Wednesday, September 19, 2018



At least one City of Hartford employee may be taking the recent seminars held by Councilwoman Wildalis Bermudez on starting your own Marijuana business a little too literally.

 Elon Trader, a City of Hartford DPW employee was arrested this afternoon after  his Main Street apartment was found on fire and  his marijuana grow operation ignited . The fire is believed to have been caused by electric grow lights and heaters used in the operation.

The investigation into the operation is ongoing by the Hartford Police Department, the Connecticut State Police and the DEA.

Hartford Fire Department members who battled the fire in the apartment were reported to be very relaxed for the rest of the evening and were indulging in large quantities of potato chips and other munchie type snacks. Any random drug testing scheduled has been put on hold temporarily


  1. No worries Mr. DPW worker. CT will nolle, give probation or suspend whatever charges you face.

  2. And probably give him a State grant to expand his business

  3. Marijuana is legal so?!!!

  4. Nine dispensaries in CT none of them minority owned so yea we need a business that caters to us as well without discrimination


  6. What's the big deal? I thought you wanted the city workforce to mirror the make up of the city.

  7. I predict that one administration soon the city of Hartford will have a mayor sporting A TEAR DROP TATTOO ! I thought Reggie Freeman kept his boys in DPW in check ,,guess I was wrong. Those DPW boys are busy,,,,,,stealing oil from the yard/running a drug factory etc.. IF WE COULD ONLY GET THEM TO USE THEIR GENIUS AND ENERGY TO PICK UP THE F#&KING GARBAGE!!!!! Kevin,,,WHEN ARE THEY GONNA CLOSE THIS SHITHOLE FULL OF SHITBAGS AND “ OUTSOURCE” ?????? Please respond!

  8. As a retired Htfd FF that last paragraph had me LMFAO

  9. @11:44 a.m. None of them are minority-owned. Could that be because you have to pay more than a grand to apply for a license/permit (and it's non-refundable if you're refused), and then you need, oh, hundreds of thousands of dollars to "own" the business. How many people do you know--minority or otherwise--who have that kind of money?

  10. 4:12 PM ,,,Connecticut allocates 3 BILLION taxpayer dollars to fund Social Services which in turn hands out the majority of that money to Connecticut’s “minorities” ,,,,,here’s a novel idea ,,,why don’t “you people” ( I’m expecting to be labeled a racist so I might as well pose as one) pool your money together to “own” a despensary or in this case DESPENSARIES!!! By the way,,How ironic is it that Social Services will someday handout free weed to freeloaders ? So you keep “ CRYING ME A RIVER” with being downtrodden and “WE’LL” KEEP FUNNELING OUR HARD EARNED TAX MONEY INTO “YOUR” Social Service Fund. 4:12 PM You must not be from around here,,,, Please Google James Duckett who received over $500,000 of taxpayer money to build a soccer stadium in Hartford ,he was selected because he is black and made up some bullshit about being a business man ,maybe he was ?? He dressed like a pimp,aren’t pimps businessmen??The only thing he physically had to show for the $500,000 he was entrusted with was his $120,000 Range Rover,,, 4:12 PM NICE TRY BUT “YOU” HAVE MORE OPPORTUNITIES THAN YOU WANT “US” TO BELIEVE....

    1. Did you really type most of the social services money that gets distributed in the state of CT goes to people of color? Either your drunk high an idiot or truly misinformed because that is a total lie. The biggest recipient of welfare in this country are white female single mothers any idiot with wifi An a cellphone can easily look that up

  11. You must be from the HFD Phoenix Society ,, you people have been GROUPING HIspanics in with Caucasians for decades so that NUMERICALLY you “APPEAR” to be more of a minority than what is truth,,,AM I RIGHT?????? NICE TRY BUT “YOU” HAVE MORE OPPURTUNITIES” THAN YOU WANT “US” TO BELIEVE ....

    1. Only the federal census can group or categorize people sad part is if your a cop it's scary if your a fireman I'm not surprised by your stupidity either you trumpers are the biggest cry babies this side of the mason Dixie

  12. 6:03PM That is Mason Dixon genius, not Dixie

  13. Oohhhhh the Grammar Nazis have arrived smh

  14. 6:03 PM ,,,, ARE YOU TELLING ME AND EXPECTING ME TO BELIEVE THAT THE “FEDS” ARE COUNTING THE “ILLEGAL IMMAGRANTS” ON THE LIST OF THOSE RECEIVING BENEFITS ???? Bronin loves to BOAST having 20,000 illegals living in Hartford ,,,LIKE THATS A GOOD THING!!!! Bronin even admits they live in the shadows and Hartford is committed to making it EASIER FOR THEM TO RECEIVE OUR HARD EARNED TAX MONEY AND THRIVE IN HARTFORD,,,6:03 PM ,,DO YOU REMEMBER THE “TAXPAYER FUNDED IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM” HELD IN HARTFORD LIBRARY???? I DO !!! 6:03 PM ,Just think, Hartford is just ONE city in the nation NOT COUNTING MINORITIES RECEIVING BENEFITS ,,,,How many in Connecticut alone ,,,Waterbury,Bridgeport ,New Haven,Etc,,,6:03 PM GUESS I’M NOT AS STUPID AS “YOU PEOPLE” THINK !!! Someone please enlighten me ,,,,DO THE FEDS NOW HAVE A HANDLE ON HOW MANY MINORITIES LIVE HERE AND RECEIVE BENEFITS?????

  15. Brookman ,Did you shut down comments on this topic ?? Hard to believe idiots like 6:03 PM or any other dummy wanna be spin meister didn’t have any idiotic response to comment at 11:00 AM

  16. No, you clearly were able to post your comment

  17. 3:52 the only idiots on this post are you An the nutjob typing in all caps. The Hartford Courant just released an article showing all the immigrants that came to Hartford legally An were sworn in for citizenship. A damn good read I might add an yea most of those immigrants do deserve benefits An assistance because they work harder than the entitled snowflake trumpers that cry on this blog all day and on city time I might add. Stay tuned cause agent orange will be getting escorted from the White House in handcuffs soon enough ya guy Kavanaugh is already on the chopping block no Supreme Court seat for him the ancient spirits of the washitaw Cherokee An apache have spoken the jig is up party over

  18. 4;22 PM , ,YOU USE THE HARTFORD COURANT AS A LEGITIMATE SOURCE FOR INFORMATION ??????? If YOU ,,I,,and 3:52 PM were on “To Tell The Truth” and at the end when they ask “ Will the real idiot please stand up” ,,, 4:22 PM THAY WOULD BE YOU !!!! 4:22 PM,,,Do you watch and depend on “ Inside Edition” as providing the “ EVENING NEWS” TOO ???? 4:22 PM , I just found out YOU can use your EBT card at Ct’s Farmers markets ,a place I can’t afford,so TRY TO BE A LITTLE MORE GRATEFUL ! Ct is screwed ,,,, we go from handing out blocks of cheese to handing out “ organic small batch “ GOAT CHEESE !!!! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP !!!

  19. There was no fire he forgot a pan on his stove and it set off smoke alarm.
