Sunday, July 1, 2018


Several readers have called me, somewhat surprised, by the lack of blog comments recently.

I have not done anything different or removed comments. After further checking, it is a change of the terms of service for "Blogger", the service that hosts this blog.

In the past, comments were immediately sent to my e-mail when they were submitted for me to review and post them. Very rarely would I not allow a comment to be published.

In checking the "Blogger" dashboard today, I found almost a months worth of comments awaiting moderation and approval..

This makes the comments a bit more cumbersome for me to post, but comments and still permitted and welcomed. If anyone knows a way around this or if it is possible to change the settings, please feel free to let me know.

Sorry for any misunderstanding.


  1. Excuses. Excuses. More of the political postering with the new adminstration.

  2. I will. Did that get published???

  3. No more BJ Foley, no more inside information. You’re blog is dead, just like that gender discriminating loser Foley’s career at FOX... Karma is REAL!!

  4. Foley is disgusting with his “Death Penalty” comments regarding pool hopping. He’s a complete embarrassment and FOX61 now sucks. HPD is a much better place with him gone. The question Foley had a FOX61 reporter ask Chief Rosado on live tv at the press conference was completely out of line and really insulting to the family, community, city, and HPD. Keep up the good work Foley, and love how the reporter threw you under the bus without even being pressured hahahaha!!!
    You Foley, will be the cancer and downfall of FOX61.

  5. Yah brookman. Your buddy foley the manipulator and town cryer is gone. 100 percent of the dept is glad his is gone. His antics will not help him in the cilivilan world. Buckshot made a big mistake with this fool. Fox 61 will fire him within a year. He is a snake and is not a cop anymore. No more power brian. Enjoy life away from hpd. You disgust me.


  6. Brian Foley known as SpongeBob Foley in HPD we are
    all so glad he is gone. Foley Pulled so many antics dancing on a a bar in Rocky Hill Ct
    that you never published Brookman.Foley talked about everyone he was such a little man.
    He even knocked you Kevin behind your back.

  7. Foley is trying to run his juvenile game with the new chief. Way to go brian. Like a spoiled child who wants more candy. Is it not enough that you are not in prison for the crap u pulled. The bar incident itself speaks high of your character. Im shocked fox 61 did not do a google search on you. But its only a matter of time before big corporate big wigs erase you. Your disdain for the department that gave you everything to you . You need help. Hopefully you stop attacking a good man who deserves a fair chance to fix this hot mess.
    Im sure there was about three people at your retirement party.


  8. Correction Only one person went To SpongeBob Foley's
    Retirement party.The party was held in a phone booth the last one on Main street.
    Brian Foley even broke down crying at his little party.

  9. Paul.....all your grandstanding with Foley is going to be your one way ticket out of MCD!!! You disclosed pertinent information to both homicides that should NOT have been disclosed to the media.
