Wednesday, May 8, 2019


When are we going to say 'enough is enough"?

As residents and taxpayers of Hartford it seems that we constantly are taken as the deep pocket victims by everyone wanting to make a quick buck at our expense.

Whether it was the former Mayor who had no problem stealing from us or the Chief Operating Officer for the Hartford Schools allegedly terminated for being a thief  we need to say we are tired of it and we are not going to take it anymore

Hartford City Government and the Hartford Schools are both corrupt organizations. We see this time and time again. Now we see the Chief Operating Officer for the Hartford Schools being terminated over the alleged theft and "misappropriation" of thousands of dollars worth of computer equipment.

 According to the termination letter he reportedly admitted to the theft.

I have a hard time in believing, and very little confidence in the so called "Investigation" conducted internally by the Hartford Schools.

Where is the HPD investigation? Shouldn't the theft of a large amount of equipment automatically be referred to the Hartford Police for criminal prosecution or are high ranking Government officials exempt from being held accountable for their actions.

And don't we as residents and taxpayers deserve an explanation and reassurance that Government are being responsible stewards of OUR MONEY. And yes it is our money that is being stolen.

Now I wouldn't trust the word of the Superintendent and her allegations against Colon-Rivas and one ounce of weight on her word. Too many bad things are going on in the Hartford Schools right now and some clarity and accountability need to be brought to these operations.

If Jose Colon-Rivas is a thief, we deserve to know that and see it verified by his arraignment on theft from a Municipality Larceny charges, if the story was concocted by the Superintendent for any other reason we need to know that and demand her resignation immediately as well, that is called blind justice, no one should be exempt.


  1. OMG. Is DR Leslie kidding. She is focused investigation on those she wants to remove. How about investigation into the inappropriate DCF reporting to INTIMATE teachers or the incomplete title IV investigation that leave teachers and students at risk. How about it Leslie when will you investigate your administration corruption and incompetence

  2. A comprehensive audit by the city or state of the office of talent management needs to happen immediately. All of the issues in the past few years have had a nexus in that office. The been there so long she has moved from secretary to Executive Director needs to be removed immediately. Over the past few years previous people have been permitted to leave under cover so they can ply their incompetence in other school districts. Ms. Banks has been there through all of the scandals from the P-Cards to Jill Cutler-Hodgeman's cover up of the other administrative failures like Eddie Hannau. The main office covers for the failures of the administrators and blames teachers for the failure of the system. The superintendent is just the 270k per year place holder that allows this cadre of evil to fester. This rot is so bad that people are terrified to fight against it for fear of harassment and termination. You are bringing much of this to light and look at those abandoning the ship like rats.

    The office of talent management is used to keep the dedicated teaching staff from calling out the inept and failing actions of administration. Even the new administrators throughout the district are fearful of standing up to the central office. The teachers who are committed to the academic growth and advancement of the students are treated with contempt. If you contact the HFT you will hear many of the horror stories. You work with Ms Yennie and she spends a lot of time in the schools. Ask her how the central office had destroyed the school district. We need to encourage the teaching staff to continue to bring this administrative malfeasance to light. This is the opportunity teachers to let the citizens of Hartford know how their money is being wasted.

    We challenge the Courant's reporters who we know read your blog to step up and be true journalists not just parrots of the pablum spewed by the self-aggrandizing administration. This is a crime what the leadership in Central office is doing. Superintendent, take this opportunity to show you really care about the Hartford Students of which you are one. You know the dedication of the teachers you had the Hartford Public. Show us that you are with us for the well being of our students and not just for the educational executives. Our students are losing and your inaction is setting them up for a harder life because they are not getting what they should.

    The commands that come from central office along with threats for non-compliance are adversely affecting education. You have the power to make it stop. The people downtown including your cabinet are only interested in their advancement. Although you applied to Boston, you have the opportunity to show that you are dedicated to our students and teachers. You have been given a great opportunity to give back to the community, please don't waste it.

    Empty central office and start over starting with the draconian office of talent management.

  3. When will the super take responsibility for the wrong doings? The district is falling apart 1 school at a time. She has an agenda and sadly it does include many of the teachers and staff employed. There are so many things she needs to start focusing on. Stop with the intimidation tactics you are allowing your administration to apply.

  4. When is this district going to realize it’s mistakes? Our superintendent has had an agenda that becomes clearer by the day. Sadly many of us are not a part of it as teachers. She is allowing the intimidation by admin, parents and students. Our schools are falling one by needs to be dealt with!

  5. Not only should the police investigation be automatic, any citizen should be able to file a complaint based an the theft of their city property.

    There are plenty of allegations that the superintendent is setting people up to get rid of them. That may be true and some probably deserve it. Regarding Colon-Rivas, her administration brought him in from the city. Why would she do that just to get rid of him.

    I agree with those who say that he's intimidating. That's his mis-management style and he should have been called out many years ago for the abusive style. Nevertheless, he admitted to the theft and needs to be held accountable.

  6. The invisible Principal at Burr who is on a DSAP? Hasn't been to work in months but was ok to come to her appointment at BOE.


  7. I don't want to second guess a medical condition because anything is possible. I am told she suffered a broken leg, typically 6 weeks at the most, and with some crutches an appearance at the school should not be out of the question .

    I am also told the Principal, Ashley Martin, holds a Durational Shortage Area Permit and is not even fully certified to be an Administrator.

    Good work if you can get it I guess but as is true of many of the upper positions at the Hartford Schools, the children definitely don't benefit.


  9. Colon-Rivas is just one thief among many Hartford thieves.

  10. Check out what was missing from Parks and Rec during his tenure

  11. Hi Kevin saw the recent city council agenda. What’s up with the supplanting from GF to CDBG? Noticed a couple years now — carousel, minority construction council for a few.
