Tuesday, January 15, 2019


I didn't support Ned Lamont for Governor and I didn't think I would anytime soon, but I have to admit I am impressed , at least for now.

Maybe I was wrong, only time will tell, but after today I am cautiously optimistic. I watched the Governor's press conference today and I was impressed how quickly he moved to head off a potential problem.

He didn't act like a typical politician, he acted like a business person bringing a quick  and reasonable solution to the table. A solution that was devoid of any political rhetoric and almost entirely based in the private sector to solve with the tools available to him and not digging us into deeper Government debt.

Governor Lamont worked quickly with his previous business relationships and it looks like Webster Bank is stepping in to help be part of the solution to a potential problem for Connecticut residents affected by the Washington shutdown. Webster bank will apparently offer interest free bridge loans to Government employees who still need to pay their bills while the shutdown keeps them from getting their paychecks. It seems to be a low risk deal for Webster since the Federal employees will get their back pay when the Government re-opens and they will then pay back the loans to Webster.

One of the things that impressed me the most is the way Government Lamont handled the announcement. I wasn't there and I didn't watch the whole thing, but unlike our other politicians who take every opportunity to denounce President Trump and get on their soap boxes about how hard they are working to fight Washington, Lamont seemed to do it because it was the most appropriate and business like move to assist his constituents that he was elected to represent.

No campaign type speeches, just an elected official doing what seemed right, minus the venom we have become accustomed to in modern day politics

Maybe there is hope, time will tell.


  1. Maybe there’s hope but you are still scum Brookman!

  2. Wow, you must be softening, you left out your usual hatred
