Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Something stinks in the Hartford Schools

It just keeps getting better and better.

Although the members of the Hartford Board of Education seem to be blind to what is going on in the Hartford School System, at least one person seems to realize it is a sinking ship under the current leadership.

Sadly that one person is the person most likely responsible for the problems. Several sources have concerned that Superintendent Leslie Torrres-Rodriguez is ready to jump from the sinking ship ASAP. and may be working hard to jump like the proverbial rat from a sinking ship.

Torres-Rodriguez had apparently applied, but didn't make the cut for the position of  Superintendent of the Boston Public Schools. The applications were narrowed down to the final three candidates and Torres Rodriguez was not one of the finalists. Boston Schools selected  Dr. Brenda Cassellius  as their new Superintendent last week.

An FOIA request for the documents submitted for Torres-Rodriguez's application has been submitted to the Boston Schools as well as any reports of Colon-Rivas's comments.

Other sources familiar with the process claim that the demise of Chief Operating Officer Jose Colon-Rivas arose from the selection process. Two independent sources who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity feared for retaliation of their jobs if they spoke publicly.

They relayed that Colon-Rivas was contacted during the search process and asked about Torres-Rodriguez's capabilities by a representative from the Boston Schools. Colon-Rivas allegedly gave a less than stellar, honest evaluation assessment of her performance. Apparently that did not sit well with the members of the search committee, and Torres -Rodriguez was moved down on the list of candidates. 

Although the inquiry was supposed to be confidential, it didn't remain that way and word reportedly got back to Torres-Rodriguez that Colon-Rivas was not supportive in his evaluation of her, thus he was apparently expendable and we all know the result of that. 

In full transparency I have to wonder if the "internal Investigation "conducted by the Hartford Schools was a set up as a way to remove Colon-Rivas.

Today, in an effort to get to the truth , I have requested that the Hartford Police Department open a criminal investigation into the matter. If Jose Colon-Rivas actually admitted to removal or "mis-appropriation" of computer equipment and giving computer equipment to a "third party" as detailed in his termination letter from Torres -Rodriguez, as taxpayers I feel we have a right to know that and criminal charges should be brought.

If it was a setup,we should know that also and LTR should get a one way bus ticket out of town  for  her to the next school system she wants to tear down.

I requested the following in my e-mail to Hartford Police Chief Jason Thody earlier today

Chief Thody,

I am writing to you regarding the termination of Jose Colon-Rivas from the Hartford Schools.

Apparently one of the reasons detailed in his termination letter from Superintendent of Schools Leslie-Torres- Rodriguez dated April 24, 2019 (copy attached as PDF file) was the alleged misappropriation or mishandling of several thousand dollars of computer equipment and the letter actually states that he gave equipment to an unidentified "third party"

I am not sure why this investigation was not automatically referred to the Hartford Police Department for a proper investigation and possible criminal charges from the start.

I  am requesting , as both a taxpayer and resident of the City of Hartford that this matter be properly investigated and action taken by the Hartford Police Department  to ensure that our City dollars are being properly maintained against theft and that action is taken if any thefts are documented.

Thank you


  1. To think we could have had Tim Sullivan.

  2. Tim Sullivan? The Caucasian quota had already been reached.

  3. It is a terrible idea for the Hartford Police to investigate these allegations and here is why.

    There will be no cooperation at all and will be interference all the way. Detectives if assigned
    will be stone walled, receive zero cooperation and will be accused of all sorts of bad things. Plus
    before anything is done the department must get the ok from the States Attorney’s office
    because without that backup any investigation will be a waste of time. Acting Chief Thody should
    steer clear of such an assignment.

    Police will be left alone as always.

  4. Well I hope the Hartford Courant looks into if Dr. LTR applied for the Boston job. If she did, they will say it's her right. The Superintendent job is impossible but if she is already looking to move on how sad is that. By the way, Boston pays their Super less than Hartford. LTR is smart she knows how to speak the Education Babble and that's what they are looking for not someone who is competent to run the schools.

  5. Im sure there are many that would gladly assist her in her job search

  6. Isn’t it in LTR current contract that if she leaves the district she is still paid her salary until her contract expires? Or is that only apply if the board asks her to step down versus her leaving on her own free will.

  7. DR.TR is a false prophet for education from CREC Public Safety Academy... That MONSTER has it out for Minority Young Boys/Men... To bad the board of education members are to busy sniffing out their personal agendas to see what she really is.
    Ohhhhh, her day is coming...
    And the beast (Antichrist) was seized and overpowered, and with him the false prophet who, in his presence, had performed [amazing] signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were hurled alive into the lake of fire which blazes with brimstone.
