Friday, March 1, 2019


SCN_0015 by on Scribd
A Hartford Superior Court Judge has ordered the re-arrest of former HPD Sergeant Justin Torniero after he failed to appear in Court for his most recent Court date.

The charges stem form Torniero's December 2017 arrest after an Internal Affairs Investigation.

 Torniero may be hospitalized in a addiction treatment facility, but that information could not be verified at the time of his Court hearing by his attorney to the Court's satisfaction, resulting in a re-arrest warrant being issued for Torniero, and his bond being increased to $375,000.

 If it can be verified that Torniero was actually hospitalized the re-arrest warrant will be vacated by the Judge


  1. He’s terminated, arrested and gone.
    Way to throw some deflection at the real problem at hand right now.

  2. I guess you only want to hear things that further your agenda, sorry

  3. So pile on the guy when he is down. This is a terrible situation where a member of the department fell into addiction and into
    legal trouble. If he failed to appear w/o a valid excuse he will face the court’s wrath and pay a steep price. Police officers
    should be held to higher standards than regular citizens. If he is hospitalized then this warrant will be dismissed.

    Sadly in every generation of police officers since I have been in Hartford since 1981 there are many sad and similar
    stories. Most ended badly and have had life changing or ending effects.

    So to anonymous and perfect blog entrants you should be ashamed. Former Sergeant Torniero has put his life in neutral
    by his own actions. That’s sad nothing less

  4. Chris, but the greater problem are his co-workers. Many people have told me it was common knowledge what was going on and no one wanted to "rat" him out. How did that work out? his career imploded when he might have been able to be helped with rehab or EAP help before he totally went off the deep end, and there is no possibility of helping him now

  5. That’s BS Brookman and you know it! Rovella ordered IA to dismiss all charges against him because he was a “cancer survivor.” Just ask the current IA commander and he will tell you.

  6. ^

    Wasn't that my point? everyone was aware what was going on and no one did anything to salvage his career by getting him help

  7. The PD was protecting a guy that stole a city issued bullet proof vest and gave it to a drug dealer and they wonder why we the ADOS dont trust the pigs in blue??!!! Smh

    1. Nobody protected him once he got that crazy. You don’t know what you’re talking about!

  8. 7:21PM

    the same way people in our neighborhoods protect criminals and remain silent when crimes occur. That's life in the Big City

    1. Kevin you sound silly as Hell people in the community didnt take an oath to uphold and protect the law the cops did and like ya man Chris Lyons just said police are held to a higher standard

  9. 7:52 PM

    OK, just wondering, who did you express your concerns to ? what was done to get him help ?

  10. The departments eap program is a joke. There are several employees here right now hanging by a thread. Its pretty sad indeed. I would say conduct a piss test, but half the dept would be gone. the fire dept also. god forbid public works......

    1. You obviously don't know how that program works. Why don't you call the person in charge and ask... Apparently you are one of those that play on their cell phone during GBD and don't pay attention..

  11. I guess we need to re-visit what a joke the EAP is in BOTH fire and police departments. YOU NEED TO HAVE OUTSIDERS WITH NO PREVIOUS AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OR DEPARTMENTS THEY ADMINISTER TO!!!! PERIOD!!! Hartford Fire has had only ONE mandatory drug test in the last 30 years or more. And when you actually reach out to EAP you can count on either one of two things,,,, THEY WILL SHARE YOUR “CONFINDENTIAL” INFORMATION WITH THOSE YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW or YOU WILL BE ASKING SOMEONE FOR HELP WHO ALSO ABUSES DRUGS OR ALCOHOL . And please no bullshit about the police EAP Officer having received credentials for this position,,, the bottom line is a STRANGER should be on the phone or across from you NOT A CO-WORKER. If a brother or sister needed that I’m sure they would trust another cop or firefighter who is ACTUALLY their friend. EAP IS A JOKE

    1. You.....need to go make an appointment with one of the therapists provided for you THROUGH the EAP COMPANY that neither EAP coordinator WORKS AT you dope

  12. Jeez Brookman, you love shitting on Torniero. I wonder if you could figure out who else in that little circle bought drugs from John Butler. Some of those people are supervisors. Ut oh Brookman, do you want to really be an influencer of change or are you going to simply repeat the administrations message? Come on Brookman, get that scoop. Stop filtering my posts. Let's work together and fi the PD.

  13. This maybe unpopular to voice, Torneiro certainly has his Blame here. But from the human side of things alone, the guy has experienced more heart wrentching things at his age then most should have to face, I know this because I watched him push forward not complain but looking back I wish like others said that I tried to help. Not an excuse but look where’s it’s gotten him. Maybe the guy couldn’t take care of himself or didn’t know how to ask for help, but no one can really say he ever stopped taking care of everyone else right until the end. The guy cared everyone knows it and everyone is now just watching him get shit on. Most know there’s other cops who bought drugs, there’s multiple agencies involved they can’t keep the lid on this forever

    1. I agree, all factual. It usually comes down to the good guys that cared about everyone and took care of everyone that end up getting shit on.

  14. Hey 3:51 PM ,The point I was getting across at 4:17 PM was that nobody who is employed by fire or police should be in anyway involved with EAP ,, not even in a “ coordinator” role,, it puts your co-worker in a position to know your most personal of matters. In some cases subordinates who have been assigned there are facilitating help for their superiors. How do I know this ? Because I’ve known a few who worked as EAP reps , usually it went like this..... “YOU DIDNT HEAR THIS FROM ME”......Why was it so important in the past to point out that HPD’s coordinator has certifications if she is not involved in treatment ??? Are they assigned just to fill out forms??? Pretty good gig !! ,,little accountability for OT because of secrecy, a company car and a office??? And 3:51 PM you say the coordinators don’t work for the EAP company ??? It sounds like they don’t do much work for the taxpayers either. How do you justify the money spent on this farce?WHY ARE THEY THERE??? Hey DOPE at 3:51 PM I’M ASKING YOU!

    1. Damn! You got real issues. Go get a journal and talk to yourself. Your posts are weird, boring and clearly shows you are fixated with this topic on every thread that goes up. Shhhhhh NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR RANTS..

  15. 11:59 PM ,WHY ARE YOU RESPONDING IF YOU DONT CARE ABOUT MY RANTS?? THAT seems weird to me. If this is you 3:51 PM then you clearly can’t defend your statement and have conceded your stance about the effectiveness of EAP. My “ISSUES” have nothing to do with the FACT that the EAP program is f%#ked up in the way they offer “ANONYMOUS SUPPORT” . Pretty Please tell me why HPD and HFD need coordinators when I can simply call the company direct? P.S. I will continue to “fixate” on this until HR or someone else fixes it. There are probably numerous cops and firefighters unwilling to reach out for help this very day BUT I assume you don’t give a shit .
