Tuesday, May 22, 2018


After last weeks vicious assault and stabbing of HPD Officer Jill Kidick, Hartford Firefighters are showing their support for HPD and all first responders.

Traditionally there has always been a rivalry of sorts between Police Officers and Firefighters. That is all put aside at times like this, and Hartford Firefighters came up with a special show of support this week.

The thin Blue Line flag , which is a sign of law enforcement, is now being flown on the back of Hartford Fire Department as a show of support for Law Enforcement. According to HFD Chief Reggie Freeman "We are all brothers and sisters in Public Safety"

The show of support from what I am told, started at Engine 2 on North Main Street and was quickly supported by the Hartford Firefighters Union , who purchased additional flags to outfit the apparatus.

The Thin Blue Line flag on the rear of HFD Engine 1

Wishing a speedy speedy recovery for Officer Jill Kidick


  1. Very nice gesture. Anyone remember when we used to hang American flags on the apparatus and one of our past chiefs ordered us to remove them? It's nice that Freeman allows the members to show some pride!

  2. Kevin, the rivalry really is a sign of that harsh brotherly love. We bust balls and make fun of each other. Once on a while something does come up but it's rare. Dont get it confused. I treat any Firefighter I toss in my back seat like any other s.o.b. Oops did it again. Lol Love my brothers and sisters of the FD.

  3. Speedy recovery Officer Kidick from your brothers and sisters at HFD.

  4. Only a matter of time before some BLM activist or one of John Selders people complains about the thin blue line flag and Lying Liberal Luke orders them removed. Very nice gesture by HFD.

  5. Nice gesture but police should really come up with another flag design that’s not so openly disrespectful. Altering the American flag is not the way to show support and in any other context most people would have a problem with it. I support police but will never support that flag.

  6. Hey Kev, Word on the street/in the hood is Eminem and Jay Z had a squabble at Hartford’s Safety Complex HFD side ,,,,you know anything????

    1. Who is Eminem and Jay Z??

    2. Aarvah Quinones gets arrested for beating her kid and now she is an FMO LT. WTF is going on at HFD!! Did i forget to mention her false accusations against members of the TACT UNIT several years ago!! Bad behavior pays off in the HFD!!!

    3. Just like the other piece of crap FMO LT. It took her 6 times to pass the test. She also demands to be called Lieutenant everywhere she stands. I have news for you LT. If you have to demand people to call you Lieutenant then your not in charge and in your case will never be.Do us a favor and retire so you can take care of your coke snorting retired HFD husband.By the way Lieutenant why dont you tell the HFD where you concieved your kids while you were married to your husband and your now husband was also married.You keep giving the Firefighters lip when you respond to calls I will tell everyone where you and your present husband were having sex during work hours on taxpayer money.Did i mention You were also trying to ask our quarter master for extra uniforms for your retired husband so he could use them at the airport where he currently works. Hartford Fire Department does not even issue enough uniforms but here you have a Fire Marshal Lieutenant trying to get free uniforms to take home to her rerired HFD husband. That is pathetic. I think both of you make enough money to afford uniforms for your husbands job. His uniforms should still be new he never came to work and never did anything while he was at E-16 . He would not even shave . Thats how lazy he was.

  7. Eminem is the white guy and Jay Z is the black guy

  8. Hey Kevin,

    Remember the old "Andy Griffith" Show when Andy and Aunt Bee went to Hollywood to film a movie called "Sheriff Without a Gun", I hear a remake is in the works called "Deputy Chief Without a Gun" and it will be based in Hartford. Any thoughts?

  9. Eminem and Jay Z
    Would that be Reilly or Barco ?
