Thursday, June 25, 2020


HARTFORD, CONN. - (June 25, 2020) On Thursday, June 25, 2020 at approximately 3:21a.m., patrol officers responded to a serious motorcycle collision in the area of 500 Hudson Street.

Officers located a seriously injured 28-year-old male and seriously injured 22-year-old female on the roadway alongside a motorcycle. The male and female were transported to the Hartford Hospital Emergency Room by Aetna ambulance.

 The male was later pronounced deceased at Hartford Hospital. The female was listed in serious, but stable condition.

The crashed motorcycle, a blue 1999 Yamaha, was the only vehicle involved. Detectives from the Crime Scene Division responded to the scene and assumed control of the investigation. Preliminary investigation of the crash indicates that the motorcycle was traveling northbound in the area of 500 Hudson Street.

Video footage appears to indicate that the motorcycle operator lost control and struck a light pole located on the east side of Hudson Street. Both the male operator and female passenger were ejected from the motorcycle.

 Further reconstruction and investigation of the incident is being conducted. The deceased motorcycle operator has been identified as Carlos Alexis Rivera, of South Windsor, CT. Anyone who may have witnessed or have footage of the incident is asked to call CSD Detective Eric Lemke at 860-757-4125, or the HPD anonymous tip line at 860-722-TIPS (8477)


  1. So let me get this straight. Bowsza falsifies an official city document and clearly documents “Connecticut state police was immediately notified, but declined to respond or provide a case number.” All under the pretense that nothing will ever come of it. Why was the time left blank? Was Thody too intoxicated to remember? Then Brookman gets on the case and ooooops, it’s just a simple error? I don’t think so. It only became an error after he was caught in a lie after the state police checked all call logs and saw that he never called. That is falsifying an official document, clearly a violation of CT state statute. Evading the scene of an accident and failure to report it is also evading the scene of an accident, also clearly a violation of CT state statute. So because Thody is a chief he’s exempt? Meanwhile, late night last night Thody and a certain high ranking chief were in the chiefs complex concocting a further cover up back dating phony IAD investigations like it’s regular course of business. These other few involved in attempted cover ups should really be careful. This has the potential to get very messy. The others involved know exactly who they are, and so do others. Amazing your so willing to lie and participate in cover ups yet expect respect from the troops and hold us to high standards. Stay on this Brookman.

  2. So let me get this straight. Bowsza falsifies an official city document and clearly documents “Connecticut state police was immediately notified, but declined to respond or provide a case number.” All under the pretense that nothing will ever come of it. Why was the time left blank? Was Thody too intoxicated to remember? Then Brookman gets on the case and ooooops, it’s just a simple error? I don’t think so. It only became an error after he was caught in a lie after the state police checked all call logs and saw that he never called. That is falsifying an official document, clearly a violation of CT state statute. Meanwhile late night last night Thody and a certain high ranking chief were in the chiefs complex concocting a further cover up back dating phony IAD investigations like it’s regular course of business. All these others involved in attempted cover ups should really be careful. This has the potential to get very messy. The others involved know exactly who you are, and so do others. Amazing your so willing to lie and participate in cover ups yet expect respect from the troops and hold us to high standards. Stay on this Brookman.
