Monday, February 17, 2020


The City of Hartford has an ordinance on its books and has had this ordinance for some time. Essentially it gives the Police Chief in Hartford the authority to require police officers to be hired at any business, including bars , that are determined by the Chief of Police to be valid nuisance and a threat to Public Safety of the businesses "patrons, invitees, employees or the general Public.".

For some reason the HPD Administration seems to be afraid of enforcing this ordinance. There are several businesses, liquor establishments in particular, that are chronic problems when it comes to fights, shootings, stabbings and overall general violent crime. Club Majestic, the scene of Hartford's most recent homicide is a prime example. There have been numerous shootings, stabbings and assaults at Club Majestic in recent history. Yet, Club Majestic remains unscathed and continues to operate with immunity from HPD enforcement.

And make no mistake, Club Majestic is not alone in creating a public nuisance with the behavior of their clientele, These nuisances dot Hartford's neighborhoods, both North and South, East and West. The one thing they all seem to have in common is the owners that are more than willing to allow anyone in , willing to pay the price of admission and drinks. They even seem to ignore State liquor laws without any consequences. One patron shot at Club Majestic was, according to Police, a 19 year old "customer".

The solution to this behavior, apparently as shown by the HPD Administration  is to strip every available resource out of quieter neighborhoods to "babysit" the nuisance bars where the owners refuse to provide proper Security for their customers. They must be reading the articles on "evidenced based Policing"  and drinking the Texas Kool-Aid.

It is wrong to reassign Community Service Officers who should be patrolling the neighborhoods they have built relationships with to enhance the quality of life across the City. These officers, along with Patrol Officers are stripped out to sit in front of problem bars, while most neighborhoods receive far less coverage than they deserve on busy bar nights and weekends at the expense of other neighborhoods

Ordinance 29-17 should be used to force bar owners to maintain Public Safety in their establishments. The Police Chief has the power to do it and it will send a clear message to bar owners to clean up their acts before they have to pay HPD to do it.

It is a matter of Public Safety and the Police Chief can not be afraid to do his job while continuing to dance around the issue of violent crime endangering Hartford's neighborhoods. It is a handful of problem locations but they contribute greatly to Hartford's violent crime, both reality and perception.

A uniformed Police Officer at these problem locations will send a clear message to those entering to take the gun play elsewhere, we don't want it.

Ordinance 29 17  on Scribd


  1. Interesting . I was unaware of this ordinance, seems to me this is something that should be the subject of serious review by the council. I would ask the chief for a report of establishments with multiple calls during the past one to two years. Then let’s hear from our neighborhoods what they think of this idea. Has the ordinance ever been utilized? Isn’t this the kind of legislative oversight we’re entitled to?

    1. Subject of serious review by council for what? It’s been around forever. Anyone in public safety is aware of it. Talk to Russian Lady owner Jerry about it, he’s well aware. Major Bronin and Sara had the PD use it regularly on downtown bars to put them out of business because they didn’t like the late night noise. Have you driven through once thriving downtown lately in the evening and see how desolate it is? Nothing but tumbleweeds and panhandlers. Now you know why.

  2. What ever happened to the "Three strikes, you're out" rule? Three violations at a known nuisance resulted in loss of liquor license. Enforce that one too.

  3. This ordinance was used during the Perez administration to clamp down on some clubs/bars in the city that were identified as attracting folks with guns and a willingness to use them. It was expensive for the bar owners but, made them take ownership of what was going on in their business.

  4. 12:23 PM , Checkout Hartford during the day ,, it used to be a few panhandlers and plenty of well heeled employees walking around ,now it’s vice versa . I think there eating there lunch safe and sound in the break room dressed in their fancy suits and skirts . Hartford LOOKS LIKE A RETRO SCENE IN A SPIKE LEE “JOINT” except these ain’t no actors . “ HARTFORD , NEW ENGLANDS RISING TURD”

  5. I once stopped at agave downtown, had a avocado and rice and a cold beer. Those were the days

  6. The mayor should ban all clubs/bars till we can figure out what the heck is going on.

  7. What do you expect from Hartford when our liberal courts don't want to punish anyone. Probation or a program then back on the streets. Soon we will be follow NY and eliminating bail, just give it time. It's no wonder CT can't keep businesses or people.

  8. Wow so sad....... and hows the after math of weaver stabbing any updates

  9. You're all well aware as soon as the police department enforces this rule, the "community" will be up in arms and the police chief and police officers will be called racist or that they are discriminating against minority owned businesses. Hartford is going to end up like Chicago and the cops are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

  10. Seriously ,,,, why do respectable people still live in Hartford? Are they martyrs ? Do they really think they can influence or change vermin into beautiful creatures? Could you imagine if the hospitals and insurance giants were not there, who and why would you go in there? To dine , shop and be entertained? My embarrassment of admitting Hartford is my birthplace and former home is growing by the minute.

  11. Can't have it both ways, the community either wants to be tough on violent crimes or they just want to ignore it. If the statistics are compiled and the same parameters are used for enforcement of the ordinance, then there should be no questions, but the ordinance can not be arbitrarily enforced against those who are not politically connected or not in the good graces of HPD and vice versa, ignored against those who are or carry political clout. There are numerous clubs or "social clubs" where the violence has been ignored for years because of their political connections. The qualifiers need to be the same for every establishment whenever there is violence, and not just when it makes the news to embarrass HPD or City Hall and to make it look like the powers to be are actually doing something. HPD's software could compile the information in seconds if they wanted to be serious about identifying problem locations and taking action.

  12. Kev, Your spot on AGAIN . In my stupid ass liberal town of West Hartford we had a VERY ghetto,dirty urban,gangbanger establishment The Los Imperios nightclub on Farmington Ave that had numerous complaints from the towns taxpaxing neighbors to this shithole along with countless police responses for things like gun fire, assaults in and outside club, urinating AND defacating on surrounding properties , selling bottles of liquor , noise above limits, staying open beyond state and local law . YOU THINK THATS ENOUGH TO SHUT THEM DOWN???? NOPE,, here’s why ,,, the Commissioner Of Consumer Protection at the time was Jonathan Harris who was born and raised in West Hartford AND was the Mayor for a stint,, West Hartford’s very own Hogan’s Heroes Sargent Schultz averted his eyes and proclaimed “I SEE NAAZZENNNG” ,,,,,Jonathan Harris was in his “ EXPLORATORY” phase of running for Governor !!!! So risking his family ,friends,neighbors and former constituents safety vs offending the possible “BLACK and BROWN” voter was not a possibility and a no brained for Harris . Politicians will sacrifice ANYTHING for political gain or advancement in government positions ..... Kev, someday have a conversation with a HONEST former member of the fire marshall’s office in Hartford ,,, city hall has pressured the chiefs in that division for years to back off on political friends who own known fire/death traps ,in turn they would pressure their little bitch underlings to also look away or extend FOREVER the timeline for corrective measures ,these owners face no consequence for not complying . Then at one point or another if you play the game, you move up the ladder . Just ask the current State Fire Marshal and look at the list he’s employed just from Hartford Fire alone!!!! All “Mini Me’s” of the top dog ,,,” Look the other way boys” and “ Were we meeting for lunch” as a infamous brother on the job would state often “ F%#K ALL YOU ALL “ LOL LOL LOL ,,,,,, MOST ,NOT ALL ,LOST THE TITLE OF FIREFIGHTER AND OR MAYOR (as in the case above) after selling their soul to destructive political commitments for the sake of promotion or votes. Kev, Who cares if someone gets hurt?

  13. Speaking of being afraid: We all know Captain Rouseau takes his job as advocate very seriously. Seeking stiff punishment against officers who make a mistake or F up. Very recently, under his command, several years of major crimes case files were mistakenly destroyed in the records burn. This compromises possible adjudication for serious crimes. Gone forever! Was he written up for gross negligence of duty? If not, why not? What sort of discipline would he recommend for HIMSELF; demotion to lieutenant, 30 day unpaid suspension? Oh that's right, the rules don't apply to those with rank, just sweep it under the rug. SMDH!

    1. It was an honest mistake because he’s soooooo tired from working all of his triples!!! Did anybody see how many hours of o.t. He worked??

  14. 5:07 PM

    If it was done legally in accordance with State statute, a list of the records they wanted to destroy would have been submitted to the State Library, which is in charge of record retention. That retention and any destruction of documents is regulated and overseen by the State librarian and the permission documents should be available from HPD with a complete listing of what was destroyed, the date and by whom they were destroyed.

    I can request those documents through FOI and then compare to the documents you claim were destroyed if you care to contact me.

  15. The problem with City Ordinance and the reason it's not regularly used is because it has a disparate impact on venues that draw minority customers. There were some issues with this in the 1990's when I believe Waterbury was forcing a venue to hire a number of police for a rap show. The owners of the venue sued claiming discrimination based on race. I don't remember if Waterbury lost of settled out of court, but the end result the police weren't able to force more security. I'm sure the same case would be made in Hartford if the place was forced to hire police and operate at a loss.

    1. Not the same case. It has been used in Hartford specifically to make establishments hire police and operate at a loss so they were forced to close. Up or On the Rocks after a parking lot homicide and Pour House after an underage girl fell from the roof were a couple. There are many more examples. It was specifically used to target downtown establishments.

  16. that might be true if the requirement was arbitrarily enforced but if a standard was set for enforcement after a specific number of documented violent incidents or part 1 crimes occurring in the establishment I think it would be much easier to enforce

  17. But Kevin,
    Luke says that taxing ammo will deter the shootings. Could he be wrong? Dont hoodlums always buy bullets legally?

  18. It all started when realtors showed the apartments/condos above the bars to wealthy folks in the day time while the streets were quiet. Once they moved in and found out how crazy it got, they pushed the Mayor to push the cops into crushing the downtown night life. The city even tried moving the bars near the D&D ball park but that didn't work out.

  19. This ordinance could be used to shut down some of Hartford's Schools. But don't worry, Leslie is listening and she says everything is fine. Those in school leadership care very deeply about the safety and education of the children of Hartford.

  20. Please ,I’m waiting for someone to defend the fire marshals of CT cities ,towns and the state . No ,not the handful of honest proffesional competent few,,,I’m talking about the majority that turn a blind eye to obvious violations and lick the balls of their superiors or politicians that appointed them and want to keep their cushy job and wait on the sidelines for advancement . Here’s a serious question ,, why are they wearing outfits that one might assume they earned the title of firefighter. They don’t represent or reflect the occupation whatsoever ,,, they’re nothing more than glorified building inspectors with fruit salad , stars, bars and whatever of bullshit that can fit or get pinned on that has some type of affiliation with a fire dept.
