Thursday, June 20, 2019


The State of Connecticut Elections Enforcement Commission has ruled on a complaint filed by Hartford residents. The complaint was essentially filed by two persons who claim they were "illegally" locked out of observing the absentee ballot count after a Hartford Town Committee election last year.

The SEEC ruled in the complainant's favor that the Democratic Registrar of Voters Giselle  "Gigi" Feliciano as well as her Absentee Ballot Moderator Martin A. Jones , violated Connecticut State law when they locked Anne Goshdigian and Thomas Swarr out of the room where Absentee Ballots were being counted.

In their ruling the commission also expressed concern over the integrity and confidence of the public in the vote count that was created created by the lack of transparency. They also seemed to express concern over a Police Report which seemed to be used to create a false narrative that the two complainants may have been "disruptive" to the process, which was apparently untrue.

Feliciano and Jones were fined  $750.00  which will be reduced to $500.00 if they successfully attend and complete a retraining course. It is unusual for the Commission to assess Civil Penalties in most cases unless the violations are considered serious.

The full decision is below, the Order for Civil Penalties is on the last page.

Feliciano VS SEEC on Scribd


  1. Great news. It's about time the citizenry of Hartford get a break.

  2. Yeah they need to make sure more jackasses can vote their people in to make sure the city is run into the ground.

  3. See the quote in paragraphs 17,18,19 of findings that the Registrar of Voters whose job it is to train the moderator didn't have a sufficient understanding of a basic right of the public to observe and that it was concerning. See that the finding said this information is in a manual. Does this surprise anyone that Hartford's Democratic Registrar doesn't know what she is doing? How much money was spent on that election monitor to review what the office was doing? Democrats in that office are clueless. Secretary of State Merrill was all over TV when the polls were delayed for the governor. She is nowhere now. Merrills office failed to train Gisele Feliciano and failed to educate or stop Feliciano or her staff on Election Day.

  4. All Hartford elections are rigged. Same with job selections, promotions and punishments(or lack thereof) for violators. It never changes no matter who the mayor is. To be such a small city, Hartford City Hall is rife with corruption.

  5. If only they boot those Democrats out what have they done but ruin the city but it will never happen and the mediocrity will continue

  6. If only they boot those Democrats out what have they done but ruin the city but it will never happen and the mediocrity will continue

  7. Is that Martin Jones the retired fire marshal from Hartford Fire Dept???
