Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Come out Saturday and help Officer Jim Barrett from HPD as he continues his efforts to provide footwear and proper footcare for Hartford's homeless population


  1. what about officer stackowitz ?
    no story on his actions?
    Hartford Courant got the story before your blog...


  2. What Gives With Officer Stackowitz
    again in trouble. where is your take on this story?

  3. Kamil mugshot look bugged out guess he cant put that bottle down

  4. 6:09am , look back and you might recall where you first heard about Stachowitz and his racist antics. It was here after I chased down the reports and obtained them from the Foxwoods Tribal Police after getting the FOI Commission involved. And this incident now doesn't
    involve a Hartford Police Officer, Kamil Stachowicz is a private citizen now and quite obviously one with a problem.

    If it makes you feel any better through, I was aware of the situation , even before it was resolved and Stachowitz was taken into custody and I had his arrest photo almost as soon as it was taken.

    And I would hope the Courant would get stories like that,isn't that why they charge what they do for a few pages of paper. but many times they only are aware after I post these incidents on social media. And if the Courant keeps going like it is, I will soon equal the same size as their staff.

  5. Kev,, you pat yourself on the back for hard hitting investigative work BUT when a contributor asks for assistance exposing the judges/prosecutors/ public defenders/parole officers for releasing animals back into Hartford before their consequences have been settled YOU tell reader to go pound sand! I don’t get it?

  6. Why are comments not being posted?

  7. Comments that do not pertain to the posting are not going to be posted. If you want to year down Brian Foley and others, start your own blog and post away
