Wednesday, October 17, 2018


HPD terminates Officer Stephen Stephen Barone;

Chief Rosado's statement:

Today, Chief David Rosado terminated the employment of Officer Stephen Barone after the completion of internal investigations and a formal hearing process regarding charges related to his interaction with a group of young people in August 2018 and his supervision of a traffic incident in July 2018. 


“Our success as a police department depends on our relationship with the community we serve,” said Chief Rosado.  “Every day, the men and women of the Hartford Police Department are out doing good police work with professionalism and respect, and this officer’s conduct does not reflect the values of our agency.  I did not make this decision lightly.  We hold ourselves to high standards, and when we fall short, we take responsibility for it.  After reviewing the findings related to these two incidents, it’s clear to me that there’s no scenario in which Mr. Barone can return to his duties as a productive member of the Hartford Police Department.  As a department, we are committed to building and rebuilding a strong relationship with residents across our city based on mutual respect, accountability, transparency, and a shared desire to live in a strong Hartford.” 
End of HPD statement

I will be posting more on this later today


  1. That’s just plain wrong. Who in their right mind would want to work in a city that consistently ranks high in the nations most violent cities knowing that if your proactive and actually try to reduce crime and arrest criminals and do something like this the city will cave to political correctness and not only throw you to the wolves......but TERMINATE you as well. I’d go work for Walmart loss prevention before I ever even considered a place like Hartford PD. I’m a police SUPPORTER and good luck to the brave men and women of HPD. When Barone wins this lawsuit he very well may bankrupt the city.

  2. Barone was not very smart saying what he said. Bragging about making twice his base salary in OT was not very smart either. Did he not think what he was saying could be recorded? Hope he saved that OT money.

  3. Good Riddance hopes this lets all these cowboys from the Burbs know your old school BS an tactics of terrorizing our citizens will no longer be tolerated

  4. Well Kev,,, Here’s another example of your ALL IN/FULL SUPPORT of a UNTESTED/INEXPERIENCED Chief ,,,,,,how can any cop in Hartford find the motivation to be “ A COP” with this shitbag at the helm???? Shame on Rosado for not utilizing the balls he was born with!!! If he caved into political pressure this soon after his appointment there is NO WAY HE CAN MOVE FORWARD AS A EFFECTIVE LEADER!!! Kev, next time give it a few months before devoting your allegiance to someone you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.

    1. 756pm
      The only motivation for Hartford cops is to kill time sitting in the cruiser until shift is over.

  5. 7:56PM

    You clearly know nothing about what Chief Rosado did initially. Because of Chief Rosado, termination was "off the table" as a solution to a bad situation was hopefully worked out. Chief Rosado stood his ground as a difficult situation was resolved , or so it was thought, with a less than perfect solution, but at least Barone would keep his job. This was accomplished as a result of a lot of arm twisting so that it wouldn't be political. When it was time to sign off on the agreement, Barone on the advice of his Union and the Union's attorneys blew the agreement up and backed Chief Rosado into the corner he dealt with today. Barone's termination was his own doing, both as a result of his flippant remarks initially and his backing out of the solution that was worked out to resolve the situation. If he had sat down with the community and explained his actions as he had originally agreed, he would still be employed today and rebuilding his reputation with the community, but apparently the remorse he expressed initially was just a façade.

  6. If Barone walked away from an agreement that would have saved his job, he really is stupid. Where does he think he will get a similar job with your base salary in OT. Was he due for a 129K pension?

    1. I would imagine with just over 10 years on he wouldn’t be due any pension.

  7. Well Kev, You need more HELP than I thought!!! He needed to sit down with the “COMMUNITY” ???? What COMMUNITY ??? HPD mostly serves the very same type people he spoke “FLIPPANTLY” to while waiting for backup. Outside of your “ little” community you converse with at meetings have you ever had LISTENED to the inhabitants of Hartford??? They can’t put a lucid sentence together even though we spend triple educating them. Your stuck in the bubble with fake pastors,fake chiefs,fake politicians ,fake leaders and now you deliver FAKE NEWS TO YOUR VISITORS ON THIS BLOG..... Please look up verbal judo ,,,this “fake” incident was nothing more than that. And please break out of that bubble!!!!

  8. Barone's actions that day were wrong. However, Barone is a good man and a good police officer who has made a mistake. Letting him go is way too harsh!

  9. This termination does not only affect Hartford but the rest of the country. He used no excessive force, all he made was a statement. There are sergeants that have said far worse (racist) statements and still have their jobs and stripes. Don't forget some officers that have used excessive force (on and off duty) and have been sued that got to keep their jobs. This administration should've stood with the department against the corrupt and criminal city council. Now they lost the officers respect and are now city councils little puppets. If only they looked back onto there days working on a police department and rosado working with Hartford Police in the 90s he/they would know far worst things said to people to make them stop running and gain the respect of some of the worst criminals in america, something general public knows nothing about. The murder's and shooter's attorneys probably cant wait for the body cameras now, they turn any statement into an offensive statement. The best part is the union has advised the members of nothing, not even a follow up email to the chief.

  10. Yes. Where is the union ? Maybe the blue team was right all along. The lack of union support vexes me.

  11. Hartford of the most violent cities in the nation, Democrat ran of course, where you can lose your job for verbal judo. Yet another nice distinction. Hartford continues to fail miserably.

  12. This is going to have long time rippling effects throughout HPD. You thought the “Ferguson effect” was bad, the “Barone effect” is going to be far worse for Hartford. Criminals and crime win- cops and law enforcement lose. Any proactive enforcement that was occurring will cease and desist. Do not think for one second Hartford criminals have not been watching this closely, and they will use this to their advantage to the fullest. Good thing summer is over.

  13. The statements made by Sergeant Barone were stupid and never should have been made. To tell criminals that he was trigger happy and would make a lot of OT for possibly shooting someone was over the top.


    There was no physical abuse, no hands on activity and the commentary while unwise was meant to keep criminals off balance while waiting for backup.That's a daily tactic used by police officers everywhere and if that is not accepted officers should answer calls from the department. He was demoted and should have been suspended on the spot instead of having this incident drag out and cause harm to HPD's reputation and to the men and women of the department who contend with criminals every day. Verbal judo gone wrong. Or classified as such by spineless politicians who never will back the officers. Let them try to do the job. They would last about one shift.

    Chief Rosado made his decision and will have to live with it. The inevitable lawsuit will come and maybe police officers in Hartford will have to answer the question of just how they talk to crooks on the street to keep them off balance.

    Officers should follow the advice of former officer Thomas Goodrow, an outstanding officer. His direction in the Academy went something like this. "Start every street encounter like a lamb cause you may have to turn into a lion" based on every situation that is different. We laughed at first and when once put into practice saw worked well. And no one got into trouble. Can't be done for every time and most crooks, gang members and career criminals view kindness and polite talk for weakness. That's what they look for in police officers--Its their job.

  14. Funny everyone keeps saying verbal judo thats not the type of verbal tactics LT Manson taught us in the academy Barone stupid actions an words finally caught up with him an instead of humbling himself he told the Community F U well good riddance guy

  15. Christopher Lyons retired HPDOctober 18, 2018 at 7:54 PM

    Hey Anonymous 5:14

    Criminals judge all officers in every street interaction. That is their job and it is a way that they can measure an officer's resilience and desire to do the job. Officers who back down or act in a way that is less than forceful on the street will have a career of crooks thinking they can intimidate him/her. And this makes it tough for officers that follow. Once an officer is deemed to be someone who backs down that info is transferred on the street intelligence network. Street and drug gangs are especially good at this information dissemination as both types of organizations have individuals that are assigned to observe and report. Officers must always be aware that everything they say and do are watched. Officers need to be in control of street situations by the way they talk, act and from the decisions they make. Perceived weakness is always bad and the public in general look for police officers to protect them and to make the criminals think twice about engaging in their activity.

    As for Sergeant Barone, what he said was unfortunate and not something he should have done. His demotion was sufficient punishment.

    Funny you are anonymous when making your commentary, that's a shame. Remember your good riddance comment if you ever get into a jam--it might apply to you.

    1. No won’t apply to the commenter. We know the guys like this, they make a career of beating the system and no real police work or crime fighting. That being said, they won’t get into a jam. Now-a-days, under leadership like Bronin, those are the smart one.

    2. Chris your a dinosaur your old school ways don't work anymore sorry stay retired an go away or put the badge back on an come back let's see how long you last in to days world of social media policing

  16. Threatening to commit murder for a drinking/trespassing offense is so ridiculous, it shows the street you are in way over your head.

  17. So Barone unwilling to put on a dog and pony show for the clueless "community" cost him his job?! What a f*&!ing joke. Rosado didn't have to fire him just because he didn't agree to that political bullshit. Well I guess when you have spent your career hiding behind a desk like Rosado did maybe it makes sense. President Szewczyk it is time to earn your stipend. Maybe some protests in front of the PD with the full media brigade present is a start.

    1. If youre that upset at Barone getting fired then join him or go on strike dont worry We The Community will police ourselves we dont need cowards like you here an Rosado is heaven sebt i salute him every morning after i get suited an booted

  18. The Courant Editorial decided, as expected, that Hartford has the right to fire ‘Trigger Happy’ Cop.
    Wake up, elite members of the Courant, get out of your comfortable offices, visit Hartford streets, face the reality.
    Or just forget about it, anyway your paper has been irrelevant for a long time already.

  19. This was a good move by the HPD boss. In any large organization, the cultural tone starts at the top. For decades the HPD culture held the average resident in contempt to say the least. And Rosado has put everyone in HPD on notice that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. I am glad to see the UNION actually for once stand with the citizens and the Chief because Barone's actions are simply inexcusable. Barone has himself to blame. On the bright side for Barone, the CT security guard job market has been red hot. I am sure he can do well there.

    1. Anonymous at 12:45 PM: This was a POLITICAL move by the HPD boss.
      Not good, not a good move.

  20. 12:45PM where did you see the Union is standing with the residents and supporting the Chief? The Union pushed Barone not to accept the deal offered for discipline by HPD , resulting in his termination,and is also paying for his attorney's to fight the termination., I guess we have different meanings of "standing with the citizens"

  21. @2:31pm
    Thats exactly my point. By pushing Barone into not accepting the community mediation, they (union) pretty much sided with the taxpayers and the Chief. Look, his best course of action would of been accepting and participating in the deal (even if he didn't want it). He would of certainly been demoted and never see the inside of a police car again but he would of had a job. Plan B (which is the plan he ultimately chose) would of been to fight and roll the dice. And he lost. Maybe the union miscalculated or maybe they tricked him, I don't know. What I do know is his conduct was awful and he not only embarrassed himself but embarrassed HPD.

  22. Barone's prior incidents will not allow him to return. He should have take door number one.
    bad advice from the union guys.
    what is next for his former crew members?

  23. The Chief was WRONG in demoting and firing of Barone. Need to relieve the Chief and find a better one. The Police Union did a bad job at representing Barone too. You have too many liberals involved and should not have to explain to a suspect why you ask them their name. The whole situation was handled wrong. The City of Hartford should be sued by the Police Union. Several persons at the Hartford Police need to be demoted over this incident. The Chief can't even handle the City Mayor regarding how to supervise and manage the Police Department. Time to find a new Mayor and Chief.
