Friday, May 17, 2019


Jose Colon-Rivas, Thief or justmisunderstood?

I originally requested this report after Jose Colon-Rivas was terminated by the Hartford Schools on April 24, 2019. After numerous requests and weeks of run around by the Superintendent's Office and City Hall, today I filed an FOI complaint with the FOI Commission for a violation. Minutes later, the report arrived in my e-mail, isn't it funny how that works?

It is some interesting, but if Jose Colon-Rivas is such a thief as the report seems to portray, why would they fight so hard not to release the report?

There were some shady things going on but it obviously seems to point to a much larger problem with incompetence and management  that this behavior goes on in the Hartford Schools.


  1. No cure for stupid. Where else is this "Doctor" going to find a 187K gig? He could have slept at the wheel and retired but he had to steal 15K worth of computers. Penny wise pound foolish. I wonder what Shipman charged the city for that report?

  2. The local media needs to put you on staff. I’ve been following the story here for a few weeks now and The Courant posted the same story to Facebook. This is the first time I’ve noticed this.

  3. First of all, you do a great job, Mr. Bookman in digging up information that is pertinent to the children of Hartford.

    If it had not been for you, Mr. Genao, an online predator, may have been emboldened to commit an act that I cannot imagine. This district allowed for this man to appear on the front page of the Hartford Courant, having admitted to asking students to change their race through the help of teachers who acted as "selectors" in order to gain more money.

    Jose Colon Rivas is either a thief, or has some very bad luck as items directed for external people appears in his office then disappears. I would bet money that there is a vortex in his office where everything disappears to....maybe it is just string theory and the items simply went to another dimension.

    Weaver and Hartford Public are now, it can be argued , under water. The Hartford Courant would rather run articles on marathons and implosions of sky scrapers than discuss the educational system.

    Schools are having votes of no confidence, the union for teachers has disappeared and the superintendent, instead of looking for fresh talent to turn around the schools, recruits from a social group and is applying out.

    Thank you for allowing parents some information about what is happening.

    As a teacher, I can only hope that someone goes through the talent office and central office. This is madness.

  4. Hartford teachers and support staff suffer from battered spouse syndrome at some point we can only hope for a divorce for some sense of sanity

  5. What is happening at West Middle?

  6. Kevin, what did you find out about West Middle School?

  7. no response yet and they have not complied with my FOI request for information , typical

  8. Colon-Rivas is one, just one out of many corrupt people in Hartford. Thank you, Kevin, but you still have a long csx way to go, finding all these corrupt individuals.

  9. Kevin,

    This is not really a post but a bit of info from inside HPS.

    The West Middle Principal made some kind of deal and the details are being kept quite close to the vest. Keep up with the FOI as it will surly be fought as the principal has her Super 093 cert and will be looking to inflict her pain on other school districts made a medical leave deal to avoid having to admit she was fired. We have to stop allowing poor administration to inflict their incompetence on other districts. She was an awful principal that was sent packing with a vote of no confidence from another school before West Middle.

    Hartford Public Principal was transferred to another school despite his failure at HPHS. His coach was the new Weaver Principal wha has been at more school districts than you can count. You may want to look into that. I also hear that very few if any of the teachers at Weaver applied for the reopening at Granby Street. Also recently heard that many teachers have left Bulkeley High School in the middle of the year because of the administrative malfeasance.

    As you search for the cause of the destruction of the Hartford Public Schools, you should really look into the administration at central office and particularly in the office of talent management and at the chief of schools. This fish rots from the head down. The kids are the ones who lose.

    You need to be on this as the energy you started is fading. Colon was just one of the casualties (self inflicted as the wounds may appear). The disinfectant light needs to be shined on the horrifying halls of 960 main street. Please make any contacts you may have in other media outlets to get this story to the front of the public consciousness as the well being and education of our children are at stake.

    The families of Hartford are counting on you Kevin and those who dare to post the truth.

  10. Yes Kevin look into the new principal for Weaver she has been coaching the Hartford High staff and you see how that's going.
    I have spoken to staff that will refuse to go to the new weaver and very few applied

  11. The references to Weaver’s shenanigans is a reminder of how devious former Weaver vice principal Doug McCrory was and is,,,,,,McCrory is about to gather ILL-GOTTEN votes from his constituents in the Northend of Hartford with his weekend long celebration for Doc Hurley . For those with your HEAD IN THE SAND here’s a condensed version,,,,Doug McCrory goes to his glad-handing friends in the Capitol and asks for, GET THIS ,,,$250,000 FOR A BRONZE STATUE OF DOC HURLEY!!!! GET THIS,,,,,They give it to him!!!!! Doug McCrory now goes to the City of Hartford’s council members and asks if they will accept this FREE MONEY FROM THE STATE AT NO RISK OR DEBT TO HARTFORD TAXPAYERS ,,,,,GET THIS ,,, They take a vote!!! You should get this ,,it was unanimous ,,,YES!YES!YES! Well that was 2 years ago and next weekend Doug McCrory gets to tell people,, (WHO ALREADY KNOW) ,how great Doc Hurley was. Someone please answer these if you can,,,,WHY DIDN’T DOUG GO TO HIS “COMMUNITY” TO RAISE THE FUNDS INSTEAD OF SQUEEZING STATE RESIDENTS WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHO DOC HURLEY IS????? WHY DIDNT DOUG MCCRORY USE THIS MONEY TO REPLENISH DOC’S SCHOLARSHIP FUND AND SEND SOME INNER CITY YOUTH TO RECEIVE A HIGHER EDUCATION??? And last ,,, WHAT WOULD DOC HURLEY SAY ABOUT UTILIZING THIS ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY TO “HONOR” HIM???? Hey Doug McCrory ,IF you win the next election at least THANK THE CONNECTICUT TAXPAYERS FOR THE FORCED DONATION,,,,SINCE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WONT GO TO JAIL FOR THIS OBVIOUS CORRUPTION ,,,WE SHOULD BE ADDED TO YOUR LIST OF “CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS” AND BE ABLE TO DEDUCT IT FROM OUR TAXES .
