Sunday, October 21, 2018


I have to ask, which do you think would do more damage in our community, the fully automatic handgun (machine gun) on the right with a barrel type high capacity magazine capable of firing dozens of rounds per minute or flippant words uttered by a Police Officer?

The weapons above were recovered Saturday night during what should have been a routine contact after an anonymous citizen complaint of suspicious activity on Broad Street. Probably very similar to the type of call Sergeant Stephen Barone responded to not far away from Broad Street on August 9, 2018.

How the officer's responded and dealt with the Saturday night incident could have spelled the difference between life and death, as do many incidents our Police Officer's respond to everyday. The warm and fuzzy approach might not have worked if someone decided to pull out the fully automatic machine gun and opened fire. Luckily the gun runners in the car weren't trigger happy themselves that night.

I am not trying to make light of the Barone situation , but maybe the vocal residents that pushed the envelope in the Barone termination might think a little differently if they had looked down the barrel of a machine gun and then realize what our Officer's face every day


  1. Legitimate use of force by HPD in the face of armed suspects should be fully supported by the community and the political leadership of Hartford.

    Barrone is lucky he wasn't prosecuted. HPD officers don't need to commit felonies to do their jobs and the majority of officers know this.

    Sec. 53a-61aa. Threatening in the first degree: Class D or class C felony. (a) A person is guilty of threatening in the first degree when such person…(3) commits threatening in the second degree as provided in section 53a-62, and in the commission of such offense such person uses or is armed with and threatens the use of or displays or represents by such person's words or conduct that such person possesses a pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, machine gun or other firearm;

    Sec. 53a-62. Threatening in the second degree: Class A misdemeanor or class D felony. (a) A person is guilty of threatening in the second degree when: (1) By physical threat, such person intentionally places or attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury,

    1. Barone’s comments were not nearly to the level of a threat. You are completely clueless as to the law and how to apply it and what a threat is. I pray your not a cop.

  2. 8:44PM Don't you think that if any Prosecutor felt those charges would hold up that they would have been filed? That would have been an easy out for everyone if Barone was arrested. Those charges would have about as much chance of standing as the termination does. But at least when the termination is overturned in a few years, the City will have an out to say "It's not our fault, the State ordered us to hire him back"

  3. what about the million dollar man?
    2.9 million to be exact.....

  4. 80 mph !!!! Lead foot Dudley has cost the city millions of dollars! Yet the cover up continues.. city residents deserve to know the truth!
    when is enough ???? tell me Mr. Brookman.

  5. To bad Bloomie(where's the camera) and his sidekick Smurphy won't see this. Strict gun laws will make all the bad guns go away.Right! Good grief. All gun laws do is make it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase. Criminals don't follow rules. when will they learn? As for what Barone did It's understandable he did it to keep the offenders a little of guard and unsure if it would be wise to push this officer. A poor choice of words? Maybe. Worth getting fired? No way. When this nonsense comes to court he'll get his job back.......if he still wants it.

  6. THis was good police work not sure how you make this about Barone silly A$$ he's gone good riddance thank you chief for letting these cowboys from the Burbs know their days of terrorizing indigenous aboriginal peoples in the community will no longer be tolerated Barone made National News he is not getting his job back the push back will be legendary stay tuned

  7. 8:44 PM ,,, THANKS FOR THE LAUGH ! You provide sections ,classes and degrees of felonies related to this one cop,,,,,,,CAN YOU PLEASE DO THE SAME FOR THE AVERAGE THUG,GANGSTER WANNABE,ANIMAL THAT ROAMS THE STREETS OF HARTFORD!!! Hartford has it’s own form of “ CATCH AND RELEASE” ... 8:44 PM YOUR GONNA NEED A BIGGER LAW BOOK SPECIFIC TO HARTFORDS SHITBAGS!! You taxpayers in Hartford should give these cops “ HAPPY ENDINGS” daily for taking on that DIRTY JOB! One day we’ll see Mike Rowe from either Discovery Channel’s “ Dirty Job” Show or his CNN Show “ Somebody’s Gotta Do It” come to Hartford and do a segment ,,,,he’ll probably say cleaning pig stalls is the better job!!!!
