Wednesday, October 31, 2018


The Buses arrive at Cavanna Farms

Pal kids ready to go for the hayride

Good things are going on between the Hartford Police Department and mentoring programs for Hartford Youth.

 One of those programs is the Hartford PAL program. PAL, or Police Activities League. The PAL program was rejuvenated under former Police Chief James Rovella and now delivers results daily for Hartford's kids. The program is run out of a former school on Edwards Street and accommodates dozens of Hartford children on a daily basis.

 Through the cooperation of various organizations including Aetna and the Charter Oak Cultural Center after school program are run from sports to music programs for the kids. Retired HPD Detective and current Aetna executive Peter Getz also plays a large role in the success of the program.

Monday night , Cavanna Farm in South Glastonbury , Sergeant John Cavanna of HPD and the Cavanna family hosted a "Haunted Hayride" for the PAL kids. About 120 Hartford kids enjoyed a night in the country. Two buses loaded with kids arrived and the kids were given a Pizza Party, and Halloween treats before taking turns loading onto the haywagon and going for a ride through the "haunted woods" of South Glastonbury. Even recruits form the current HPD class got into the event, staging Halloween fright along the ride.

The bonfire warmed the chilly night air

The Cavanna's also host a winter hayride for the PAL kids at Christmas time with a hayride throughout the down town area and business donations provide gifts for the children and a buffet meal for everyone attending.

Upon returning to the beginning of the ride, the children enjoyed a huge bonfire attended to by the Glastonbury Fire Department and warming the chilly night. It was a great night and it was obvious that PAL is going in the right direction. I was very pleased to see the social skills of the kids , and it was nice to hear them addressing the adults with "sir or maam" anytime they asked a question.

The positive impact of positive role models, Maybe it is time to expand  the program.

 You can check out the PAL website here

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