Friday, May 25, 2018


I am still trying to comprehend how anyone could do this to  defenseless children  A child of 6 weeks  who is now dead.

Just trying to imagine what kind of animal could inflict this damage and pain on a child, broken collar bone, broken ribs, brain injury and eventually death. And maybe the term animal for the parents is too good, even wild animals don't treat their young this way.

And what kind of psychopath can inflict this damage and then go back to bed, as the police report states. I can only hope that every time these two try to sleep and close their eyes that thy will have nightmares including images of little Emily's face as they inflicted their damage and torture /

In this day and age ,there are plenty of options for parents who cant handle a new infant. Seek refuge for the child at any firehouse or Hospital Emergency Room. Abuse and possible death is not a solution.

 The child has since died as a result of the injuries inflicted


On May 25, 2018, at approximately 1255pm Hartford Police Department Patrol Officers responded to the Connecticut Children's Medical Center in response to a report of an infant that suffered serious injuries. It was determined that the infant was approximately six weeks old and sustained severe injuries to include cranial bleeding, severe bruising, rib fractures, and a clavicle fracture. The injuries, to this point, have been described as non-survivable. The listed injuries were classified by medical staff as not being self inflicted. The infant was listed in grave condition and currently continues to receive emergency medical care. Detectives from the HPD Special Investigations Division and the Major Crimes Division responded to the hospital and assumed the investigation.

Detectives from the aforementioned divisions conducted post Miranda interviews of the victims parents, Edwin Babilonia and Ashley Perez. It was determined that the incident occurred at the families residence at approximately 0600 hours on the same date. The location was later processed with the assistance of Detectives from the Crime Scene Division. As the investigation proceeded it was determined the circumstances surrounding the incident were criminal in nature. Probable cause was later developed to charge both Babilonia and Perez in connection to the incident.
Edwin Babilonia and Ashley Perez were both found to be in violation of Risk of Injury to a Minor, and Cruelty to Persons and placed under arrest. The parties were booked and processed for the listed charges at the Hartford Police Department Detention Division and each being held on a $500,000 bond.

At this time the investigation is currently open with additional charges pending.

Arrested #1: Edwin Babilonia (dob 7/7/94) of 173 Ashley Street apt 308, Hartford, CT Charges: Risk of Injury to a Minor, Cruelty to Persons
Arrested #2: Ashley Perez (dob 9/22/97) of 173 Ashley Street apt 308, Hartford, CT Charges: Risk of Injury to a Minor, Cruelty to Persons

ABUSE ARREST by kevinhfd on Scribd


  1. Hopefully they both get put in general population an let the karma take its course sadistic bastards a quick death would be too good for them

  2. Kev, One day I would love for someone to compound what these two shitbags have cost us taxpayers to date ,,,and yes I will assume the following until facts are provided,,,,they were both born on our dime,feed on our dime,”attempted” to educate on our dime,provided housing on our dime,provided health benefits and the birth of their baby on our dime and HERE’S THE SHIT THAT PISSES ME OFF ,,,I WOULD GLADLY SPEND EVERY PENNY OF THAT AND MORE FOR THIS BABY ,IN THE HOPE AND WISH THAT THEY WOULD BE NOTHING LIKE THEIR “mom” and “dad”.......Now its investigate,prosecute and incarcerate ON OUR DIME!!!! Forget illegal immigrants,,,we have our own shitbags born and raised here willing to put Connecticut’s inner cities on the fast track to THIRD WORLD STATUS !!!! AND I DONT WANT TO READ ONE F#%KING COMMENT ABOUT THESE TWO CRYING OUT FOR HELP WITH THE BLOOD OF THEIR OWN BABY ON THEIR HANDS!!!! And just like the asshole that attempted to stab Jill to death these two shits will be on the street sooner than you can imagine. THIS ONE HURTS KEV,,,,

  3. Kev, One day I would love for someone to compound what these two shitbags have cost us taxpayers to date ,,,and yes I will assume the following until facts are provided,,,,they were both born on our dime,feed on our dime,”attempted” to educate on our dime,provided housing on our dime,provided health benefits and the birth of their baby on our dime and HERE’S THE SHIT THAT PISSES ME OFF ,,,I WOULD GLADLY SPEND EVERY PENNY OF THAT AND MORE FOR THIS BABY ,IN THE HOPE AND WISH THAT THEY WOULD BE NOTHING LIKE THEIR “mom” and “dad”.......Now its investigate,prosecute and incarcerate ON OUR DIME!!!! Forget illegal immigrants,,,we have our own shitbags born and raised here willing to put Connecticut’s inner cities on the fast track to THIRD WORLD STATUS !!!! AND I DONT WANT TO READ ONE F#%KING COMMENT ABOUT THESE TWO CRYING OUT FOR HELP WITH THE BLOOD OF THEIR OWN BABY ON THEIR HANDS!!!! And just like the asshole that attempted to stab Jill to death these two shits will be on the street sooner than you can imagine. THIS ONE HURTS KEV,,,,

  4. Kev, One day I would love for someone to compound what these two shitbags have cost us taxpayers to date ,,,and yes I will assume the following until facts are provided,,,,they were both born on our dime,feed on our dime,”attempted” to educate on our dime,provided housing on our dime,provided health benefits and the birth of their baby on our dime and HERE’S THE SHIT THAT PISSES ME OFF ,,,I WOULD GLADLY SPEND EVERY PENNY OF THAT AND MORE FOR THIS BABY ,IN THE HOPE AND WISH THAT THEY WOULD BE NOTHING LIKE THEIR “mom” and “dad”.......Now its investigate,prosecute and incarcerate ON OUR DIME!!!! Forget illegal immigrants,,,we have our own shitbags born and raised here willing to put Connecticut’s inner cities on the fast track to THIRD WORLD STATUS !!!! AND I DONT WANT TO READ ONE F#%KING COMMENT ABOUT THESE TWO CRYING OUT FOR HELP WITH THE BLOOD OF THEIR OWN BABY ON THEIR HANDS!!!! And just like the asshole that attempted to stab Jill to death these two shits will be on the street sooner than you can imagine. THIS ONE HURTS KEV,,,,

  5. One word: eugenics.

  6. My comment is that I find it somewhat puzzling that no one has commented on this yet. The incident report, and the narrative, was very, very hard to take--painful to read. I think people are reading this and then, like me, trying to push the memory of it from their minds. There are no words. There is no forgetting. I grieve for the medical personnel and the police who've been undoubtedly crushed emotionally, mentally, and physically by trying to cope as professionals, but at the same time trying to work through deep sadness and shock.

  7. They should cut his off, and sew hers closed.

  8. Yes, heartbreaking and absolutely no excuse for this kind of treatment of an infant. Hartford continues to make the news for all the wrong reasons. This story and other similar ones have been coming out of Hartford for at least fifty years. My guess is nothing will ever change.
