Friday, March 23, 2018


Hartford's new Police Chief, David Rosado is beginning to make key appointments and changes to his management team.

According to sources familiar with the moves, an Assistant Police Chief will be coming into the HPD as of April 6th from the outside. Sources say the incoming  Assistant Chief is currently a Connecticut State Police Lieutenant, known for his "no nonsense" style of leadership.  He is currently a State Police Troop commander and has dealt with some of the worst cases Connecticut has ever seen, , including the Petit home invasion and murder arrests as well tracking down and arresting the driver responsible for hitting and  killing a Connecticut State Trooper several years ago on I-91 in Enfield.

The position  of Assistant Chief remained vacant for several years under former Chief Rovella.

Others inside of the Hartford Police organization were also considered and offered the Assistant Chief position, but residency requirements requiring them to move into the City proved to be a deal breaker. Maybe it is time we look at that residency requirement and decide whether it helps or hurts the City and its residents.

At least one HPD Lieutenant is on the rise to the rank of Deputy Chief. Lieutenant Sonia Watson is reportedly being promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief as of next Sunday. Lt. Watson is currently in charge of HPD' s Special Investigations Division(SID) . Lt Watson's role in SID will be taken over by current headquarters Lieutenant Rebecca O'Shea. Deputy Chief Watson will oversee HPD Support Services.

Current Deputy Chief Joseph Buyak will be moving into the perfect role for him, Chief of Patrol. Buyak currently oversees the South half of the City, and his move should be a huge morale booster for the Patrol Division. Patrol is often overlooked as other specialized units take the spotlight, but Patrol is the backbone of any Police Organization and even as a Deputy Chief, Even though Chief Buyak has served in many positions throughout his career at HPD I think Chief Buyak's heart has always been in patrol and with the men and women in uniform on our streets .

Deputy Chief Brian Foley will continue to be Foley and serve as the  public voice of HPD and social media specialist. Foley will continue to oversee the Departments investigative divisions also , as he has been doing since his promotion to D/C several years ago. Foley's openness and transparency, under the guidance of former Chief Rovella, has  drawn huge benefits to acceptance by the public in the current climate by many looking at the Police.

Deputy Chief William Long will assume the position of Chief of Operations. There is probably no one currently at HPD more familiar with the departments operational status than Long. Long has been a "behind the scenes " type guy and is probably not known to most people in the public, but not much goes on at HPD without Long's imprint being left on it, from vehicle purchases to operational plans for the Traffic Division events.

Deputy Chief Robert Ford will no longer be in charge of the North Operations. I am told his focus will be on the three member Accreditation Unit.

And finally, Deputy Chief Rendock will remain in  his position as to who knows what , managing I have no idea.

Lieutenant Brandon O'Brien will be transferred to the position of Internal Affairs commander, and the current commander of IAD. LT. Michael Coates will flip-flop into O'Brien's current position  as commander of Vice,Intelligence and Narcotics (VIN).

Chief Rosado will also be implementing a "Coffee with the Chief " program soon. Chief Rosado will be inviting small focus groups to sit down and discuss HPD with members of the community. Rosado promises to buy the coffee,but no word on the availability of donuts. If you are interested, be sure to give the Chief your contact information to be included.

And speaking of promotions, or more appropriately new jobs, which former HPD Chief has been tapped to be the new Director of Security for Hartford's Schools? Just a hint, your first guess will most likely be wrong.


  1. Rendock does a lot here Mr. Brookman. He covers up academy sexual harassment claims. He is the glue on the second floor. He is more usefull then foley these days. The writing is on the wall. Fresh minds for a much needed leadership change. Rosado is off to a good start. I personally think capt thody is the right man for the ac job........

  2. Chief Roberts got the gig. Karma, revenge to all of you haters. Another sack of money for roberts. Say what you want he is living life well these days. So much for buckshot. The cream always rises to the top !!!

  3. 752PM Luckily no one else shared your view of Thody. Hopefully he will be taking his backstabbing skills to East Hartford soon to carry out his plot for the overthrow of their Chief to open a spot for himself

  4. Scott,
    keep wearing that Kevlar, it will hopefully stop the knife when Thody stabs you in the back if you are crazy enough to hire him, even though I hope you do, just to get him out of here

  5. HPD needs a complete and urgent shake up. From top to bottom, the entire department.

  6. Rendock is the backbone of the complex. He also bakes good farewell cakes. Ask buckshot .....


  7. Rendock is famous for making Cakes to give to Bosses
    To suck up and kiss Ass.Rendock made a red velvet Cake
    For Racist Rob Ford which was delicious.Rendock has been
    baking for years to get ahead.

  8. Rosado would be wise to take away any and all oversight of internal affairs matters away from chief Rendock. If the public only knew the deliberate coverups on certain “serious” incidents at HPD. All internal affairs matters should go directly to chief rosado and his new ac. It does lend me optimism based on the credentials both Rosado and his new ac have. No way a Rendock GED can hold water against the new chiefs resume. Buckshot failed to act on plenty of serious internal breakdowns. Rosado has made a great start. Make these chiefs earn their take home SUVs and their 125k a year. The next half year will be interesting. Kind of like a job justification review. chief Harnett did the same thing years ago and it worked well. Clean slate protocol. Buyak will retire as a legend. Long will be a chief when he beats the demon of greed. Foley will have to go out of the state, or east coast to get a job in tv. Ford has reached his ceiling, so i think he will stick around in case. Rendock’s cowardly disgust for certain officers makes me cringe for people like him not making it more then 2 days in a military operation in the middle east. Horrible management techniques he exibits make my assumption correct on why chief heavren never offered dusty a job at trinity college. I guess we are stuck until Rendock learns to handle his Trumbull business dealings more secretly before the word is out. ........

  9. The porkchop email to the rangemaster is just another attempt to beguile his abilities. Any range cancellations must be directed to porkchop for proper deceminations.

  10. Why is Chief Rosado not moving to get this degenerate Lieutenant under control, or is he going to wait for a lawsuit to expose her activities and become a stain on HPD with the embarrassment it will most definitely bring? If her activities are exposed while she was commander of the HPD Academy, I wouldn't be surprised that POST might have something to say about the continued accreditation of the HPD Academy. Chief, act while you can for the good of the future of HPD.

  11. Where is this video i hear exists ?


  12. Htfd Police
    Why Is PORKCHOP Mertes still on the job?
    She should of been fired for her Lewd
    COMMENTS she made in The ACADEMY.
    Will someone please Investigate.
    Now She thinks She can Boss around Cavana.

  13. Aint no video. Smoke and mirrors invades the minds of suttle intelectual gifted few here..

  14. 5:32 clearly you aren't one of the gifted, I think the word you want is "subtle". and don't bet your IQ that the video doesn't exist, just a matter of time before it is launched

  15. Why do these cops cry about other cops? Are they losers?

  16. Rodriguez- Valez to what ?? Are you kidding me?? Wow. Wow. Im honestly speechless that someone on the second floor was completely blindsided to make such an error in judgement to transfer an officer with a weakness of writing into a unit that handles policy. I guess the buckshot round ball fits into the square hole advancement theory is still in effect under the new chief. Its almost laughable that abilities are not taken into consideration and rather the high school drama continues ........

    1. The decision was made by her good friend Ford not the Chief.

  17. Wrong Reno 911......just think about it.
    Safer to have her inside behind a desk rather than out in the field. Genius move.


  19. Thankfully Chief Rosado is packing the chiefs complex with more chiefs, there is not nearly enough of them, the more the merrier. Smh.

  20. Give it some time fellas. Rosado and Medina are going to make some great moves to “Drain the Swamp.” Our policy will be enforced to all ranks now, not just Officers and Detectives anymore. Some might not like it but at the end of the day we can all be able to say we were treated fairly and that favoritism bug that the Rovella Administration created will be gone. Merit will mean something again at HPD. Let’s just take care of each other and do our jobs, the rest will fall into place.
    God Bless Us All.

  21. Will the coffee with the chief be from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? It makes all the difference because if it's Dunkin, forgetaboutit.
