Monday, February 18, 2019


Some basic numbers for the incoming HPD recruit class scheduled to begin in March.

The class is made up of 2 Black males, 3 Black females, 6 Hispanic males, 3 Hispanic females,3 White males, 1 White female.

5 are Hartford Residents, 14 are non residents

The class was originally scheduled for 19 recruits, but 1 Hispanic male has dropped out.

**Note- There are no requirements to identify as LGBTQ and those stats are not kept


  1. Complete garbage waste of blog time.

  2. and your comment isn't? it is because someone asked the question

  3. No gender neutral candidates? Where's the diversity?



    Paul West is a STAND UP COMIC. HE HAS
    been doing this OFF DUTY his whole Casreer.
    Paul has performed across the COUNTRY IN RENO, LAKE TAHOE and The Funny Bone in Manchester.
    His Comedy Reflects the Today Family, Race , Gender and Ethnicity Jokes.
    Pause---------- I dont think its Funny. He is In Charge Of Recruiting While doing this.
    So West can Joke About Minorities And LBGTQ.

  5. A green light has overtaken the complex...….

    The truth will be told...…..

    The transformation is complete...…..

    The bright green glow of his lantern has filled the complex with hope...…

    The Green Lantern has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Does anyone remember the “ good ole days” (DECADES AGO) when doors were opened up to blacks,Hispanics and women??BACK THEN they were REQUIRED and EXPEXTED to meet ALL QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE JOB. At one time the right person for the job was hired from those categories. SERIOUS OCCUPATIONS such as cops and firefighters have been “watered down” due to this recent practice of disregarding PHYSICAL ABILITY AND MENTAL COMPETENCY .. I find it comical that early on qualified Hispanics were hired mostly as a resource for their BILINGUAL ability, NOW we hire Hispanics that can’t SPEAK,READ OR WRITE Spanish !!!! Some list Hispanic from a GENERATIONS old connnection to the island,,when does that stop? All three of my bloodlines were treated like shit in this country at one time or another.You know what SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS I RECEIVED FOR “THEIR” ( not mine) MISTREATMENT ????? I’LL LET YOU ANSWER ,,,,,,And please don’t say my white skin or penis!!! THAT GOT OLD A LONG TIME AGO!!!

  7. Jussie(Juicy)SmollettFebruary 19, 2019 at 11:36 AM

    Whats taking so long for my arrest I clearly lied to start a race war and slander the maga movement thank God for good honest police work by Chicago PD


  8. Thank God for Chicago, Police dept.
    They Should Arrest Jussie Smollet
    for intentional Lying.
    Felony 4th Degree.
    Oh I forgot He's Black Only Whites Get Arrested
    For that.

  9. those 89 stats looking now?

  10. What a difference a day makes, confirmed 89

  11. Diversity means anti-white, alright. Hehe

  12. Sounds like HPD is finally catching up to HFD. Enjoy it, diversity did wonders for our productivity. By the way, How come you have to be a city resident to apply for fire but not police? And can anyone tell me how long it has been since HFD had a white Chief of Dept?

  13. Hartford's Finest is on it's way with a great recruitment. Do Not forget if you see or hear something call it in.

  14. Most of the minorities hired in the last 12 yrs are lazy,scare to run into burning buildings,just play on thier cell phones all day, when the bell hits they take their sweet time to get on the fire truck.Many of them come in in the morning already looking like they don't want to do anything ,fire stations are dirty,fire trucks are dirty,equipment on truck not properly inventoried,if a Deputy Chief yells at someone or a Captain or Lieutenant yells at someone they pull the race card ASAP. Don't worry though they have tons of certifications that Reggie Freeman made all the new guys get. When a fire comes in none of them know what they are doing ,who to do a search,how to force a door,how to open ceilings,how to ventilate,, how to stretch hoselines,how to open a hydrant,how to open an oxygen bottle at EMS calls,and how to properly wear their uniforms and how to properly speak and act in public. It's a disgrace to what this department has come to. Former Chief Caceras got his wish.The Hartford Fire Department now looks like the citizens of Hartford. !!

    1. If Black and Brown people disgust you that much why are you here why are you not a fireman or policeman in your home town? Prolly cause you wouldn't make the cut some of you white boys cry more than a teenage girl at a sweet 16 party? Oh my God too much diversity its anti white oh my God too many women its anti white male oh my God where did all these gays come from its anti white male heterosexual the good old boy network has been infringed upon indigenous and native peoples were allowed to work alongside the white man the world is over go cry a river

  15. Here's an idea, why not hire the best qualified person for the position?

  16. I bet you watch “ Backdraft “ on your phone and wish you were kurt russell ..... mr blah blah blah

  17. What's the reason that City of Hartford is hiring for Police Officer residents salary starting at $49,851.88 & non-residents starting at 52,866.84?

    Transparency???lets treat people the same way no matter from where they come from or their nationality!

    I'm tired of hearing for many years that Hartford is having problems finding qualify candidates. I'm 100% sure that Hartford has more than qualify candidates, White, Black, Hispanic.

    Is sad to hear that and more when it comes from the mouth of a Chief that was raised in Hartford CT.

    1. Congratulations sir, you are the stupidest person on the internet!

  18. So now the city has opened the purse to combat the “rise” or “curve” in violence, lol! This is something that should have been sustained and on-going.
    This is much different than a section of highway that has seen a “curve” or a “rise” in motor vehicle accidents and throwing a few troopers on it to conduct enforcement action. This ought to be interesting.


  19. 11:49 AM, Anonymous said >> PROLLY cause, I think he/she meant PROBABLY because. We can sure see your level of intelligence.

  20. 6:20PM

    Are you surprised? It is an election year. The next thing will be Bronin visiting with shooting victims in the hospital or consoling the families of homicide victims with the TV cameras in tow like he did the last time

  21. 4:29 PM ,,,HOW SOON YOU UNINFORMED NUMBSKULLS FORGET!!!! Say state “ I’m tired of hearing for many years that Hartford is having problems finding qualified candidates” It was just 2 years ago that IDIOT Luke Bronin PERSONALLY CALLED 84 applicants to thank and encourage them in the process to become a police officer. I challenge anyone to try and get this IDIOT Bronin on the phone related to important issues BUT HE HAS TIME TO CALL 84 applicants???? So here’s the funniest facts of all ,,,25 outta 84 DIDNT SHOW UP FOR WRITTEN TEST.....59 TOOK PHYSICAL AGILITY....18 PASSED.....MOST OF THE 18 FAILED POLYGRAPH TEST BUT BROOKMANS BELOVED CHIEF ROVELLA CREATED A “EXPERIMENT” AND ALLOWED THEM TO ALL MOVE ON TO THE PSYCOLOGICAL TEST.....AFTER ALL THAT WASTE OF TIME,ENERGY AND TAXPAYERS MONEY ,,,,,ONLY ONE MADE IT TO SEE THE CHIEF FOR CONSIDERATION !!!!!! 4:29 PM ,GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS AND TAKE A LOOK AROUND ONCE IN AWHILE ,,,YOU MIGHT GET AN “EDGEUMICATION” on REAL “transparency” as I just listed.. YOU WANT MORE????

  22. RUN JUSSIES RUN GIRL DONT LET THOSE NIGERIAN MAGA SUPPORTERS CATCH YOU!!!! LOL HAHAHAHAHAA Great police work by Chicago PD Dammit Jussie the self proclaimed Gay Tupac turned himself in at 6am this morning. You coward I wanted to see him do that perp walk in handcuffs. We saw Bill Cosby do the perp walk Im sure we will see R Kelly do it as well. Being a part of the LBGTQ community does have its perks sometimes.

  23. Back up on the hate, Brother. I remember a day some ten years ago when Teddy...don't remember his last name. Pump operater for E2 at the time, hell of a good fireman. Anyway, we're sitting in 2's watchroom and Springer was on doing a show about transsexuals and transvestites and Teddy walks in and says, " Wow! She's hot!". I said, " Ted, that's a dude" and Teddy said, without missing a beat, " Well, ok. Does he have a brother?". Completely harmless, non judgemental, self deprecating humor. But we can't joke like that anymore. People think they won by bringing hate to the forefront, but at what expense? The ones who want to hate freely elected a person full of hate so I can't even tell jokes anymore. We reap what we sow. I didn't vote for hate, you did. And now there's no humor in life. Thanks for that.

  24. 6:28 PM No lie ,,I voted for Obama twice looking for that “CHANGE” he promised and he stuck it up my ass for 8 years and I’m CERTAIN all this divide and hate you speak of started with Barack..Then I vote for Trump looking for that SAME change Obama promised and the same liberals I took sides with during the Obama scam have replaced Trumps use of the word “CHANGE” to the word “HATE” . So 6:28 PM Is there some special category “YOU PEOPLE” put “WE PEOPLE” in??? Again I voted for Obama TWICE and Trump ONCE . Please respond 6:28 PM Because I’ve been in limbo since Trump won. Also,,6:28 PM ,HOW DID OBAMA WIN TWICE WITH ALL THE HATEFUL RACIST WHITE PEOPLE MANY SPEAK OF???? The numbers don’t add up,,,,sorta like the polling places in the nations inner cities.
