Sunday, March 3, 2019


I guess you might as well ride the wave to your benefit while you can.

 Several sources are confirming that another complaint regarding working conditions for female employees at the Hartford Police Department is about to be dropped on the City Hall HR Director's desk.

This follows at least one credible sexual harassment (Baerga)  that is being dealt with and a second complaint by a scorned employee (Gentry) transferred out of a coveted Community Service Officer position for her lack of productivity. After he transfer, she cooked up a sexual harassment, (oh yeah, allegedly) complaint against a Captain  who had nothing to do with the decision to transfer her. The decision was actually made by a newly promoted Lieutenant who evaluated all of the Officer's under her command  and found that Officer Gentry was dead wood and producing very sparse results for the area she was assigned to. A female Lieutenant by the way, not that that matters.

So when you can't argue with the facts and the statistics that your work performance is abysmal, do the next best thing and cry "Sexual Harassment". Hell, go back fifteen years if you have to, someone might believe you.

Now notice, I am not mentioning the first complaint because in my opinion that complaint has validity and I think it is being dealt with appropriately.(Even though Officer Baerga has refused to cooperate with IAD investigators charged with investigating the matter) I understand the agenda and the objective in  play here. A relatively new Police Chief is in place and making structural changes that a handful of people don't appreciate. So you have to destroy the Chief and his administration at all costs. And what better way than to ride the sexual harassment wave that almost kept a Supreme Court Justice from being confirmed.

Cry Sexual Harassment, and whether it is legit or not, people will pay attention. The Union leadership will be making a beeline for every Newsroom  in the area willing to listen, dumping documents fitting of a Wikileaks breach , and your agenda to discredit a Chief you refuse to work with will gain mileage. Who is willing to take the heat challenging a phony complaint? Especially when it involves something as sensitive as sexual harassment.

Well, I will. Let me be the first to yell bullsh*t on the next complaint being written now to ride the wave.

The next complaint, from what I am being told, is being typed by Lieutenant Christine Mertes  and most likely relates to her claims of HPD being a hostile work environment.
Mertes  recently was  passed over for a promotion to Captain. Not because she is a female. Not because of anything other than the fact she is incompetent and not suited for a position of leadership. Mertes was recently disciplined for a Facebook post where she was clearly identified as a Hartford Police Officer and made some very sexist/sexual remarks in a post on her page.

Originally when Mertes was questioned bout the matter, allegedly she claimed that her Facebook page had been "hacked" then owned up to her behavior after IAD conducted an investigation

Mertes was also removed as the Commander of the Hartford Police Academy by former Chief James Rovella and transferred back to patrol after Rovella became aware of numerous sexual harassment complaints made against Mertes to other supervisors.  Complaints made by both male Academy recruits and male instructors in the Academy. These actions apparently took place in the confines of the Academy as well as in Public Places such as Bushnell Park, On at least one occasion Mertes was reportedly overheard by members of the public addressing recruits and referring to erect male body parts as she was yelling at recruits.

Apparently according to complaints, it was also a regular occurrence for Mertes to be seen in the halls at the Academy wearing only her bra and panties. Yes, you read that right, and it has nothing to do with funding and not being able to supply uniforms to Mertes.

I think you get the picture by now, so I will stop with the details. But this is what Chief Rosado is dealing with and trying to break a culture that is now rearing its ugly head. Are there problems at HPD ? Absolutely. But change is never easy and as long as this nonsense is allowed to continue, nothing will change and most likely it will get worse.

I am pretty sure the plan by the handful of malcontents is to discredit Rosado, Medina and Thody to the point that they are removed, at which point it will be back to business as usual. Under that scenario the malcontents win and we will only see HPD become more dysfunctional.  Change is never easy. I am sure Chief Rosado knew that when he took the job. Every day now and with every negative, nonsensical complaint it should become more obvious to the people and "leadership" of Hartford that there is clearly an agenda in play here and we can't allow that agenda to succeed.

Is Chief Rosado perfect? No. Is it easy to come in and turn a ship around before hitting the iceberg? No but it takes a Captain at the helm to steer us through the iceberg ridden sea, Chief Rosado with the team he has built is the right person to have on the bridge steering the ship and we need to support him to stay off the planned mutiny of the malcontents.


  1. Brookman, you are full of it! How about your boy Foleys Facebook post with with union pin clearly showing and he was ON DUTY when he took a selfie in front of a phrase written on a car that stated “Bitches be Trippin.” Then he wrote “sometime selfies just create themselves.” But it’s ok because he Brian Foley and can do what he wants. Mertes Facebook profile pic was a picture (not of her) with a stupid message. What you call a Meme. How about all the craziness that Mr. 44 himself Cavana has done in the last year alone, nevermind his entire short career at HPD. Corrupt Department! I bet you won’t post this one either.

  2. I can't account for what HPD investigates and what they don't. The Foley pic was common knowledge so if there was a violation, I 'm not sure. Can you give me an I-file number for these Cavanna incidents so I can FOI the facts or are you maybe just upset because he wrote you up at the range?

  3. Kevin, your blinded by these guys. I like Rosado and Medina and have nothing bad to say about them. However, the command staff they’ve built will be their demise. By far they have surrounded themselves with the worst of the worst and that’s what’s hurting them.
    I will agree West is trying to take them out and nobody in the current command staff is worse than him.

  4. 3:38PM

    Blinded by what? I am able to look at this with my eyes wide open and realize what Chief Rosado is stuck with, playing the hand your dealt.I think he has some good resources to work with, but they are limited. And remember most of them were already in place, Rendock was not his choice but Laureano, Powell, Zargur, Cox and others , Rosado has some options but they don't outweigh the Rendock's, the Ricitelli's or even the Mertes's of the department

  5. What the heck did Ricitelli ever do wrong? He doesn’t mess with anyone and does his job.


  6. Kevin,
    Ricitelli Jonas ,he is the worse Dude
    He should be Demoted And fired. Mertes
    Known as" PORKCHOP" is Time to be Demoted
    and Fired. Mertes use to date numerous Married Cops
    and Then expect them to Protect her from discipline.
    Also She Walked in the Academy Hallways with just her Bra And panties numerous times.

  7. We all know Mertes is certifiable, but if she submits this complaint it will be verified that she is crazy. There is more than enough baggage hanging over her head, she is lucky she even has a job at this point. All those recruits she sexually harassed in the Academy were terrified to say anything at the time, but now they are all off probation and can speak freely, along with the Instructor's at the Academy who have had enough and are willing to talk
    What about the recruit she gave instructions to to go home and jerk off and then get back to her to let her know what he was thinking about when he did it. If that is not sexual harassment I don't know what is. But go ahead Christine, your B/S complaint may just be the final straw to get rid of you.

  8. Is this the same Christine Mertes who claimed to be the first female sniper in the State of Connecticut. Whack job

    1. Don’t forget she was shot in the line of duty and also shot two people herself. At least that’s the story she tells.

  9. 3:57PM

    I disagree, but this is about Mertes, not Ricitelli


  10. Mertes always spoke bad about JOHN CAVANNA
    Why because he Disciplined Mertes At The Range.
    Christine Porky Mertes Is Certifiable NUTS. We all know that!!!!
    She Spoke in Dirty Lingo To The ACADEMY recruits about sex.



  11. Paul West is making a serious bid
    to Become Police Chief. West believes Rosado will step down and
    then West will use his leverage from Friends At City Hall to become Chief.
    West sister Chastity West is in Prison.

  12. you can't hold West accountable for the crimes of his family members

  13. Fact: Bronin will NOT get re-elected.
    Fact: When Brandon McGhee is elected Mayor- Rosado gone, West in.
    Good luck lol!

  14. Replies
    1. Laugh now- cry later.
      Mark the date smarta$$!

  15. Fast eddie is coming back for his crown ladies and gents. He will pull bronin apart like warm bread at the democratic primary. All the hoods in the city will vote for eddie in favor of the rich white boy who really has done little for the minority community. Stallings would also be a good pick to fix the city and my taxes !!

    1. Haven't you heard? He's not running, Bronin gave him $$ for a charity to not run..

    2. Bronin’s only way to a second term is paying everyone off like he did the first time. I don’t think McGhee will take his money.

  16. nothing to laugh about, my information is all verifiable


  17. If Paul West becomes Police Chief I know He will
    immediately fire Christine Mertes for all Her Shennanigans. He has said so.
    He would then appoint his Command Staff.
    West Himself has been demoted from Sergeant to Patrolman.

  18. off topic, but can anyone explain how the Sergeant assigned to booking Sunday morning can leave headquarters and go to breakfast with the other Supervisors and be out of the building for over an hour, isn't that all on video?


  19. On Sunday MArch 3 2019
    Will the Sergeant who left Booking
    for an hour To go To Breakfast will he be
    brought up on Charges ? Oh He's in the good Ol Boys
    and Nothing Will Happen to him. We know who it is. Outrageous.
    He did This for an Hour.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Yall really getting petty now a sergeant took a hour lunch break who cares cops do food runs for teleserve staff and dispatchers heck back in 2006 a booking sergeant wife brought him food on third shift and she stayed in his office with him the whole shift now imagine if the blog or social media was around back then pick ya battles


  22. That's not the point Dummy. The Booking
    Sergeant is not supposed to leave Booking
    you idiot.!!!!! Not the fact he took an hour lunch.(breakfast), 10-16
    It's the fact again that he left at all. If someone was injured at Detention while he was Eating -------
    it was his responsibility the Sergeant.
    Failure To Supervise.

    1. Who you calling dummy you candy a$$ Jabroni you wanna meet behind the old 10-2 an settle this like men???

    2. Dummy, It’s not failure to supervise when he went to eat with his Lieutenant who authorized it you dope.

  23. It's not about being petty. It's about being fair. If he was someone command staff disliked he would be charged with larceny for theft of time/pay, leaving his post or whatever else they could manage to drum up. If it's not someone they are after, it turns into "what's the big deal he just took a long lunch."

  24. 7:24 PM You sound just like that old prune Joe Biden threatening Trump to meet up behind the gymnasium ,,,,, I assume you also have his physique also.

  25. Are these the thugs in blue protecting my city that my tax dollars PAY for!! You cops sound like a bunch of gansters fighting with each other!! How embarrasing !! Act professional take a class on professionalism from West Hartford Police or Wethersfield Police. All you Hartford Police officers do is do drugs and sleep with each other or look for prostitutes . Then on Monday you go arrest people for the same crap you officers do on your days off. I have seen it all in my 60 years in the city of Hartford from Hartford Police. They are thugs in uniform.

    1. I have to say good sir or mam that your comment cuts deep. I have been a police officer for the great city of Hartford for over 12 years and truly love working here. To be called a thug when I have done nothing to deserve it, is un called for. I have never done drugs, he’ll I have never smoked marijuana in my entire life! I don’t now, nor have I ever “looked” for prostitutes. And I don’t sleep with all my coworkers, besides some can be rather smelly from all the pj’s we work. Please.... I beg of you, change your comment to say some of the cops do the things you listed. As a member of the vast majority I can assure you we don’t. Additionally when you throw rocks at the dishonest cops please make sure they are small enough not to injur the good cop, that, through no fault of our own have to stand next to them because we are in a life or death struggle with the animals that I hope you will admit prey on people in our city.


  26. Yes sad but the above caption is
    from Christine Mertes.

    1. It’s not from Christine Mertes, she’s a liar and hates the department.

  27. Anonymous 854 has said it right and was a good counter to the character from
    earlier in the posting calling Hartford Police officers names. That individual should
    call any other city agency when in need of assistance in the future.

    Members of HPD are in the great majority outstanding officers working
    an extremely difficult job every day. Imagine such areas like Enfield Street,
    Broad and Madison, the 1900 block of North Main Street and the Five Corners
    Area without police. To Mr. 60 year old I say good luck and put on your
    running shoes if you happen to travel to any of these areas.

    It’s easy to bash HPD from the safety of the computer and other means of
    communication especially in an anonymous manner. Support HPD.

  28. Mr. Northend residentMarch 8, 2019 at 4:08 AM

    Mr. Brookman,
    Your blog is very mean and nasty towards strong men of color like Mr. Rodney.
    Nothing is gonna happen to him so you better turn the image of this here blog site around. Diversity and enlightenment will help you along.
    Mr. Rodney has more community folks in his corner, unlike that medina person.

    Good day,
    god bless sir.

  29. Mr. North end resident. There’s someone knocking at the door. It’s Mr. Reality! he says get with him and know Medina is bringing a pink slip for Mr. Rodney.

  30. I see the lantern is plumping that resume full of high speed training to better market himself .....

    I bet u dont post this mr blog
