Friday, February 15, 2019


When you enter most City of Hartford buildings you should notice the large blue and white signs proclaiming Hartford's policy of "zero Tolerance" for workplace violence , sexual harassment and blah, blah , blah,. The blah , blah , blah part I added as my editorial content, but apparently that is also the policy of the powers to be for the City of Hartford.
The recent complaint filed by Hartford Police Officer Kelly Baerga, an openly gay officer and the Department's liaison to the LGBTQ community. Baerga's claims paint a very troubling scenario of sexual harassment that may exist between at least one supervisor, Sergeant Andrew Rodney and Baerga.
This case does not appear to be a "he said/she said" type allegation but rather has been apparently witnessed by several others including Lieutenant Paul West..
If even 10% of what Baerga claims is accurate, there is no place for anyone like Andrew Rodney to have a leadership or supervisory role at HPD. And let me just say that I have no reason to believe that 100% of her complaint is not accurate and I am not trying to trivialize her claims, I think this is a pattern of behavior by Rodney.
Rodney was also the subject of a blog posting first reported on this blog in January of 2018.Rodney came under scrutiny after he removed an AR-15 assault rifle from a Community gun buyback by meeting the resident in the parking lot and offering her cash to be able to buy the gun for his "personal collection". You can read that post here.
Although, on the face value, Baerga's claim seems to be credible, Sergeant Rodney has also made media comments acknowledging his behavior, further enhancing the credibility of the complaint.
The timeline and the claim of lack of response by HPD's Administration seems to be a little cloudy though, for various reasons. Baerga mentions in her complaint  that "on or about May 31, 2018" she spoke to Assistant Chief Ralph Medina to explain the incident. Once that conversation was complete, according to documents obtained by "We the People", Medina immediately transferred Rodney out of recruiting and moved him to the South District in a different supervisory role. 

Although Baerga claims that she felt her and Lieutenant West were being punished for filing a sexual harassment complaint  the internal time line obtained by WTP appears to disprove that. Documents show that on May 15, 2018 Lieutenant Ian Powell, Deputy Chief Sonya Watson and Deputy Chief Dustin Rendock were all advised Simultaneously by Assistant Chief Medina that Lieutenant West would temporarily be transferred to the South District as the Commander during Lieutenant Powell's absence and that assignment would begin immediately until June 9, 2018.
In and by itself, Rodney's behavior should be troubling enough , and a pretty clear cut violation of the City's and HPD's  Harassment and discrimination Policy and makes you wonder when the "zero Tolerance" policy kicks in.
Even more  troubling is that Andrew Rodney is an elected official and a member of the Hartford Democratic Town Committee for the 7th District. Where is the outcry from Hartford's Democrats? Is discrimination and harassment against gay employees as long as race is not mixed in?
Sergeant Andrew Rodney on the steps of Hartford City Hall as Mayor Bronin announces his re-election bid

 Hartford Democratic Town Committee , 7th District roster
Is it ok to be a member of the DTC as long as you stand behind the incumbent Mayor as he announces his reelection bid and as long as you show your loyalty your behavior doesn't matter. People have been forced to resign for far less than Baerga's allegations  documented homophobic behavior, but yet Hartford's political "leaders" are conveniently silent.
Where is Mayor Bronins statement? Where is the 7th District State Rep Joshua Hall? Where is Hartford's Democratic Chairperson Marc DiBella?Where are the other Mayoral candidates? If this were an issue of racial discrimination, every Councilperson and politician would be running for the closest microphone to make their opinions known. Is this issue any less serious or important?:
Andrew Rodney needs to be forced to resign from his DTC position and needs to immediately be removed  or terminated from HPD.
I we are going to impose that punishment on the Sgt. Barone's of the world for their behavior, Sgt. Rodney deserves nothing less.

Baerga Complaint by on Scribd


  1. I had no idea about the nature of the complaint before I read the source documents. Knowing how liberal Bronin is -- I thought it was going to be something like Rodney saying that he finds homosexuality sinful because of his Christian beliefs or that he supports the person but not their behavior. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. It is a first amendment right. Although Bronin and most of the city council would probably find this a punishable offense -- for being a Christian (yet they wouldn't punish a Muslim for the same statements). However, Rodney made crude sexual and gender comments. This crass conduct has no place at work. He deserves what the department gives him.

  2. The ar-15 incident was covered up by buckshot. And if for some odd and delusional reason the investigation is re opened, the range master did the same thing with that “hitler” gun he weasled from some old lady . So in close, i hope fair and impartial treatment is shown everyone.

  3. The ar-15 incident was covered up by buckshot. And if for some odd and delusional reason the investigation is re opened, the range master did the same thing with that “hitler” gun he weasled from some old lady . So in close, i hope fair and impartial treatment is shown everyone.

  4. Once again. Another long trail of bread crumbs leads to the office of dustin rendock. Incident was handled poorly and both involved should have been separated in the complex before that hallway incident in front of several officers and a civilian child. He dusty, how simple would it have been to conduct the debriefing inside of the iad unit instead of your horders office? What if rodney attacked kelly when you told him about the complaint..... not that you actually care these days ....

  5. Eddie Perez is watching....... stay tuned ........

  6. The "Hitler gun" was a totally different circumstance. The Rangemaster is a friend of mine, so I am not going to get into defending him and be accused of giving him special treatment but a few facts are important. The rangemaster through his knowledge of historic firearms recognized the Hitler gun as a museum quality piece and significant historic value. He also recognized that a senior citizen was hot aware what she was turning in in and the value of the gun that she was giving up for $200.00. Unlike Rodney who took advantage of the residents desire to do the right thing and turn in an assault rifle by buying it a sale rate for his own collection, , the rangemaster actually properly reported the Hitler gun and it was inventoried into the HPD Property room, not the rangemasters basement like Rodney did.

    The rangemaster researched the weapon with Federal records and eventually the gun was auctioned off legitimately and I believe in the end the senior citizen owner received a check for well over $50,000 for the historic value of the gun rather than the $200 she would have received and a museum piece was kept from being melted down or destroyed.

    Two totally different circumstances.

  7. Who is paying the 750,000 body camera bill ??

  8. Hopefully barone’s attorney is watching closely to see what happens with this mess. And who in their right mind besides kessler would call the news to defend themselves?

  9. 5:37PM

    Good question, but you might also be asking why Union leaders would also be distributing the document, unredacted, to any media outlet that would listen. Do they not realize that by their actions two other members will quite possibly face discipline or even termination. I Rodney expendable as collateral damage to the Union? Very similar to the collateral damage that most likely be done by the Academy investigation to unsuspecting union members.

  10. 5:32PM

    City Hall will be paying, and that has nothing to be blamed on the PD Administration

  11. Reading the complaint, given just the one sided commentary, it seems to me that many people failed kelly. Failed on different levels. Why was mr rodney not prevented from confronting her in front of other people ?
    Where were the recomendations the city hall personnel director claimed she sent ? And to whom?
    Any tampering with possible recruit hirings? Did mr rodney call any prospective candidates?
    Is Ct post aware of mr rodneys actions ?

    A lot of layers to this onion.

  12. It sounds like there is plenty of blame to go around, including command staff, who ought to set the example.

  13. Stop already Mister Brookman! The $750,000 has everything to do with the PD. Rea missed the deadline, exactly why he was transferred (as supposed punishment) to VIN, a position he didn’t interview or put in for! How’s that for morale?! The PD absolutely knew Hartford was getting cameras, they could’ve made the purchase to meet the deadline, that would’ve been approved downtown and at the PD. Do not sit here and try to absolve the PD for missing the deadline. It’s completely the PD’s fault and the majority of the culpability lies on Rea, and his superiors. Fair and impartial reporting........Please Mister B!

  14. The department has a history of meting out punishment (sometimes severe) to patrol officers and detectives. They tend to go "kid gloves" with higher ranked officers.

  15. 6:40pm

    Please get your facts, I don't like posting nonsense

  16. 5:29pm

    hopefully not. hopefully he is checking to make sure his car is registered and insured for the next accident he has

  17. Proud Northend ResidentFebruary 15, 2019 at 6:52 PM

    Just so all you folks know. Any and all comments negative or positive will be used in court proceedings. Mr rodney has rights. Due process is afforded to him thank you very much and god bless.

    1. Are you really that ignorant (and stupid) to thing that anonymous blog comments will be used in court proceedings??? Wait, I answered my own question.

  18. All the neglectful people will pay in civil court. Complete inaction and foul procedures. Lack of training i suspect. Andrew was wrong for what he did, but was enabled by past administrations. How many cozy ( not the person ) spots has he had as a sgt? Like 6 or 7 esk ... the chief of staff spot really made me chuckle personally.......
    A reasonable human being would ponder why was he so “taken care of ?”

  19. Bronin won't do anything. It is an election year and he does everything based on winning or losing votes. Do you really think he will do anything to a West Indian Black man ? He is pandering so hard for the black community vote because he knows if Eddie Perez enters the race , Bronin pandering for Hispanic votes is useless. Crickets from City Hall for sure

  20. Proud,

    Ditto for Officer Baerga's rights as well

  21. Re: Proud,
    Opinions and posted comments are not evidence and therefore are inadmissible in judicial proceedings. If there is a comment that can be attributed to an entity (business, person, etc.) that can be proved false and can further be proven to cause an economic loss to someone, that could be admissible in a civil lawsuit. It is a tall order to establish that and really is not applicable here though. God bless.

  22. I am pretty sure we all can get a good idea of who "proud" actually is. I don't think too many people would go out of their way to defend Rodney's action. And 5:02 PM, I won't criticize anyone's religious beliefs, but did you read the complaint? I am not sure the alleged threesomes and loaning your wife out are Christian values if it is true.


  23. Who was loaning out their
    Wife? Was It Rendock.? He has been kinown to visit SWING CLUBS.



  25. if he is terminated, I think he will automatically be demoted at that point. I think you might want to reserve judgement on the outcome until you see what actually happens

  26. 8:39 pm,

    no it wasn't, did you read the memo?


  27. From What We understand
    the LGBTQ Community is going to protest
    and March in front of Hartford Ct City hall in
    honor of Kelly and to have
    Rodney Arrested and Fired for his terrible Actions on Kelly.

  28. I am not sure there would be any grounds for criminal charges, but i’m Not an attorney and all I know is what i have read, there could very well be more.His actions are reprehensible though and I am sure they will be dealt with

  29. them mr rodney a good gentleman. Pickin on me mon is not strAight. Me dont read dem white man tales. Stop bustin da man down. Mercy me

  30. The eric leonard part of the complaint is my fav. He is the best leader we have in the building!!!!!
    With his abundance of non military people skills, maybe he can replace dusty one day.

    Good Tip—Keep slamming shut those office doors like a ten year old when you don’t get your way.

  31. Aren't they both Guardian and Union members has either entity released a statement ?? The LGBTQ community vs The Carribean Coalition should be interesting


  32. Eric Leonard loves to slam doors.
    He only does that when he cant get his way.

  33. Why would they release a statement? When have you known them to release statements on anything? They’re private social organizations, not their place to release a statement on anything.

  34. This soon will pass and Rodney will be chief someday!

  35. who is a private social organization? HPD?

  36. Anonymous said...
    Hostility has reached epic proportions. The complex is in full tilt!!!!
    What to do ??

    1- work a pj

    2- turn in resignation paperwork

    3- deflect , deflect, deflect. !!!

  37. you forgot option number 4, take a vote of no confidence in our Union President. Most of the hostility is being generated at 20 Sargent by our Union President by his underhanded tactics and his constant trips to the media to unload garbage and try to embarrass the Chief and the Command Staff. How do you think the Baerga mess came out all of a sudden in the media? Where was the Union for the last 8 months, they were aware of this and did nothing. We are paying dues for this? What about the 170 officers that could have potentially been decertified by POST after the mess the President created with his vendetta against Thody, and that is not over yet. It is time to take a vote of no confidence in John and replace him with someone more suitable like Sherbo

  38. Someone should hav given the tissues to little eric

    Why are you not returning my calls

    I can change

    Dont leave me

  39. Proud northend residentFebruary 16, 2019 at 3:00 PM

    Mr Rodney is a pleasure to be around. He is hardworking northend resident. Stop the abuse of this fine gentleman. All of you need to pray for mr rodney and show a little salvation. No one is perfect and clean. Look in the mirror each ones of u all. God bless

  40. Kevin, I don’t care if you don’t post this but you I believe are the only one who has a actual influence on the command staff at Hartford Police Department. Take it from someone who is been here for 20+ years Rosado and Medina need to go. They are in over their head and the only one who can fix this problem and actually replace them are people who have actually worked the streets as a police officer. He needs to resign and take Medina with him. I have our union - they are horrible but Rosado is hurting everyone. Medina is a trainwreck. Nice guys but in way over their head.Their tactics and their mindset are no good and they are actually making the city more dangerous for officers on the street. I am concerned going to work every day with the violence uptick based on Rosado’s lackluster experience in a city Police Department ....please help us Help the residents in our once beautiful city.

  41. Oh brother "Proud", do you think no one sees through your scheme? Good try though, it is at the very least entertaining

  42. I agree with anonymous at 3:00 PM. Rosado and Medina are pleasant enough, but they are hurting this police department and city. If they truly care about this city they will put in their papers; they can cite any reason for doing this (to pursue other interests, to take other jobs, etc.). If they choose to stay it is for purely selfish reasons and certainly not for the good of Hartford.

  43. So when does the state police captain arrive to take the DC spot ?? The complex is shaping up mighty smoothly.

  44. 3:00PM

    I appreciate your flattering assessment, buit I don't look at it as much as "influence" as I do being able to have courteous conversations based in mutual respect. I was one of the people who was concerned when Chief Rovella announced his retirement and I was very concerned when his replacement was announced as a retired Trooper. I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised by David Rosado's and I will readily admit that I was very concerned when I was told that his number to being brought in was also a retired Trooper. Chief Medina may be tough to break through that exterior, but I would urge you to get to know him and maybe even take a little time to talk to him. This probably requires a full posting to explain properly, but I don't think I have ever met or dealt with a member of the HPD Command Staff that takes his job more seriously, and at times I have concerns how seriously he takes his position and commitment to heart. But if you get to know him, I think you will find a man that lives and breathes for the people working under him, or more appropriately with him. There is a reason he was brought in from the outside. I think Medina and Rosado hate when I say it, but Chief Medina was brought in as Chief Rosado's "enforcer" to restore discipline and accountability right from the start. Chief Medina made it clear from his first roll call on his first day when he told everyone "I am not here to make friends, I am here to do a job"
    Do you think the Torneiro problem would have ever happened if supervisors did their jobs instead of turning away and overlooking bad behavior to protect their buddies?

    You may think Medina is a trainwreck, quite possibly because you have run afoul of his accountability, but I have the luxury of being able to look at this from the outside and respect what is being done and not listening to the Union gossip and all the other nonsense attempting to tear down a well respected career professional.

    Both Chief Rosado and Chief Medina uprooted their family lives, and sold their homes to move into Hartford to take on the challenges of HPD because they believe in what they are doing and the potential at HPD. They are far from over their heads, but they have had a difficult start dealing with all the problems, like Barone and Torneiro, Officer involved shootings and dealing with supervisors who are supposed to be leaders but have no idea how, many of them who were promoted because they can take a test, nor based on merit and their appropriate skill sets.

    Maybe taking a few minutes to have a conversation and understand where they are coming from would benefit you. I kept an open mind and have been pleasantly surprised and I am also willing to share my thoughts with all three of them and let them know when I think they are wrong and what they can do do improve things, and you might even find that they will listen to your ideas. How do you think the knit winter caps came about. They listen and are still willing to learn

    You might also want to learn a little more about Chief Medina and his wealth of knowledge and experience he has brought to HPD from his years with CSP. I was amazed when I learned some of the cases he has worked on and what he brings to HPD and hearing his passion as he talks about his profession and his career

    I hate to say it because I am not usually a supporter of Mayor Bronin, but I will proudly say that the HPD Command Staff built by Chief Rosado and the inclusion of both Chief Medina and Chief Thody is something Bronin has done right and we will continue to benefit from them everyday they are here. Give it a chance and get with the program

  45. 3:41PM

    I could be wrong, but I think that is just more gossip. My understanding is that only AC spots can be filled from outside and DC's must come from within.
    I also think that as long as there are capable qualified people within, it would send a terrible message to fill DC spots from outside and be a morale killer. Officer's should do whatever they can professionally to develop themselves and continue to move upward Why would you need to bring in an outsider when you already have well respected leaders working their way up through the ranks? Very capable people like Gabe Laureano, Ian Powell and others.

    1. Lol don't let Gabe Laureano fool you

  46. Make eric leonard a chief instead of those you just mentioned.

  47. It’s really too bad Thody didn’t take that East Hartford job and take Eric Leonard with him. We don’t want either of them here. Why are two people with zero street expietence making decisions that affect the street. Cough cough* Billy Rea * example #3

  48. Just because Rosado and Medina are transparent and ordered the rank and file Ski caps for their road jobs doesn’t mean they are making the city safer. Maybe that’s why compstat was canceled Thursday. They have not done a lick of true police work on the street, chasing bad guys, in their life. I understand that they may have worked big cases during their time with the state police but they do not truly understand what it is like to be a police officer in the city of Hartford. They need to go

  49. 4:28

    Unfortunately, I have to agree with your last sentence. I don't think they did understand what it is like to be a Hartford Police Officer. Although it is a relatively small number, I don't think they understood the back stabbing, the deceit and the treachery that exists and the determination by some to see the leadership fail. Sad.


  50. We dont want Sherbo as UNION PRESIDENT
    He is a Complete IDIOT who KNOWS NOTHING
    WE WANT an Intelligent
    Person To run The UNION.



  51. Please get rid of that BOOB
    F L I

    Has the Intelligence of a ROCK.

  52. 5:02 PM

    Your intelligence is showing also. Brandon O'Brien retired last summer, You might want to take another look at the nameplate on the door next time you get called in, it sounds like you may be a frequent flyer with an axe to grind

  53. 4:58pm

    Why start now, we don't have anyone intelligent running our Union now at the top. Vote no confidence and make our dues count again

  54. Gabe has the respect of the rank and file Officers I talk to and trust their opinions

  55. Be careful what you wish for. I’d rather have a Union President that isn’t scared to throw dirt right back at the clowns upstairs. You definitely don’t want another Rich Holton as president. If you were to make a complaint or grievance, he would start warning the people you were complaining about the second he hung up the phone with you. They already take care of each other upstairs and refuse to investigate complaints made by officers against the rank and file. We should have Union that’s ready and able to fight back for us officers.

  56. Fast eddie is going to smoke bronin in the democratic election. Most of the northend residents dont vote or could care less

  57. Wonderful choices, Bronin or a convicted felon who already defrauded the City

  58. Shi% hole city = shi# mayor.

  59. It’s about to get real. HPD, for as long as I’ve known it, has always been a rag tag bunch of people. We may not have always done the little things right but when it came time to do the big things, no one is better than Hartford PD. Kevin... we are fed up. As a member of this department we have a union who has shot itself in the foot trying to stand up for us and our history. We also have a command staff filled with selfish “leaders.” For instance, Watson is smart and sweet but has no business being a cop let alone a Chief. Rendock, his shelf life has become a bit Dusty. Need I say more. Long - Long should be Chief. Thody, the guy has been demoted more times than his peers have been promoted. And they’re Chiefs! Leave like you should have last year Jason. Medina, the guy was a Lieutenant. Yeah you worked the Cheshire case but your troopers did the actual work. You just took credit. Yeah you’re the “enforcer.” Only thing you’ve ever enforced is the speed limit on 91. And ahhh, Rosado. You’re a good man. I like you. You’re a great Chief... if this were Westbrook PD. Dave, you’re not built for this. If you were walking the beat on Barbour St 20 years ago, then you would be. But you’re not. You don’t get HPD and you never will. You don’t get the drama, the controversy, the highs/lows. Spell, Barone, Torneiro.... look at our past. That’s nothing new. Rodney is no surprise either. The actions are not surprising. Just the names.

    Medina thinks he’s doing a good job. Violence is off the hook. Shot shooter may be broken soon. We can’t police Hartford the way Dave and Ralph policed Troop D in Danielson. Different breed. OIS’s, Officers getting stabbed, etc. ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE WE HAVE A LINE OF DUTY DEATH. Please help us.

    Nevertheless, I didn’t think the ship would sink this soon but it has. We need Szewczyk gone, we need Rosado/Medina/Thody gone. They’re terrible. I’d say Thody for chief but he was never a cop and he’ll admit it to you. The guy has zero street time and cred. Too bad Billy Long didn’t get that shady backdoor AC spot. He was tapped first but didn’t have the layers you did Thody. He’s the right man for the job. Instead the poor guy is halfway out the door and is just laughing at you fools ruining his department. OUR department. It’s time for a shake up. If they didn’t wear the Hartford Patch with a silver badge, we don’t want them as our chief. No one will ever understand.... say what you want about Rovella. The guy was a cop. A HARTFORD cop. He understood. Time for this dog and pony show to end. I hate Eddie Perez but I hope to god he wins so he gets all these guys outta here and brings HPD back to how it should be.

    Post Nubila Phoebus (If The Troopers even know what that means. Hint: it’s on your patch).... After the clouds, the sun. We can only hope.

  60. Everyone keeps forgeting about one major issue....How much is the city gonna pay
    for this mess?

    1- 100k

    2- 300k

    3- 500k

    The city enjoys to pay out and they will on this magilla !

  61. HPD members “big” and “small” ,thanks for the laughs! I distinctly remember a post by a Hartford cop calling us firefighters out for our henhouse style gossip and airing our dirty laundry. Well just like our rivalries related to sports ,,, YOU WIN AGAIN!!!!!!

  62. I couldn't have written it better than anonymous at 10:00 pm. if I spent 3 days trying. It sums up how so many of us feel right now...

  63. We should photocopy that 10:00pm post and distribute to every mailbox at 10-2. Well said.

    1. Don’t worry about doing that, every HPD employee reads the blog.

  64. While all you clowns are crying, bickering, complaining and having your internal battle, the streets are being plagued with violent crime.
    The biggest mistake Rosado and Medina have made is surrounding themselves with career desk jockeys that wouldn’t know the least about morale, esprit de corps or strategies to reduce and prevent violent crime. HPD can be led by outsiders IF they surround themselves with competent, respected leaders that have a minute or two of street time and/or experience.
    I may not have been Rovella’s biggest fan, but he certainly was a master on tackling and reducing the street shootings and related violent crime. Rovella would be planning for the summer while the ground was still snow covered. There have been months of indicators that the command staff has been oblivious to.
    I don’t blame Rosado or Medina one bit for this, how would they understand or know these indicators not having been here long enough to understand. Last night 1 murder, 4 shot, 10 Shot Spotter activations......if that’s not slapping you in the face as a sobering indicator, I don’t know what will. So now who’s really suffering? The city residents. This is merely the calm before the storm, just wait to the warm months.
    Dave, time for a classic DKR shuffling of the deck. All your supervisors and entire command staff, especially lieutenants, need a big shuffle. Put the right people in the right places. Hard reset. And note- if you don’t start a plan of action right now, your going to have a record crime year.

  65. The next article/headline I want to see tomorrow morning should read, "Sergeant Andrew Rodney terminated from Hartford Police Department", (because I'm really confused as to why he is still being allowed to work under these circumstances.)

    This should be followed up with, "Additionally, Assistant Chief Rafael Medina & Lieutenant O'Brien placed out on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation as to why they allowed a fellow officer to be continually sexually harassed & made to feel unsafe in her working environment."

    I am sickened and appalled at the lack of professionalism & compassion these so-called administrators REPEATEDLY displayed. They allowed Officer Baerga to be victimized & harassed repeatedly. Where is the so-called zero tolerance policy that HPD claims they have for this sort of behavior?? Perhaps HPD can learn how to conduct a proper internal investigation from the Middletown police department;

    I hope officer Baerga retains an excellent attorney because once her CHRO complaint IS substantiated (because best believe it will be) she should sue the city, Sgt. Rodney & AC Medina for every penny they have.

    Mayor Bronin, you're a disgrace as well because ultimately you oversee this department and CLEARLY the good ol' boy network is VERY comfortable and secure in the fact that they can do whatever they see fit and have no consequence for it.

    I hope all the other female officers & staff that have been victimized by these poor excuses for human beings come forward and additional complaints are filed.

    Maybe CNN should hear about this..

  66. Kristine Cormier,

    I agree with much of what you say, with a few exceptions. Andrew Rodney should be terminated for his behavior, the same as Sgt. Barone was, and I can almost say that Barone would have a better chance of his termination being overturned than Rodney would,

    Assistant Chief Medina, according to documents, removed Rodney from his position of supervising Baerga the same day he was made aware of the complaint. Should it have been an administrative suspension rather than just moving the fox out of the henhouse, probably but I would almost assure you there were legal or contract issues in play to tie the hands of AC Medina.

    As far as Lieutenant Obrien, I think you might be confused due to inaccurate comments here. I think the Lieutenant you might mean is Lt. Paul West who was also Baerga's LT in recruiting and apparently witnessed some of Rodney's initial comments and failed to act as Rodney's supervisor. O'Brien wasn't even a LT at the time and only became the IAD Lieutenant last fall after he was promoted to the rank of LT. There was another LT O'Brien, Brandon O'Brien, but he was in Vice and Narcotics and Intel before his retirement last summer, and no where near Baerga and Rodney

    You also don't seem to be putting any blame on HR at City Hall, I think the timeline will show that the HR Director was aware of the issues much longer than Medina and anyone else at HPD, and HR did nothing, as is typical and HR has done time and time again with harassment complaints from other City employees.

    And also what steps did the HPD Union take to protect their employee in this matter, are you trying to tell me the first time they were made aware of this was last week when they started distributing Baerga's complaint to the media ?? The documents will prove otherwise.

    I am sure there are a line of good attorney's more than willing to take Baerga's case against the City

    And finally, yes, Mayor Bronin is a disgrace with his handling, or more appropriately his not handling and his silence on the matter. But add to your disgraceful list every Council Member and every member of the Democratic Town Committee who have all remained silent and supported Rodney's behavior by their silence. As well as the State Representative for the 7th District Joshua Hall, the same district where Rodney is a Democratic Town Committee member.

    And HPD does know how to conduct IAD Investigations but it takes cooperation. IAD cannot investigate when the complainant won't make themselves available for statements or interviews and then go out on EAP without providing any details to IAD. Rodney apparently is also now out on EAP.

    Keep in mind, there are a lot of layers to the onion to peel back and I don't even think Baerga realizes all of the agendas in play here . What was done to her was wrong , but using her as a convenient pawn to further personal agendas by others is wrong and disgusting

  67. Brookman you are wrong. Brandon O’Brien was the IAD Commander from April 8th of 2018 to the day he retired. But it doesn’t matter who was there, they never investigate anything against supervisors. ONLY if and when it hits the news, then it’s OMG, sorry we didn’t move swiftly blah, blah, blah. Sad, Sad, Sad! Same circus different clowns!

  68. 10:00PM

    I don't usually respond to the comments and I let people rant, but this thread has plenty of inaccuracies in the comments. I usually let just about everything through, unless it is a racist comment, obscene or just totally out of line.

    I feel like I have to address a couple things you have totally incorrect in your comment and by the clarity and time you put into your comment, maybe it will make a difference.

    I had expressed here and in other places that I was concerned when David Rosado was appointed Chief and also concerned when Ralph Medina was brought in as Assistant Chief. I will say it again, I have been pleasantly surprised as well as impressed by both of them. I had no knowledge or friendship with either of them previously. If you took the time and actually had conversations with them, I would think it would be beneficial.

    David Rosado plays his cards pretty close to the vest, Medina not so much, but with either one of them, their passion for what they are doing and there desire to make HPD a better place when they move on comes across loud and clear. You just need to keep an open mind and treat them fairly. People need to look past the stern Marine Drill Instructor appearance of Medina and you will quickly realize that they both are trying very hard.

    I am pretty sure HPD is not what they expected for a retirement gig . The culture of HPD has always been one where outsiders are not welcomed with open arms. Rosado and Medina I think learned that quickly, but if the people that were quick to tear them down and doom them to failure went in the opposite direction , HPD would be rising to levels never seen before.

    Have they had their share of difficulties, no doubt about it. Officer Kiddick, Sgt. Barone, Sgt Torneiro, Officer Baerga. It is tough to get up to speed and focus on making a difference when you are bailing water all day to keep the ship from sinking. And make no mistake about it, the ship is still listing and taking on water, much of it caused by rats below the deck drilling holes in the hull to take on water faster to hasten the sinking.

    You mentioned a few names. Deputy Chief Billy Long being one. You are correct, Billy Long is someone from inside that probably would be more than capable of being a Chief. Were you aware that one of the first moves Chief Rosado made after taking over as HPD's Chief was to offer Billy Long an Assistant Chief position? Not everyone is willing to uproot their young families and relocate to Hartford for the sake of a job, a job that , who knows, could be weeks or if you are lucky a couple years until the next Chief or Mayor comes into office and then you are shown the door. Deputy Chief Long was offered an AC spot, it was his choice to remain where he is

    You stated that "violence is off the hook". I will agree that Hartford is a very violent City, the number of guns being seized, the shots fired calls, but something Rosado and Medina as well as all of the hardworking members of HPD are doing is working. Shooting victims are actually down over this period last year, not a huge decrease, but none the less it is down. 16 non life threatening shooting victims for this period last year, 14 for this year so far. Homicides are also down with 3 at this time last year compared to two so far this year.I also think that stats overall are a poor indicator of the Chief's performance. By the grace of God, luckily our homicide numbers didn't double last night after a very violent weekend in Hartford. And whether it is Danielson, Westbrook or Hartford what does a Police Chief do to control Animalistic behavior in the streets?


  69. I pray to God everyday we don't experience a line of duty death, but explain to me how Chief Medina or Chief Rosado can prevent an insane person from stabbing an Officer in the neck responding to a call.

    And give a little bit of credit to Chief Thody. The reason HPD has state of the art body cameras instead of second rate knock offs the Council wanted, is because Thody put the program together and got the best deal for the City from Axon. Them reason all Taser's will be upgraded shortly to the latest state of the art models is because of Chief Thody's negotiations.

    And be careful what you wish for, remember who Eddie Perez brought in as his Chief? Patrick Harnett and his loyal sidekick Andy Rosensweig. Great resumes' but in my opinion terrible as Chief's. They told great stories about their NYPD days but they were never a good fit with the community. David Rosado has seemed to be a good fit with the community from day one , maybe because he was born and raised here and has been a part of the Community his entire life


    Ms. Cormier, watch this video of Chief Rosado before he was appointed to Hartford Police Chief. In the video, you can see Lt. West and Ofc. Baegra sitting in the background chuckling. Lieutenant Colonel Rosado attempts to say "LGBTQ" a couple times, but stumbles over it. It's a mouthful. He even praised Ofc. Baegra for the work she did with the LGBTQ community. When was this video taken? Who runs the police department? Not Mayor Bronin, however; he is responsible for appointing Rosado.

    The answer: David Rosado. Rosado runs the police department. Off. Baegra's torment for nine months was due to the negligence of Rosado. If Mayor Bronin wants to be re-elelcted, I hope he selects a one of the many qualified police commanders within the police department to serve as chief. Why would Rosado, Medina or Thody care what happens to a gay, female, minority police officer, when each one of them are working the RETIREMENT job? They don't care! Each of them are making over $250K (retirement and salary combined). They don't care.

    If you watch that video, Rosado states he will bring more transparency, more accountability, greater technology and body cameras. Well, the city paid for those body cameras....every penny. Ms. Cormier, you should ask Assistant Chief Jason Thody why he failed to submit the body camera reimbursement paperwork in on time (from the State of Connecticut). That was his only job this year....was to get that paperwork in on time. But he didn't do it and now the city of Hartford is on the hook for $1.8 million. Do you know why Ms. Cormier? Because Assistant Chief Thody does not care! He makes over $250K with a $55K take home truck. This is the same guy, who picked a fight with some Marines, who were home from Iraq and got punched on the nose, and later demoted. (Brookman, wasn't your Dad a Marine?). Thody never spent anytime in the street Ms. Cormier, yet Mr. Bronin allowed Trooper Rosado to retire and be re-hired as Assistant Chief. You wonder why the Hartford Police Department is falling apart. We haven't even discussed the actual policing problems yet. Such as the four people shot, one person killed LAST NIGHT!!!

    The Police Department is failing. It is failing because three people, with no police experience are running it. Mayor Bronin, if you want a shot of being re-elected, do the right thing by its citizens and promote from within. Never allow an outsider in again. The state police are highway patrolman, not city cops.

  71. I have much respect for Officer Kelly Baerga. She is not only a victim but stuck in an environment that does not look out for the best interest of their employees. They may preach this transparency crap and zero tolerance but those rules only apply to certain individuals. I can name numerous situations even outside of the police department where incidents have been swept underneath the rug. It's absolutely disgusting. As someone new looking for a career into law enforcement, I would definitely choose another municipality. I understand the stance of the HPD union and resect their means of staying neutral and fair as this investigation commences. Kelly, stay strong during this investigation as you will prevail.

  72. If Billy Long knew that he could have retired, stayed on the books for thirty days and been appointed AC, he would have moved to Hartford and taken the position. But he didn't know. Thody figured it out. Maybe Gwendolyn Thames, Thody's BFF, and city hall go-to, figured that out for him. Kevin, understand, Rosado, Medina and Thody, use you and your blog to put out disinformation and allow you to believe that you are a viable partner in their effort to make the department better. You are not and they could care less. They talk a lot shit about you Kevin behind your back. I know you care about the officers and the city Kevin, but I wish you were smart enough to see that these dudes use you. Talk to both Johns, they'll tell you...

  73. Why is Billy Rea commanding VIN? Let me guess, Coates wanted a puppet in there? KB, get to the bottom us this. Why don't they let a Cadet run VIN? A cadet and Rea have the same level of street experience. Whatever, I'm just gonna work my PJ's. That's my real job...working PJ's. I following the example set for me by DC Long Capt. Laurenano, Capt. Rousseau, Capt. Powell...should I keep going. In house don't lie Kevin! Man oh man.....Was it a violent night last night. The heck with that! I'm working a ROADIE tomorrow!!! God Bless the United States Marine Corps! (Thody is not a fan of the Corps..)

  74. Eddie Perez or Brandon Mcgee will come thru, grab up Paul West and get all the north end votes. Bronin told Rosado to make Paul West a DC. He hasn't done it. Before you say anything about whatever fail to supervise investigation Medina has against West, West can always say its retaliation for assisting Kelly Baegra, who was the victim of months and months of abuse, because Medina does not like gay women. I think Medina had three years experience as a Lieutenant? How many years in Hartford does that equal Brookman. Remember Kevin, they are using you. Don't be their puppet. Free speech.

    1. A 20 year CSP career may not see what 1 year on Hartford streets sees. #FACTS

  75. I think it was the Council and the African American Alliance that tried to get Rosado to make West a DC with some kind of bogus resolution they drafted, not Bronin

  76. You know it just dawned on me that maybe Rodney has PTSD from serving in Afghanistan, honorably, as an Air Force policeman. Thats more than 95% of the rest of the department can say. Maybe being hit with indirect fire from from the taliban gave him nightmares and sometimes causes him to say things he doesn't mean or say. PTSD effects veterans in different ways.

    Kevin, you're not stupid. You know Kelly Baegra didn't really care what Rodney said. The only thing that irked Kelly was the fact that Rodney hit on her girlfriend, who is now in the academy. Other than that, the eight page work of fiction that Paul West wrote on behalf of Baegra was the culmination of nine months of Paul West holding on to all of that information in order to use it as political leverage against Rosado and Medina. Paul fired this off, so now when Medina comes after him for the failure to act charge, Paul can say it's retaliatory.

    But, the truth is, Medina shouldn't be an Assistant Chief here. He is over his head and he is not qualified. He is worried about his name being tarnished....he should be worried about being fired, deposed by the combined legal team of GLAD and the ACLU. And yes, gays stick together and they will come after you Medina. You should quit and move away. The gays will ensure your name is completely and irreversibly tarnished. And they should, because gays have been unfairly treated for too's time for justice. Medina and Rosado knew about this and they did nothing, after Rosado publicly promised to welcome in the LGBTQ community. FIRE THEM BOTH. JUSTICE. #Metoo #LGBTQJustice

  77. A20 year career in most departments won't see what Hartford officers see in their first year

  78. 7:50PM

    You were making perfect sense until you hit the third paragraph

  79. Kevin, you drank to much of the blue and gold coolaide already! Thody never moved to Hartford. He still does not live in Hartford. Why or how was an exception made for him. That’s fair? If Long could’ve taken the AC position and not moved just like Thody he absolutely would have. Can you please explain that Mr. Brookman?


  80. I wasn't going to post this "anonymous" comment, and then I figured "what the Hell" and I decided to let you see the nonsense I receive. Everything has to be spun into a racial issue to try to discredit the facts.

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "#ME TOO, EXCEPT IN HARTFORD":

    So are you saying the council and African American Alliance are bogus Kevin? Sounds like it to me. Sounds racist and entitled. Post this comment if you're not a racist.

    You seem to not favor West, Ford, Daryl Roberts and Rodney. All black men. I see a theme here. KKKevin Brookman.
    Go ahead and post this KKKevin if you're not a racist and publicly defend yourself.

    End of Anonymous comment

    And yes, it is bogus that the Council and the Alliance tried pushing through a Deputy Chief based on nothing more than the color of his skin, What are his qualifications? Why does he deserve the position? Not a word about that. Does that prove to you I am not a racist because I took your bait and posted this? Hopefully it takes a little more to Judge people by a little bit more than what they are willing to post on line somewhere, but I doubt it in your case, you narrow minded racist

  81. 8:06PM

    All three, Rosado, Medina and Thody are living in Hartford, verified

  82. Kevin, you were making perfect sense until the third paragraph. Wait Kevin, are you a cop? You are not. You can help some cops by asking the State Police to leave. It's not the same team and it's not the same fight. I like how you defended Thody earlier with the body cameras. Kevin, we just bought those cameras, full price. No fancy research needed. Full price. Is that money being taken away from the the Fleet. Or maybe from the Traffic Division because all they do is stop people in the nice west end neighborhoods where everyone has a registered car. I want to see traffic on the 600 block of Garden. 3000 block of Main. Where it counts. C'mon Bookman. You know what this department needs. It needs Bill Long. Plain and simple. Remember Kevin, they use you.

  83. It's time to get serious. It's time for Bill Long. Also, let's not forget about the totally unemployable Rendock. That ZILCH. He needs to go too.

  84. I completely agree with you regarding the HR department and their lack of thorough follow through. I didnt post that to my comment only because I didn't want my comment to be super duper long... but again, I agree with you in that dropped the ball as well.

    I also agree with you about the city falling apart & the violence. I was born and raised in Hartford and continue to work in Hartford every day. I work for the judicial branch and believe me, I see plenty of police reports, arrest warrants, and deal first hand with violent offenders every single day - been doing this for over 25 years. (No, not all offenders are from Hartford, however, many are)

    We could go on all night discussing policing issues, body cams, improprieties within HPD, their HR dept, the democratic committee, etc., however, my comment was specific to the repeated sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior of Sgt. Rodney (and lack of the brass to professionally and swiftly handle this issue)
    And he's out on EAP... how about he should be out on administrative leave pending this investigation?
    He needs the EAP because.... ? Because he got caught?Give me a break.

    Personally as a woman I find his behavior and comments as a man completely reprehensible and offensive... the fact that he's a police Sgt. just adds insult to injury. Talk about behavior unbecoming... if that's not a textbook case of it, then I don't know what is.

  85. And all the "Anonymous" comments... kind of ironic that many folks have a lot to say yet aren't willing to say who they are. If you have something to say and truly believe you're justified in your opinion, then why hide before being anonymous? Just saying...

    1. Obviously you really don’t understand city hall or the brass in the department. Officers have been pulled upstairs to IAD from this blog. You will get more truth from an anonymous comment though

  86. Thody did what many other have done here, including chiefs from the past. If its offered on the table then take it. They gave him a lot of money. What do you expect him to do ? Every freakin person in this building would take money like that if handed out. And he does live in hartford. Xl center. Penthouse suite. Check with the bell boy in the lobby. So save me your grade school humble pie nonsense. Work your pjs, worry about your own life, and shut your cry baby mouth. He took the demotion and passed every exam. If you have an issue, then maybe you can pass the exams. Worry about your own problems.

  87. Kristine who ? First off lady, i have no idea who in the blue hell you are.
    Second, nor do i care. Im sure you work at some little cubicle in a safe working environment 9-5 job like travelers or aetna. Try working the overnight shift in the northend. We only had 4 people shot and one homicide on sat night. About a dozens shots fired calls that officers had to go to. I guess a stress relieving blog comment in your eyes is too good for the men and women that keep you safe and keep the animals from spreading to your little neighborhood in newington or avon. Fill out the ride along form and request the overnight shift. I bet i will never see that name of yours aside from your little two cents comment on the blog ...........

  88. @ K. Cormier,

    That's because if the police used their real names, they would be punished, barred from better assignments, investigated and treated like shit. I'm not sure where you work or what you do, and I don't care. But what what you should know, is that HPD officers live in fear to tell the truth about the bullies, assholes and megalomaniacs who run the place. Thus, "anonymous". Until you wear the uniform and do this job Ms. Cormier, all you should do is say thank you. Same for you Brookman. You already know why cops post anonymously. Because of retribution.

  89. To the actual females who do this job, day in day out, I thank you! You are a special breed of women, alpha personalities, and God bless you all. Then we have the one like this coward since day one, who pretends to be a cop while doing civilian duties in a cushy office chair. Kelly you make me sick, someone who has done nothing here,less than ZERO, but somehow feels entitled to be given a desk assignment with your 8 seconds of actual police work. People like you are what make the workplace exhausting, monotonous, and feel like there is nowhere to advance when someone with zero work ethic is granted a plum assignment based off her self championed class protection entitlement status! People like you are the reason for workplace hatred, not your opinionated views or speculations that are manifested in your delusion mind. The lawyer or consultant who wrote your complaint should have used less opinion and advised you to have ghost written this OP ED piece in fact, not speculation. Cry the rest of us who actually WORK here a river to ride off into the sunset when we retire after actually breaking a sweat while doing the work you took the oath for but are to scared and down right lazy to do.

    1. Clearly you don’t have YOUR facts straight. I’m sure Baerga has more STREET time then you actually educated yourself on, or you do yourself. Just another arrogant “concerned CT resident”. It doesn’t take a lawyer to be well spoken either.... Actually!! Don’t proactive Police officers spend most their time responding to calls esp. HPD, which in hand requires numerous of reports being written each shift? SO, With time on the job you become a better writer.You clearly haven’t taken the time to educate yourself of all the facts before writing this.. ZERO respect for you. Your the “special” breed here. Hopefully, your not a Detective because you definitely would’ve lost this case based off your information/“facts”. Let’s not forget about the real facts of why we are here. You failed to mentioned anything about Rodney’s behavior...hmmm, so much for being “concerned”. What about that Oath? How does a PO, “Protect and Serve”, their community when their own brothers and sisters RIGHT next to them don’t even get that.

  90. I don't expect HPD officers to leave their names, that's completely understandable, however not every person who is commenting works for HPD. So I apologize, I should have been more clear about that.

    Additionally, no, I have never worked in a cubicle in my life, so don't make assumptions about things/people that you know nothing about. I'll go on a ride along anytime with you guys. (It wouldn't be my first time, but I'd definitely do it again).

    Let me be clear, I respect what you guys do immensely and I know a lot of police officers from all over the state, you guys have an EXTREMELY difficult, stressful. My issue was and still is with how one of your own was treated. It wasn't acceptable in any way and further wasn't acceptable how the brass and HR mishandled it.

    Also just to be further clear, (not that anyone cares, I'm just responding to the comment that was directed at me). However I don't work at Aetna or in a cubicle. I DO wear a uniform to work, I actually work in a hazardous duty position and am an essential state employee.Ive worked 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift. (Worked 3rd for 7 years) I get mandated to work 16 hours when my relief doesn't come in. I work weekends, holidays, have to get into work no matter what the weather is like, etc. Been doing this for over 25 years. What you guys do is much more dangerous then what I do, hands down.... that being said, I don't work with a bunch of boy scouts.

    Oh, and I don't live in Avon, Newington or any other relatively low crime area, so again, try not to jump to assumptions about someone you don't know. I'm on the side of good law enforcement officers, which I believe is the majority.Sadly, there's the minority that are inappropriate, unprofessional, jerks.

    And honestly, I rarely read and/or comment on any blog, commenting on this incident definitely wasn't a stress relieving moment for me, but I'm glad it is for others No woman OR man, (straight, gay or otherwise) should have to go through what officer Baerga did.

    No, I absolutely don't expect you or anyone else to care about me or what I do. Just to reiterate my comment wasn't directed toward people commenting who currently work at the PD, it was for the others who don't. Police officers take a lot of flack from some folks in the public, so if those people have anything to say, those are the ones that I was referring to about remaining anonymous.

  91. I would luv to be a fly on the wall in the complex on tues morn. Im sure the brain trust will have a meeting of the minds to decide what the next step is.
    This administration gets a D+ in my opinion

  92. Why are all the copy machines at police headquarters broken and out of toner ink ?? Who is in charge of signing the purchase orders for the much needed supplies ?

    1. Who else besides the dented can.....Dusty Rendock.

  93. The emergency beacon has been activated.....

    The truth will be told and all will revel in his transformation....

    The darkest night will gleam when he arrives.....

    There is only one.....

    The GREEN LANTERN lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!
