drew is a distant third at $91,111.

It makes me wonder where the checkbooks of those "hundred's of people" Luke claimed calling him urging him to get into the race are.

To view the list, click the link below


  1. Drew would be fourth (Harris, Luke and Bysewicz being the first three) - but who's counting?

  2. Sebastian Lombardi and Matt Ritter are best buddies. The Ritter-DiBella-Malloy axis with Waterbury's O'Leary and a possible treaty with Mayor Harp almost guarantees Luke the delegates for line A in a statewide primary.

  3. Check out page 94 of the finance report. A guy arrested for a hate crime in Hartford (and got AR) maxed out to Bronin.

  4. Plenty of $375 contributions. Go for it Liar Luke. You used many hard working Hartford residents. Donald Duck Trump and you are classic political liers.

  5. Interesting facts that on Bronin's finance report Sean Fitzpatrick, 22 Woodland St #6 Hartford,CT (address of the Town and County Club) gave a $375.00 contribution. Fitzpatrick's posted residence is FALSE. Fitzpatrick resides in Simsbury, CT.

    Linda Roth Curator of the Wadsworth Atheneum contributed $750.00. The finance report has it posted twice. 1. $370.00 and 2. $370.00 for Linda Roth Curator of the Wadsworth Atheneum. Who is filing this incorrect information?

  6. Correction: Linda Roth Curator of the Wadsworth Atheneum contributed $750.00 toward Bronin for Gov. The statement was posted twice on the finance report. Is $750.00 over the top? What is the highest amount one can donate?

  7. Just finished the list. I see Sergeant Andrew Rodney bought into failing Luke Bronin for $25.00, being the big spender that he is.
