Monday, September 23, 2019


A male teacher at the Achievement First Hartford High School has become the subject of an investigation by the Hartford Police Department. The investigation was begun after a 16 year old female student from the school,  made adults aware that she was having an ongoing sexual relationship with the male teacher. Because the teacher is in a position of authority over the student, by Connecticut State law it rises to the level of a sexual assault.

Apparently the male teacher has been placed on unpaid administrative suspension pending the outcome of the investigation.

The teacher has not been  named by HPD  and he is reportedly out of State at this time.

According to sources, HPD has not interviewed the teacher as of yet, but they do anticipate an interview tomorrow.

No information has been released by the Hartford Schools and HPD is expected to release more information as the investigation proceeds


  1. Sick bastard..TRUST NO ONE.

  2. This is troubling. Teachers are there to teach. Not get involved with students. When the teachers name is released, I’m sure he will be married with kid or kids. His marriage and family will be destroyed. He will face sex assault charge. His career is over. Now on he flip side, of a student falsely accused him..... his career will still be over. Regardless these teachers should learn not to get involved. Not even a hug or a ride home. When I was in school I went to hockey games with a teacher. I was 17, he was 50’s. I went with him and his son to various hockey games and baseball games. One day my principal called me in and asked me if I went to sporting events with him. I said yes. He then asked me to stop going as the school doesn’t allow it. During the one year we went to sporting events, I never saw my teacher drink a beer, he never said anything inappropriate, he only had respect and passion for sports. Fast forward many years and we live in a different society.

  3. This is sick. Imagine if this was your kid. Or your relative and you heard what happened. This was a well-liked teacher who people defended on numerous occasions. Protested for him. Stood by him. Only to be deceived by a predator. Sometimes it can be your own friends. Someone that you confided in and told your life about to do this. It makes you wonder, if you can trust any adult anymore.

  4. Get out of here with that nonsense, "alleged." Everyone is all "Me Too" this and "We believe you" that until black kids are the victims? For the police to be involved and for this teacher to be placed on unpaid leave, there has to be some kind of misconduct.
