Monday, April 23, 2018


Below is our program from today where  Hyacinth and I spoke with Hartford's Police Chief David Rosado  and his newly appointed Assistant Chief Raphael (Ralph) Medina.

We talked about a variety of subjects including body cameras, staffing, recruitment. quality of life enforcement and more.

Chief Rosado has shown to be very approachable. if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to him or Chief Medina.

There  was a small glitch at the very beginning with still photos of a couple blighted properties, but the conversation starts immediately after that.


  1. They seem pleasant, thanks for posting.

  2. Hopefully rosado puts an end to this long term sick time abusers. If someone is off “sick” or “injured”, I find it enlightening that the person has enough energy to post facebook pics of riding a motorcycle. Especially if its a back injury. This needs to end. Home depot trips, sky diving, and kickboxing are not smart ways to commit larceny.


  3. Christine Mertes === PorkChop always has gone off on Bogus Sick
    Or Injured incidents. I wonder if they will look
    into her fraud Claims of being sick?
    How about the cops who are always late to work/?

  4. The usual suspects are not that hard to figure out. Im sure chief rosado has pulled the abuse stats. Now its time to enforce the simple rules. Show up to work. Show up sober. Show up on time. Etc etc Guys that show up and rarely call out sick should be rewarded. Get rid of the bad apples.
    Though the first feather on the cap will be how the new chief handles the red rock incident. Will chief rosado set a standard or will he continue the buck shot ways of cleaning hpd dirty laundry.
    Mertes hurts no one. She is harmless. He wings are clipped in headquarters. Once the final house cleaning takes place in june, i believe that chief rosado has a fantastic chance to make some positive changes.
    And brookman, your show is kinda lame. Get some better public access theme music or i will tune into reruns of the cosby show.

    1. "Guys that show up and rarely call out sick should be rewarded."

      It's called a paycheck... and Earned Leave. It's in the contract.

    2. No no no....good employees who don't call out sick were penalized in the contract by no longer earning sick time if they were over 1200 hours in their accrued sick bank. Those hours were contractually earned! So the abuse of sick time by the regulars will continue as those under 1200 will still earn 120 hours per year, while good employees who don't call out sick get no additional accrued time! So a shit employee gets an extra 15 days off a year! How is that even remotely appropriate?

  5. Leave that Lt alone. At least she shows up to work. Go attack the 15 or so that fake injuries to avoid work.

  6. I don't know Chief Rosado but I like the fact he gave a shout out on the show to EAP Coordinator, Officer Theresa Velez. About time she was recognized for the time she spends trying to make damaged cops whole again, retired cops feel good about themselves and for caring about everyone's well-being. You rock girl!!

  7. Kozi,

    from what I have seen of Chief Rosado, he seems to have a knack for sizing people up very quickly and developing their strengths. I also think he has a tendency to "praise" in public and correct in "private" , when needed. I think we will see those same tendencies in Assistant Chief Medina.


  8. Chris Mertes continues to talk about when she was a Sniper.. Lie.Liar.
    She als bad mouths our new Chief Rosado and bad mouths the new
    A/C Medina. Will some one please fire her before she says
    disgusting Sex Comments In the Police Academy and was never disciplined by Rendock.
    Mertes is waiting to go off on a new bogus workers Comp Injury.


  9. Leave Mertes alone. We all know she is a blatant Liar,
    but I don't like How she Bad Mouths the Chief and
    Asst chief Medina.Give them a chance before she labels them.
    Mertes loves to boss around Cavana at the Range.

  10. Het Kozi ,THANKS FOR EXPOSING HPD’S EAP OFFICER AS HAVING A BIG MOUTH!! I don’t know your affiliation with HPD but ANY and ALL contact with the EAP coordinator should be strictly confidential!!! YOU or ANYONE else outside the EAP chain should know anything about anything!!! Whether their “damaged” or “retired” or “WHATEVER” !!!! Kozi,even if she didn’t receive ONE call for assistance all of last year ,YOU SHOULDN’T KNOW JACKSHIT ABOUT IT!!! She should do her job and keep her mouth shut . I reached out to HFD’s EAP Officer once outta concern for another brother and almost everyone knew about it within 24hrs!!! The next day I told that EAP coordinator she would be the last person I would reach out to if I were in dire straights.. BOTTOM LINE — EAP officers SHOULD NOT BE ASSOCIATED WITH THOSE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SERVE “ IN CONFIDENCE “,, PERIOD!! Cops and firefighters are notorious gossipers and they assign their own to EAP programs???? This is insanity!!! I don’t know about HPD but SEVERAL HFD EAP coordinators were either “nuts” ,”drunks”,”druggies” or all of the above . This isn’t my version of the truth ,,THIS IS THE TRUTH!!!

    1. Man up and just do your job you p××××.If something you saw at work bothers you go grab a beer after work and shut up.If not then go get a job at Travelers behind a desk.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. You might want to contact EAP and work on some of those issues, sounds like a lot of hatred being held inside

  13. Ok @ 8:46 have zero idea what you are talking about. I cannot speak to the EAP program the HFD has but I can speak to the quality and integrity of the HPD EAP program. I believe we already discussed my "credentials" in a previous post, that I retired from HPD....remember Mr. Capital letters??!! I'm not naming names, I was pointing out who the coordinator was, I named her, Officer Velez, not the officers she is dedicated to serving. There is no secret who the coordinator is.. I was merely confirming what Chief Rosado said, that she does an incredible job. I am sorry about your bad experience but take your ignorance of the program and reading comprehension issues and beat it!!

  14. KOZI, LET ME SIMPLIFY,,,,,,FIREFIGHTERS AND COPS WHO ARE “NOT” FORMALLY TRAINED IN PSYCHOLOGY SHOULD NOT BE ASSIGNED TO THE EAP PROGRAM! Kozi, You really think that a MAJORITY of cops and firefighters want to spill their emotions to a co-worker? You think I’m full of shit about the gossiping? If so ,please refer to 5:39 PM above as an example! It’s not a matter of “outing” Officer Velez ,.. it boils down to this ,,,WHAT ARE OFFICER VELEZ’s QUALIFICATIONS TO BE EAP COORDINATOR??? KOZI,WOULDN’T A CIVILIAN UNAFFILIATED WITH HPD OR HFD BE MORE EFFECTIVE? Also,,I know you didn’t name names ( I’m hoping it’s because you don’t know any of them,,but now I’m suspicious) it’s a matter of YOU BEING INFORMED that she’s in contact with others who assume “THEIR SECRET” is safe with her!

    1. Seems you have a reading comprehension issue or,.low IQ. Either way, sorry if you had issues on the job that weren't addressed but since you are now apparently retired with time on your hands, maybe it's time to go work on your issues and maybe get your HS diploma while you're at it.

  15. First of all it's a "referal" program. 2nd, she has an MA in forensic psychology from John Jay College. What are yours? Hit too many times with a hose??? Velez will be MORE than willing to get you the proper services for your "issues".

  16. Kozi,,, I know how to get you to stop responding! Say “ I SWEAR TO GOD AND ALL THE SOULS OF MY FAMILY THAT I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN INFORMED OF A COPS NAME BY A HPD EAP COORDINATOR OR SOMEONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE EAP COORDINATOR “ . Do you collect pictures and stats on all cops like baseball cards? I’m glad I didn’t work with you ,,,,YOUR TOO NOSY FOR ME !!! Kev and Kozi,, why the waste of taxpayer dollars with a buffer or “ referral specialist “ anyway??? These people get a salary with OT, a vehicle, a phone and office ,,,JUST TO GIVE THEM SOMEONE ELSES NUMBER? Can’t Hartford’s contracted outside EAP source figure out the best way to help an individual by taking their FIRST CALL ??? What a waste of money and lastly Kozi,don’t embarrass yourself by thanking AND recognizing someone for “ THE TIME THEY SPEND” doing the “JOB” they are getting “ PAID” to do !! And I almost forgot this important advice,,if any of you cops need a “forensic psychologist” to help you thru your issue,,lookup Dr.Henry Lee in the Yellow Pages!

  17. You are exhausting! Obviously no one ever gave you a compliment on a job, paid or not, well done. You poor thing. I don't care who it is, everyone likes to be recognized. That was the only intent on my original post but you were too busy ranting to see it. FYI, I just want to let you know that Dr. Henry Lee is a forensic scientist, not a forensic psychologist. Why am I surprised you wouldn't know the difference.

  18. Kozi, Your are spot on about this “poor thing” going a long career without a compliment. Although I think it would sound a little funny to hear someone say to me “ THANKS FOR SPENDING YOUR TIME INSIDE THAT BURNING BUILDING “ . I’m ok with it ,trust me . But Kozi,more important than “ my feelings” ,please respond as to why taxpayers are paying good money for someone to “REFER” co-workers to a established resource that provides ways to contact them???

  19. Kozi, Your are spot on about this “poor thing” going a long career without a compliment. Although I think it would sound a little funny to hear someone say to me “ THANKS FOR SPENDING YOUR TIME INSIDE THAT BURNING BUILDING “ . I’m ok with it ,trust me . But Kozi,more important than “ my feelings” ,please respond as to why taxpayers are paying good money for someone to “REFER” co-workers to a established resource that provides ways to contact them???

  20. Hey kozi.
    T does have a big mouth. Most fellas wont even call her. She does a good job overall. But not so good on the 10-5 stuff. Mike Mathews should be an example for her to reach for. He kept stuff air tight and was very approachable. Just some food for thought since you obviously still think you live in the hpd bubble still .......

    1. Thanks "Anonymous", but nope, not livin' in the HPD bubble any more. Happy to have gotten out when I did. Just a shout out to someone I think does a good job is all. As for Matthews, this proggram has come a long way since those days. I wouldn't want Freddie's death on my conscience

  21. Any hpd drunken chicken wing brawl updates?
    Is that 24 for JT ready yet ?

  22. Thanks 7:26 PM for reaffirming my belief that COPS AND FIREFIGHTERS SHOULD NOT BE COUNSELING THEIR PEERS ! EAP is nothing but a ruse to cover the city’s ass when some shit goes down. HFD had 3 suicides in the last 20 years . DOES ANYONE THINK THAT A EAP COORDINATOR OR A CHIEF OR A UNION REP CAME BY THE FIREHOUSES TO “CONSOLE” US ???? What a joke!


  23. Red Rock bar who will get arrested?

  24. I am still trying to be optimistic about the Rosado administration, I really am. The only substantive change he has put into place so far is his bloated plan of operation which is extremely top heavy, written by someone who is comfortable with big bureaucracy. A posting has been sent out for a small conditions team, 4 officers and a sergeant, but has not been enacted as of yet. The warm weather is upon us and there is already an uptick in shootings, that team needs to be expanded and put into place post haste. Also walk beats, at least for the summer, should be a priority. Anytime there is a new administration there are always growing pains, but the honeymoon is ending quickly. Please do not disappoint us Chief Rosado.
