Friday, May 29, 2020


The screenshot above is a posting apparently from the personal Facebook page of Connecticut's Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz posted earlier this week. I don't think I need to comment much on this except to say it shows a total disregard for the Constitutional and First Amendment rights of his constituents to express themselves. 

 As the saying goes,"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it"

 Apparently the Speaker doesn't agree with that and wished harm , and possibly death, on Connecticut residents that expressed their displeasure with the States handling of the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Whether meant as serious or off the cuff remarks, Aresimowicz should be disgusted with himself for such a lack of any display of leadership and showing a total disregard for human life.

Even though some Democrats take every opportunity to tear down President Trump and discredit him, some of them sound more and more like Trump every day , Aresimowicz included.

Isn't it about time we demand leaders that actually lead by example?

 The comment was eventually removed from Aresimowicz's Facebook page and replaced with a half hearted apology.


  1. My Mother taught me very early to apply a 3bquestion test before shooting off your mouth: Does this need to be said? Does it need to be said by me? Does it need to be said by me now? If you can’t honestly answer yes to each of the questions, just don’t say it. By the way, Kevin, I ask myself these questions each time I criticize the evil egomaniac in the White House—and always get the yes answer.

  2. Kevin you need to post to Twitter more. I know its a cesspool, but your posts will reach more people.

  3. Here is the opening paragraph from the Superintendent of Hartford Schools Leslie Torres-Rodriguez. All for the purpose of selfishly making herself look good while creating more risk for our men and women in blue.

    Statement from the Superintendent
    Our commitment to Equity and Justice

    "We care deeply about our students. The death of George Floyd and resulting protests have agonizingly reminded us of our country's unhealed wounds and the continuing struggle for racial and social justice. We condemn the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others that have come about through inequity and injustice in law enforcement."

    Nothing like throwing more fuel on the fire for our law enforcement and us law-abiding private citizens to have to deal with. She is not a leader, never was , and never will be.

  4. The Hartford Superintendent of schools is all about "selfishly making herself look good". Anyone who actually knows anything about the current state of Hartford Public Schools knows it is in complete disarray, and this was the case well before the pandemic. Nobody has done more damage to the district since Adamowski. Hopefully nobody will ever surpass the amount of damage done to the district by Adamowski, but Ms. Torres is sure giving it her best shot.
