Wednesday, May 1, 2019


 "Just wondering. Would you support re-hiring a Police Officer who was terminated for stealing?"

Yesterday, I posted the above question to gauge the response. The answer was a resounding "NO", and was almost unanimous.

I was inundated with calls and text messages asking me "Who is HPD hiring back?"

The answer is no one, but I was hoping to show the hypocrisy of Hartford and its political process. 

Why would we refuse to hire back a cop who was terminated because of stealing , but yet many are prepared to support a Mayor who was terminated for stealing from the people of Hartford in the performance of his duty. And not just terminated but also convicted of felonies for his actions.

The two most likely front runners in the Mayoral campaign are both not the best Hartford has to offer. Maybe instead of going to vote and holding our noses for the candidate who "stinks" the least, we should be focused on changing the process to find and elect the best we can and stop settling for the highest bidder to buy the Mayor's Office

The choice is ours.


  1. That is a different thing.

    Joe Ganim is a good Mayor.

    Buddy Cianci was re elected after his legal trouble and prison and became a good mayor

    Eddie Perez ruined his reputation after being a good Mayor. The Learning
    Corridor, Boys and Girls club on Broad Street and general revival of
    Broad Street from Allen Place to Brownell Avenue were some of his
    accomplishments. He was also arrogant, could be a jerk and thought he
    was above it all. Perez also ruined himself and paid the price of destroyed
    reputation which he has worked to correct. Not a perfect person but who is?

    If he runs a credible campaign he will win.

    Police officers always have to be above board and set the example.

    I never expect politicians to do that.

  2. Cops, like politicians, can believe they are above the law.

  3. apparently voters can also if we re-elect crooks

  4. Who can beat Luke Bronin is where my vote will go. Luke must go and the field of good candidates is slim picking.

  5. 1. Eddie Perez pled guilty to two felonies after his original convictions were tossed out by the Supreme Court. It was probably the right call for the CSAO and Perez. There was a good chance the state would lose again, but Perez would have still have faced jail if they didn't. Voters have every right to take his plea into consideration, and for some it is disqualifying.

    2. Did he "steal" from the city? The recent ruling taking away his pension stated "there was no direct monetary loss to the city" from Perez's actions.

    3. Most Hartford voters know the criminal justice system is messy and can sometimes have outcomes that don't seem fair.

    4. Very few Hartford residents are going to re-elect Luke because Eddie reached a plea deal. They will however, take a look at what each person did for their schools, neighborhood and community and see who is more likely to keep their promise to make their neighborhood stronger.

  6. The Cockroach ManMay 7, 2019 at 5:41 PM

    Eddie has had a part time job as a cockroach exterminator. As a result of his sincere facial expression, he successfully stares at the cockroaches until they laugh themselves to death. He has carved out quite a position for himself. And he’s quite good at this task.

  7. Two thinks Mr Perez did and didn’t do; He sold The Parking Authority to meet budget demands and one should never sell a producing asset. And under Mr Perez’s watch, WFSB moved from Hartford. You don’t lose a television station. That was a huge loss for the city.

    Eddie Perez was a second rate political leader and we don’t need to go backwards.
