Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Apparently the Hartford Police Union President has taken it upon himself to allegedly begin lobbying and campaign efforts for Hartford Mayoral candidate Eddie Perez. Perez a convicted felon after pleading to charges related to his corruption arrest announced earlier that he was attempting to regain the Office that he resigned from in disgrace after his arrest, trial and conviction on corruption charges.

In a strongly worded letter sent to HPD Union President John Szewczyk on Monday, HPD union Vice President Joe Sherbo, Union Secretary Nicholas Trigilia, Treasurer Chris Reeder and Chief Steward Anthony Rinaldi all signed onto the letter asking that Union President Szewczyk  "immediately cease and desist all political activity as it relates to the Mayoral race, unless the Executive Board has discussed and agreed to support a particular candidate " 

Furthermore, the letter stated "If you decide to continue your personal support for Candidate Perez, you are strongly advised to use your own personal vehicle to attend events , and to not identify yourself as President of the Hartford Police Union in those settings. 

The HPD Union President is given a leased vehicle paid for through Union membership dues.

The letter also states that Szewczyk has apparently "partaken in and recruited volunteers to engage in door to door campaigning on behalf of Mayoral candidate Eddie Perez

 The letter also states that the HPD Union does not support candidate Eddie Perez at this time.

As a sidenote, several HPD Union members have informed me that a "Vote of No Confidence " in Interim Chief Jason Thody is being pushed for as an agenda item at the September HPD Union membership meeting.

HPD Cease and Desist Letter to Union President (my apologies for the quality of the photo)


  1. Thody has already commenced in retrieving PSC camera footage in an attempt to identify who took this picture to identify your source.

  2. So the Union President spends his own PERSONAL time and money supporting a candidate who is labor friendly and doesn't want to attack our pensions. Sound like exactly the Union President I want.


  3. 9;49pm

    I wouldn't doubt it, but I doubt very much the person who took it is the same person that sent it to me. Also, I don't see anything confidential there

  4. 9:53PM, once the Union body makes a decision , fine, but making it appear that the HPD Union endorses a candidate before a membership vote is about as fraudulent as a Bronin Campaign commercial claiming all the cops he hired, fact is we have less Police Officers today than when he was elected, and he had to hire 130 firefighters because he drove almost that many out when he slashed their benefits an insurance cost to attain his givebacks


  5. Sherbo is a clown who has no intelligence
    whatsoever. Sherbo is A bufoon who does not belong on
    union board.

  6. When eddie wins. And it may happen ....he will launch that complex into the freakin atmosphere. ...period.

  7. 10:22pm

    wasn't he elected? Did you lose against him? Maybe if you adjust that bad attitude, you could run again.

  8. Not sure why you claim the President is saying the union endorsed Eddie. I specially asked Szewcyk and he stated he has never once represented himself as the Union President when talking about the campaign on his own time. I have no issues with him doing what he wants in his own time. And the fact that he didn't push for the Union to endorse leads me to believe he worked out something with Bronin as well who Szwecyk is friends with. Honestly, I think he's played this perfectly and hedges the bets nicely for whoever wins. Remember, Szwecyk is the same guy who just beat the city in Lanza which was an unwinnable case. Leave Szwecyk alone. He's the best president we've had in a long time.

  9. Just a few comments here :)

    1. I'd support a vote of no confidence in Thody AND Szewczyk.
    2. Thody and Szewczyk make HPD worse by the day.
    3. With both gone, maybe HPD would be desirable again and morale would greatly improve.
    4. Eddie has a big chance. He is the Trump of this election. The silent majority supports him but won't come out and say it.
    5. Eddie will change our contract along with a new union president and chief to attract better recruits and make life better at HPD.
    6. Eddie will put a chief in place who has worked the street. One who will have the officer's backs.

  10. Bowsza spotted again at Evergreen Walk today in that shiny black Tahoe!!!

  11. If Thody tried this hard his entire career he'd probably be a chief in a cushy small town by now. Too late THODY! You finally get those three stars and now you try with the north end? Now you're seen with the kids? Now you attend local sporting events?? That's not how it works!!! A small town AND OUR CAPITAL CITY doesn't want a Chief that likes young girls, has been demoted twice, causes fights, hooks up his inner circle with 50k cars, causes issues, kisses Bronin's rear end. We need a chief who knows crime and how to fight it while taking care of us COPS! Something you never were.

    Leave and take Szewczyk with you.

  12. Tony Ranaldi for union prez.

  13. If Szewczyk is pushing a Vote of No Confidence against Thody he has my support for years to come.
    If Szewczyk pushing for Eddie, he has my Vote.

  14. Hartford Director of ITAugust 28, 2019 at 10:50 PM

    Records at 550 Main through our internet provider reveal that Lieutenant Brian Bowsza accesses we the people on company time. Kronos records confirms Bowsza does nothing. Personnel records indicate that Bowsza has done nothing in his career.

    Best part is, he knows it!!

  15. @10:22 Go back to Sleep Vinnie. You have to start the van for the early commute in a few hours. Oh just kidding, you can sleep during your shift in 608 so you are well rested for your morning cup of Joe with lantern.


  16. When we was Little Eddie Perez
    and His Gang the Ghetto Kids would terrorize the streets
    of Hartford Ct By Robbing, Stealing, Assaultimg and
    Selling Drugs. Eddie Perez led this Nutty Gang and
    Committed All kinds of Crime.
    He was Elected Mayor how we don't know.
    And Now Wants to be Mayor Again. No way the Hartford Ct Police do not Want
    Him Elected.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 10:53PM

    Take it easy on Vinnie, I heard he met Brockman at the Morgan St Garage the day they were delivered trying to pick out the one he wanted, if he buys enough coffee for the Lantern.

  19. I'll take Shefshick over any President since I've been here. He gets back to people right away and goes out of his way to help people. We have a real union finally that actually helps its members. I didn't vote for him last time but i will in the future 100 percent.

  20. Hartford Fire Department union should endorse Eddie also. He never messed with our benefits and pay!!! He was always good to police and fire and teacher unions!!!

  21. Jason Diaz grow some balls and endorse Perez!! You always hang out with him at all the activities. Even If Eddie looses what else can we loose. Bronin. Already stripped us of everything.

  22. Just vote Bronin. You owe to Malloy for bailing out you're cesspool of a city you're all pimping for a pension at 45. Next time around its haircuts... (See your sister city Detroit.)

  23. Diaz loses grievances that the union had previously won! "Special Services". That's what happens when you put someone in charge that has no experience. He's in so far over his head it"s not even funny.
