Thursday, April 18, 2019


I am almost tempted to put a "XXX" warning on this post for its obscene content.
I can see why Hartford's Superintendent Leslie Torres-Rodriguez stonewalled me for 2 months and only released this information after I filed a complaint with the State FOI Commission. That and embarrassing Leslie Torres-Rodriguez  previously  in a blog post yesterday  and by some miracle, the documents were e-mailed to me at 10:27PM last night. I had been told by a source in the Superintendent's that the documents I requested were readily available in an electronic format, but the BOE Empress did not want them out in the public
This list is not about educating children, it is about building a Kingdom of servants loyal to Leslie Torres-Rodriguez. With salaries like this. the Hartford Schools Should be graduating a huge number of Rhodes Scholars, not the children they shove through unable to read or write at graduation.
The Hartford Schools are broken and I wonder when parents are going to demand it gets fixed with competent leadership 


  1. They're going to restructure Hartford Public High School, again, and make all of the teachers reapply for their job. They just did the same thing to Weaver. I think there were a couple of other schools this happened to as well. You can bet the administrators in those schools cherry pick the loyal, over the effective in their own little fiefdoms. They should restructure the whole district's administration and make them all reapply for their jobs. It's a pipe dream, but if they ever did it they should keep the state out of it and let the teachers, the ones who provide the actual education, decide which administrators they want to keep on. Maybe the administrators that are not rehired can teach in the middle schools they can't keep staffed and show us all how it's done.

  2. When luke goes around the city crying about how broke the city is, he now knows why (as if he didn't already know). Leslie's salary is higher than what's posted. She's already received at least one raise since taking that spot and others aren't even listed that I know are making over six figures.
    Any idea when that investigation and its results are going to be completed and made public?
    I have a feeling heads are gonna roll.

  3. What a joke.. they are paying secretaries between 72K and 82K or more a year..and oversight managerial support for IEP digital data entry compliance over 94K a year plus benefits packages for sure for these uncertified non -educational that range from 35k to 55 k in corporate America ..No wonder why they only wanted to give teachers a 001 increase and switch everyone to a HSA high deductible ..they need all the money they can get to keep this madness going..and do not forget all the management staff these admins each have too..LOL Only in HARTFORD..

  4. Obscene is right. These Administrators are overpaid metric manipulators. The metrics they collect are meaningless and manipulated. I doubt most of the metric collectors know how to use the Sum function in an Excel Worksheet. They probably add using a calculator and then type the result into Excel. Amazing what a degree in Education from CCSU can get you. But all these Education Bureaucrats are "Inspirational, Next generation thought leaders."

  5. Do they work a full year or do they get the summer off the same as the students?

    1. Most appear to be 11 month employees

  6. There are lots of people missing.

  7. This is, unfortunately, not surprising but SOOO incredibly disheartening. The teachers and staff that deal directly with the children get cut backs, have to buy their own supplies, and make do in a million different ways, while the home office spends this much??

    I wonder what metrics are used to measure the productivity of the people on this list.
    With salaries like these, you'd think we'd have really wonderful innovative programming, with kids excited about school, exceeding their goals in reading and writing, and actually being ready to succeed in college when they graduated.

    Sadly, I don't think we're ready to accept any offer Ray Dalio's foundation may make to help us - we need to get our house in order first.

  8. Police and Firefighters are actually risking their lifes for much less than that!! Then Bronin says the city is broke!! Police and Fire Unions better not back down on next contract negotiations!!! Looks like the pot is full of gold to me...

  9. $180k administrator who is not even from Hartford cheated on his fiancee with a co-worker. HPS employee/Co-worker felt guilty, pretended to help by practically inviting ex-fiancee to confront administrator at central office. Co-worker set up the meeting, planned everything in her office for 2 hours (during busniess hours) while revealing inapporpriate text messaging , pictures and behaviors (sex in the workplace) to former fiancee while waiting for administrator, for reasons we don't understand. Co-worker twisted her her story saying fiancee harassed her and him. Cameras will show no proof of harassment, but HPS employee has several text messages with former fiancee to set up administrator, who she is currently living with, so we don't get it that she helped her set him up, but still lives with him. Superintendent and HR are aware of this but did not bother investigating administrator about questionable behavior in workplace. Administrator filed harassment order for work and for girlfriend. . Administrator didn't even show up for court. Just needed paperwork for HR to check off and case investigation on inappropriate behavior. Many staff aware, but told since its easier to keep a lid on it. This man who is in the top 4 earner is untouchable and did not even get a slap on the wrist. Another cover up for another overpaid awful person.

  10. According to the 2019 2020 superintendent’s recommended budget. Leslie‘s secretary is getting a $6100 pay raise. That’s between 9 and 10%. Veteran teachers with decades of experience received a $1500 raise for next year after coming off a two-year pay freeze. Factor in the increase in health insurance for the new contract and that $1500 payraise gets cut in at least half. Time to clean house at central office, but then again, it’s been time to clean house for a number of years now.

  11. Come on Brookman, even you must know Bronin appoints the majority of the BOE and could straighten this out pretty quickly if he cared at all about our schools. He doesn't care at all and the BOE acts accordingly. Why do you keep giving him a pass on the schools?

  12. What we need now are job titles associated with the salaries.... Can anyone fill those in?

  13. OMG this should outrage everyone. The board and district administration should be restructured now. Stop ripping off the tax payers

  14. Principals are supposed to work in summer ...what a joke.. seems like very over day they are called down town to meet and get trained.... They leave schools out of control effective leadership. As how many days administration is not in the school during school year outrageous. How about get your training during the part of the summer they should be working... Nope ... That would make them actually be effective

  15. Hartford Board of Education administration offices has been out a whack for many. many years. Payrolls are out of control and there are to many positions. Hartford Board of Education members have no clue and haven't for a long, long time. Leslie Torres should have never been hired. She has all kinds of degrees. However, anyone can continue their education and earn these paper degrees that mean nothing when put to use in the workforce. Torres has never taught in a classroom. She is out of touch with all the daily teacher duties in a classroom. TORRES SHOULD BE FIRED!!! The Board of Education members caused this mess. Therefore. the State of Connecticut should take over operating Hartford Public Schools. Hartford Court of Common Council should cut back the HPS budget by thousands of dollars and Mayor Luke Bronin should approve it. HPS is one of the reasons Hartford is in great debt.

  16. Kevin,

    What’s even worse than this list is with all the high paid people working at HPS, they can’t even provide you an accurate list! There are people on this list that are listed more than once and then people just missing from the list all together. Just to provide a few examples, I don’t see Madeline Negron, Chief Academic Officer, Daryl Roberts Director of Security, William Mason Transportation Manager, Daisy Torres, Director Bilingual, among others. Speak about incompetence beginning with the top earner Dr Torres Rodriguez at 270k. Btw, Is Colon Rivas still on PAID leave making 173k a year?

  17. @7;33 am -That is a vile story, however amigo, no man or woman in "untouchable" ..if true really hope that the non-employee files certified employee misconduct complaints with the CT State Department of Education and a complaint with the City of Hartford Mayor's Office where she submits all the hard evidence of what transpired in the city of Hartford public schools central office during work hours and a statement with names of HPS employees involved in the investigation and cover up requesting a full investigation into the matter that places all of the involved parties including the superintendent and everyone in the HPS HR department that had any involvement in the case on leave until appropriately resolved.If this took place the HR for HPS and superintendent have no place ever to further be "investigating" any matters. In order to stop corruption and people with no ethics you need to keep making their ugly transparent as you move up the chain of command until you get to the people who have the decency, power and ability to put a full stop to it, replace the trash and send a strong message to the masses. Good luck it takes courage however eventually if this really went down the complaining party will ride a bunch of dirty rats from a lot of place who fail to do their jobs by forcing the clean up extermination

  18. This bullshit makes me HATE Hartford. Wake up people, this is why you cannot have nice things.

  19. 1:48PM

    Thank you for the information, Anyone else with missing names, please post them here or e-mail them to me. This will all be introduced at the FOI hearing to show their deceptive practices. The only way to change is to hold them accountable. You can also send it as a comment , just preface it with "Please do not post" if you feel more comfortable. Also, if anyone has information or details on teachers being assigned to classes they aren't certified to teach in, I could use help with that also, I am being told it is happening at Classical Magnet and other schools, which is apparently illegal.

  20. Kevin, since many names are obviously missing, FOI the entire BOE payroll and request a true list! This is sickening.

  21. 11:06am

    That was one of the major flaws of Charter Revision. Why would it make sense to elect any members to the Board of Education if the Mayor then appoints the Majority , and if he was smart and had any loyalty from the appointed members, he would essentially seize control of the Board of Puppets. All members should be elected and held accountable by voters.

    The one way to determine the quality of Hartford's Schools, ask the Mayor and the Superintendent where they send their kids to school?

  22. 12:22pm

    I am working on that. Do you think it was a coincidence or by design that they provided such a limited list and many names missing?

  23. Is there anyone that can provide more information on the vote of no confidence in the Principal at Parkville School and any info on parents that were set up to be part of the "name calling" at the recent BOE meeting. I am getting some very disturbing information that I need to confirm

  24. 4:33PM Concerned CT Resident

    I can ask for anything possible, but if they continue to be deceptive, it will take a fight before the FOI Commission to get them to comply, and even then they can still lie to cover their tracks.

    I was pretty specific in what I asked for in my original request, yet you and many others have noticed the omissions.

    I had asked for "Any list, document or report that shows all salaries in the Hartford Schools Central Office as well as School Administrators." Notice I said ALL salaries, not some of them, not only the ones you wish to give out but "ALL". I don't think there was anything ambiguous about that,

    I have been lucky in the past to have some good sources that would provide documents in confidence and then I could compare that with what they provided.

    The FOI hearing officers love that when they sit there and say they provided everything requested and then I start pulling out documents obtained through "alternative means" and prove they are lying.

    It is all part of the game to keep them honest. It would be nice if they started off honest instead of having to be forced into it

  25. Keep tripping them up with their own lies.. Best way to oust the bums. Truly SAD to know that the Genao 2 Sets of Standards are still alive and well and in practice with the Hartford public schools human resources & super and to think what they put the poor teachers through with investigations while meanwhile back at the ranch anything goes and its all covered up. They need to be uncovered for what they are each and everyone one of them.

  26. "The one way to determine the quality of Hartford's Schools, ask the Mayor and the Superintendent where they send their kids to school? "

    Brookman, don't Bronin's kids go to the new Montessori Magnet at Batchelder? You know, the school they tossed all the neighborhood kids out of so a "better" group of kids could come in?

    Either way, it is amazing how you look the other way on his abandonment of any responsibility for the school system.

    Board meeting Hartford schools outrageous decline no confidence in superintendent

  28. Missing Administrator...Burr Principal Ashley Martin....first year principal with a durational shortage 092 certificate and only a provisional teaching certificate making the top Principal salary...seriously! Makes more than veteran administrators with years of experience.

  29. Colon Rivas still out....$$$$...

  30. 7:57 PM, What is your point, I think I am one of the few people trying to bring some accountability to the Hartford Schools, where are all of the parents ? Where are the Council people? Where are the Board members? Where is the Teachers Union leadership?

  31. Funny and shameful how they have incredibly seasoned and talented inner city admins making less than and answering to the newly founded village idiots with hardly any inner city urban school experience and less teaching anywhere for that matter that's what really disgusts wonder its a failing system duh successful districts grow their talent and treat it with respect.Urban schools need folks with inner city urban experience ..(smh).. and really !!! secretaries making over 80K and digital data managers ..making over 94K plus bennies.. in what reality do these HR folks function the moronic daze. Must be spend it or loose it and with no accountability for how they spend it the hell with the students and teachers mentality over at 960 main runs apparently reigns high.They probably have these uncertified inexperienced data managers steering the ship for their over paid salaries too while they are carousing and having lunch among other things down at central as a previous poster noted. Better clean out this HR department yesterday and set this nonsense straight in any other town tax payers would be storming the BOE and mayor's offices demanding immediate changes. These poor kids always end up with the dirty end of the stick. Clean this up !

  32. @7:57 KB is the only one shinning ANY light on this shade at all. Show some respect.
    In fact the guy is a one man brigade . Maybe he should run for Mayor make them all quake and at least he would clean up this corruption fast be great if he appointed himself to BOE like Perez did too . Regarding your question check the enrollment at the elite Kingswood in WH and you will find your answer. Speaks volumes. No "reformative justice " for bad behavior choices there.

  33. Thank you for your hard work Kevin.
    You’re Hartford’s real watchdog!
    I hope there are people brave enough to go undercover, DEEP.

  34. If you want a good laugh go on the Hartford BOE website and look at the Biographies of all these leaders. The write ups of the people is typical educational babble. I am sure the same person wrote them all. It's hard not to laugh reading these. They all went to second rate schools and if you Google their names they are chronic job hoppers. Were the Windham CT schools the training grounds for all of the leaders in public education in CT today. The Middletown Superintendent seems to have followed the same career path as many of the Hartford leaders. He moved from job to job and now short of age 40 he is leading Middletown but we know this is just a stepping stone to the next gig in the Bureaucracy. For all the education LTR has, it's amazing she could have gotten so far without ever teaching for one year. A Ph.D. in Education is a complete joke. One year of actual teaching would have been of much more value.

  35. Bronin’s kids attend the Montessori program at The American School for the Deaf in West Hartford

  36. I would like to know how much Milly Arciniegas makes. Her name is missing from the list. She’s the executive director of the parent university. What a joke that is. Another useless waist of money. The only reason that bullshit program exists is because of Leslie.

  37. Please look into her cronyism- Leslie has hired friends from CREC and also a group called CALAS. She also hired Alberto who is in ALAS- what does he do aside from stand outdoors smoking cigarettes? It is interesting, though, that the group (CALAS) she is a member of, and hired many top earners from, are now giving her an award in May for being an "outstanding Leader". Look at the infoCALAS twitter page- many work in Central Office now. She has to go, and take her team with her.

  38. Bronin's kids do not go to school in HPS.

  39. Look into the summer school situation- regionalism and no offerings for children in grades 4-7. But money is taken from the state. Where does that go? Sending small kids on buses all over towns to schools they don't know? But yeah, Leslie loves her students- as long as they have signed a media release form for her photo opps.

    1. How about that the summer school registration stayed that if the student doesn’t attend summer school he/she MAY be retained when we know they won’t. Summer school is s waste as it is full of behavior issues while the kids that aren’t behavior issues and go are getting valuable instructional time STOLEN from them like they do all year long!

  40. State is good at giving HPS big money that kids never see as HPS breaks all the rules with ZERO state sanctions. This is a broken record. HPS has the worst reading rates in the state receives state priority district grant money year after year and their central office has no clue what an individualized reading plan is nor do any of the below grade level readers have one for that matter. As KB touched on in a prior post this wrong doing goes way deep with lots of blind eyes that should be wide open. There needs to be a collective accountability calling process and it ain't about calling the Hartford public teachers racist. This stuff would never be a thought up in Fairfield county or Avon or Glastonbury because heads would roll.

  41. Bronin. Bronin is accountable for this mess. He is the one who let the gang of hucksters, who feed at the public trough, roll him an install LTR when they were terrified by the prospect of Tim Sullivan. The voters need to act and throw the Fairfield county carpetbagger out.

  42. Code yellow again hphs multiple fights 4/22

  43. Code yellow again hphs multiple fights 4/22

  44. @April 19, 2019 at 8:16 PM: Interesting that HPS is hiring administrators from outside the district - with a DSAP certification when there are high qualified candidates internally who have proven themselves as effective leaders through their work/job screening and are just "sitting" in the hiring pool...."waiting" for an opportunity...

  45. @ Kevin. I want to point out some of us are here working paycheck to paycheck and actually are putting in work and are NOT servants loyal to Leslie Torres-Rodriguez. Salaries are based on several things however one issue that is concerning is the salary of the mass majority of minority employees are way less then others. As I read these comments I am in much agreement with a lot of you. Yes the school system needs to improve in major ways but some of that improvement can not be done by certain departments at central office nor does certain departments have any say so in funding provided to the schools. Whatever it is that is set out to be accomplished with this list of names and salaries I hope it will help better improve the school system, get the security cameras fixed, eliminate the "who you know" not "what you know" policy.

  46. Better yet are the numbers of FORMER administrators on the list....back in the classroom.....that are removed from an administrative role yet get paid their admin salary for another 2 years..ridiculous contract for Admin!

  47. Salaries like these are "obscene" because many people are forced to accept a much lower salary in return for their hard work. If you take in account the price of housing, utilities, food, state and local taxes, education, healthcare, transportation, clothing, cheap vacations, etc., what do you think a fair salary in the state of Connecticut should be for a high school or college graduate? For years I have had the same attitude as you, shocked by some of these large salaries paid by towns, cities, and the state including generous benefits. But the real crime has been the race to the bottom paid by private industry while the cost to just get by continue to rise. What is the real solution? How do individuals and families make ends meet?

  48. I do not understand why you think these salaries are obscene. Teachers at the top of the salary scale make 95,000 and more in most districts. Administrators have extra duties, and an extra certification. Principals and assistant principals are 12 month employees, whereas teachers are 10 month employees. Teachers and administrators work beyond their "contracted" hours, either doing paperwork, grading papers, planning, or attending events beyond the school day.
