Friday, October 26, 2018


Congratulations to newly promoted Captain Gabe Laureano for organizing and supervising a very successful operation and a Thank You to all officers nd agencies involved

FROM HPD   ",On Thursday October 25, 2018, various uniformed and plain clothes divisions within the Hartford Police Department collaborated in a Quality of Life and Motor Vehicle enhancement  detail, in the City’s North East and North West Districts, including a DUI check point by the traffic Division at 1800 Main Street.  Approximately (45) members of the department participated, including command staff , detectives and supervisors.  Utilizing the latest crime date available, direct and targeted enforcement was conducted. Due to the enhanced police presence, we were able to offer a quicker and larger response to priority calls.

The enhancement detail resulted in: 134 M/V stops, 19 Summons, 26 infractions, 39 verbal warnings, 50 written warnings, 7 DUI arrests, 36 outstanding warrants served, 24 Field interviews, and countless positive interactions.

Contraband seized: 3 grams of crack cocaine, 14 bags of heroin, 1 vial of MDMA, 1.2 oz. of marijuana and $248.00 od suspected drug proceeds.

We, along with our community partners are committed to making Hartford a safer City. We will continue to send a message to those who have no regard for their fellow citizens and choose to follow a path of crime. We are pleased with the results of the detail, and are very much looking forward to additional details being conducted throughout the upcoming months. "


  1. Sorry HPD ,too little too late . Decades of looking the other way while Hartford’s inhabitants ruled the streets with their motor vehicles ,quads and dirt bikes is BEYOND CONTROL!!!! I don’t care how many “ intermittent/temporary” checkpoints or special units you form it will take a “every f#&king day” effort to regain order. No lie ,,I was on HFD for over 20 years and never witnessed ONE FIELD SOBRIETY TEST AT ANY OF THE “HUNDREDS” OF ACCIDENTS I RESPONDED TO ,,,NOT ONE!!! Hey brothers on HFD PLEASE tell me things have changed concerning MVA’s with OBVIOUS DUI’s behind the wheel. ,,,,Jesus Christ ,PLEASE STOP SHOVING THESE MEANACES ON THE ROAD INTO AMBULANCES TO AVOID DOING PAPERWORK !!!! Sorry again for dumping on you in HPD but my family and friends have obligations that force them to drive in that shithole,,,,I’m assuming you friends and family do too.

  2. give them a little credit. The problems at HPD and across our City didn't start overnight and they are not going to be fixed overnight. This should at least show that HPD is making the effort to set the tone and begin changing the lawlessness. Those numbers for one night is what used to be done for an entire month or longer.

  3. Not impressed in any way. The stats mentioned above can be accomplished consistently by 3 traffic enforcement officers in an average week. You dont need 45 officers and tons of logistics to get that done. What they did was average for such a big unit mostly all making OT. This was nothing but a response to the high profile accident on Main St a few days ago sending several people to the hospital. No way the city opens their wallet for 45 man squads to hit the streets when the same can be steadily accomplished by traffic enforcement officers working their normal 40 hours.

  4. I resent the reference to Hartford as a “shithole”. Drug abuse exists everywhere or are you simply disparaging th3 people of Hartford as if th3 are uniquely different than people everywhere else.

  5. Forget the “REFERENCE” !!!! I resent Hartford “EXISTING” as a shithole... Mr Carroll ,Do you think towns like Avon,Farmington,West Hartford ,Newington and the like allow their police to NOT enforce the laws related to DUI’s ????? Are you that UNINFORMED that you believe those towns mentioned above have the SAME drug abuse issues ( especially related to MVA’s) as Hartford??? No doubt your voting for Ned Lamont and probably never lived in Hartford. I was born on Annawan St and challenge you Mr Carroll to live there for a month and witness for yourself how “ UNIQUELY DIFFERENT” the people of Hartford are. It must be nice to be a liberal and see everything through rose colored glasses.

  6. 5:46PM. I am sure he will respond for himself, but Kevin Carroll is far from a liberal and he does actually live in Hartford, for most of his life if I am correct

  7. Well Kev,let’s forget about political affiliation and just stick with Mr. Carroll’s rose colored glasses. Let’s bottom line it people ,,, If Hartford is as civil as some say and not at all different from the burbs ,,,WHY AREN’T THERE “QUALITY” PEOPLE FLOCKING THERE??? Properties are dirt cheap ,,aren’t they??? Are CT residents that stupid not to take advantage of the great deals and ALL THAT HARTFORD HAS TO OFFER??? I know there’s a brownstone overlooking Bushnell Park that will be up for sale as soon as the “carpetbagger” living in it is done USING YOU PEOPLE IN HARTFORD TO PAD HIS RESUME!! Maybe you and Mr Carroll can purchase Bronin’s property and validate your commitment to the great city of Hartford!

  8. Well Kev,let’s forget about political affiliation and just stick with Mr. Carroll’s rose colored glasses. Let’s bottom line it people ,,, If Hartford is as civil as some say and not at all different from the burbs ,,,WHY AREN’T THERE “QUALITY” PEOPLE FLOCKING THERE??? Properties are dirt cheap ,,aren’t they??? Are CT residents that stupid not to take advantage of the great deals and ALL THAT HARTFORD HAS TO OFFER??? I know there’s a brownstone overlooking Bushnell Park that will be up for sale as soon as the “carpetbagger” living in it is done USING YOU PEOPLE IN HARTFORD TO PAD HIS RESUME!! Maybe you and Mr Carroll can purchase Bronin’s property and validate your commitment to the great city of Hartford!

  9. Of course, in order to be "Quality" it has to be the "same as the suburbs". There is no inherently different cultural strengths that add value and uniqueness. All there is is Crime and the Political leaders that allow it.

    ...I disagree with the shit hole comment but I sure found an asshole comment.

  10. Time for Bronin and all of the top "leaders" to go. The people of Hartford deserve better than political and educational leaders who use the city as a stepping stone. This has gone on for years! As long as the citizens continue to be oppressed by people like Bronin and our Superintendent of Schools who earns 270,00 per year for leading with fear and intimidation, nothing will change. When communities speak out, she punishes hard working people who have the best interest of children and communities at heart. Hartford needs true leaders who mobilize and organize communities, not who destroy them. Hartford is NOT a shithole- it is full of diverse communities of people who care about their children and neighbors. The problem is lack of leadership and current leaders who are in it to make a name for themselves and move on. Until there is a Superintendent that values listening to the communities, nothing will change. And in supporting her, Bronin, too, demonstrates his lack of true concern for his constituents. How can anyone believe it is appropriate to pay a super 270,000, when children in her district live in poverty? GET RID OF THEM. Mr. Bookman, I hope you do some real researching into our school system. If we don't get change soon, our city will not change. It is up to the next generation to move forward and this won't happen if we keep weak "leaders" in power, who are in it for the photo ops, and then go home to their huge homes and put their children in private schools.

  11. Hartford is a complete dump overtaken by barbarians, infested with drug dealers, sex offenders and felons, led by the democrat party of crime. Complete disgrace and that’s why nobody moves there. I will not dispute there are a few good people left but the percentage is extremely low.

  12. 12:49 PM If you have just knighted me as an “asshole” for telling the truth and providing facts to back the claim of Hartford being a shit hole then I will gladly accept the title. Here’s another “FUN FACT” this asshole wants to inform you of ,,,,despite the false statement at 1:48 PM that Hartford is “ full of diverse communities of people WHO CARE ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN” THERE ARE 20,000 SINGLE PARENT HOMES!!!!! And get this 12:49 PM ,,THAT DOESN’T INCLUDE THE ILLEGALS LIVING IN HARTFORD!!! It’s not easy being an asshole but someone has to do it,,,,,I’m sorry (not) the truth hurts you so much 12:49PM

  13. Its is a shame too hear people put this city so down but when you truly look at the clear picture the same people who are putting us down our the ones who come here too work from the suburbs,out of state and taking our community money and bringing it back to there community so with that said stay in your own community and work and give us a chance to have our find jobs and we wont have to resort too the streets.. p.s. i love my shit hole.. it made me a better person in life

  14. October 28, 2018 at 8:19 PM;

    Where do you think your "Community Money" comes from? Hartford gets quite a bit of money from the State. Where do you suppose the state gets the money it gives to Hartford?
    I'll give you a hint-from every other city & town in the state.

    And, I did take your advice, before you gave it- I left the city and my job there, moved to Suburbia, and worked there!

    I was born & raised in Hartford, lived there most of my life.I'd still be there, but for the gang violence (1993). I see the decline of a once great & vibrant city.

    I wouldn't call it a S-hole, but it's heading in that direction.

  15. Let me give you some examples of your fine citizens from and out of towner, I was with HFD 22yrs and live 40 minutes out of town. When I was in town, I gave my full attention and dedication to the job and the citizens. I was never late for work in 22 yrs, I cannot say the same for people who lived 8 and 10 munutes from the Firehouses. I knew with great certainty every street in the city, rarely did I need a map, however I could not convince many of the people in my charge how important this was in saving time responding to a call. Not to mention if someone asks you directions you probably should know, which is another issue, pride. I found that the pride was lacking with many of the so called Hartford loving residents, they talked a good game, had plenty to say about out of towners like me, but they really didn't walk the walk so to speak. Is Hartford a shit hole, if not, it's well on the way. You know what I say when people say I don't have the right to work here, I say I was born here, my parents were life long residents who worked and paid taxes that built the schools, parks, roads, pools, all the things you grew up using on my families dime, even funded many of the social service programs that many grew up on. You can tell me I can't work here because I don't live here when I can tell Hartford residents they cannot work in my town because they don't live here. Doesn't that seem equal and fair.
    Back to the pride thing, it don't exist, the mentality is I gotta get mine, now, however I got to get it. I don't want to work for it, I just want it, NOW! There's 1 of the major routes of the problems.

  16. 8:19 PM I don’t know what “ give us a chance to have our find jobs” means,,,,,but just to let you know and it’s never been a secret,,,,,, APPLICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT PROVIDED BY BUSINESSES IN HARTFORD DONT STATE “ SURBURBANITES ONLY NEED APPLY” !!! How ironic is it that Hartford requires you to live in the city to apply for Fire and DPW ???? Double standard 8:19 PM ?? (You might have to lookup what that means) Believe me ,If it wasn’t for the insurance companies and hospitals you wouldn’t experience the horrible practice of suburbanites “USING” your city , p.s. I think you love your EBT card and all the other FREE stuff you get more than your shit hole. 8:19 PM ,While your looking up stuff on your free phone ,,please checkout what Socialism is ,,,,,,,,and then lookup the expression “DONT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU”

  17. Dudley is still driving a car. Im amazed city hall allows this. Corporate council obviously got their liability training from IHOP.

  18. BRAVO !!!!!10:51 PM,,,THANK YOU for providing a long overdue factual statement related to those who have done NOTHING in the development of Hartford but claim it as their “ own” . From 4 generations on both sides of my family we have worked and contributed to build what these “FREELOADERS” have literally taken over . For me 10:51 PM , It is the best comment ever on this blog to truly sum up the hypocrisy of liberal socialism existing in Hartford ..

  19. 10:51. It has long been part of the American dream to “move on up to the east side”. I do not criticize anyone who decides to raise their family in the suburbs or beyond. There is nothing wrong in wanting to have a single family home or large yard inwhich to raise your family. When talking about pride, are you referring to municipal employees or residents in general. I imagine that there are some who fall in your description within both groups. But let’s look at some neighborhoods, the homes in Blue Hills and Forster Heights are well kept and are essentially identical to the way they looked 45 years ago. These people are surely showing some pride in the appearance of their properties. To that extent, I would say that they are fine citizens.

  20. Kevin Carroll ,,What’s next ? Are you gonna tell us to forget UCONN football’s record and say how great the team is? Tell me how the other 80% of the city has changed, Foster Heights and Blue Hills have some serious issues despite how “ lovely” the houses look. AND WHO DO YOU MEAN BY “ THESE PEOPLE” ????

  21. The mayor the super of schools buisness owners all have the same mentality. If our school district are great than why dont the named people have there own kids attend.. Hmm torres was just a hispanic face with a good background story to push for school successes. Lol horrible we close schools cause of no money but her husbands friend gets offered a high paying job.. I guess being her friend does havr perks. Instead of allowing her to approve high salaries take a pay cut and show the district parents you care.. Torres is just a bully who is a sell out to her own community.. You should be ashamed of yourself.. How dare you say your a leader.. Even she broke residency rules when she retained her job as super. But buddy bronin snuck her into city place to comply with the rules..

  22. 10:53. Well as a former football player at UCONN, I would like to be able to say the team was great. Unfortunately that’s not to be. As for those of you who want to refer to Hartford as a shitholle, you have no idea what a shithole is. I would prefer that if you are employed by the City, that you resign and and find a place that suits your tender sensibilities. In other words, go someplace where you would be happy. I am sure you want to be happy, so go to your happy place. That would make us both happy! LO
