Wednesday, October 31, 2018


As the polls continue to tighten, what was supposed to be a slam dunk for Ned Lamont's open checkbook may be a little less certain.

It was good to see an appearance by Joe Biden stumping for Lamont, even if it was only to see someone with a personality and some charisma on the campaign stage. But was it too little too late? Can a visit from Barack Obama be far behind for a last ditch effort, and where is Hillary?

Biden's appearance also made me wonder about the "what if?" factor. What if the DNC and the Democrats actually had run a real competition for the Presidential nomination instead of shoving the Coronation of Hilary Clinton down our throats and pushing Biden out of the way in 2015. I wonder what the outcome would have been with a much lees flawed candidate running , Biden vs Trump, would it have made a difference?

But then again, what would Democrats run on if they couldn't tie everything back to President Trump in one way or another, as their television ads clearly show

This campaign goes more into the gutter everyday as the race tightens, but somethings should be off limits. Invoking the Newtown tragedy to try to get votes is despicable, as Lamont did this past weekend.

Going back to Hillary, will the Democrat's ever admit that running two flawed candidates against each other put Donald Trump into office?

It is kind of sad that in our nation, many voters go to the polls on election day holding their noses and voting for the candidate that "stinks" the least. We did it in 2016 and we will do it again next week and then suffer the consequences for the next four years. Especially as long as we allow candidates with deep pockets to buy their offices and force out the decent candidates who are pushed to the side because they won't play the money game or are unwilling to sell their souls for the next rung on their personal political ladders

Our system is broke, and until we step up and fix it, this is what we get

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