Thursday, June 25, 2020


Hartford Police Crime Stats as of June 20, 2020

I know most everyone is preoccupied withy Covid-19 and trying to get back to normal. In the meantime Hartford is in a serious crime crisis.

By their own admission and documents, homicides in Hartford are up 33% and shootings and shooting victims are up over 45%.

What is the plan and what is being done to combat these numbers?

What is the plan Chief Thody , Mayor Bronin, and Hartford City Council? A simple question and Hartford deserves answers


  1. You mean you want answers from the same left wing commie, the one who thinks Italians are bad,
    the same person who wants to defund the police? Why would anyone with brains listen to Bronin?

  2. @11:25

    Simmer down Vincent get back to fire work rips

    IP address: cupaftercupaftercup

  3. Thody is much to busy partying on his boat, drinking and driving his city Tahoe drunk along with evading accident scenes. He sure did concoct an elaborate plan to cover up his illegal activities and get his Tahoe fixed outside of policy and procedure, at the taxpayers dime of $4,000+.
    So oh yah, about the homicides in Hartford up 33% and shootings and shooting victims up over 45%, Thody is to busy for that non-sense, it’s just the a normal summer spike lol!

    What is the plan and what is being done to combat those numbers? Well if Thody actually took the time devising a plan to combat violent crime, as he did with the elaborate cover up plan, the crime rate would more likely than not would be much lower.

    Remember, a fish rots from the head down.

  4. The miles on Vinni’s take home are already racking up like the shootings in the month of June.

  5. So you now decry the increase in street crime. I wonder why that is.

    Oh yes, zero support from City Government for police officers. That might be one of the many reasons.

    A police officers job used to entail taking chances within guidelines to solve ongoing street crime problems. That would include getting direction and approval from supervisory officers and coming up with a plan to take care of the specific problem. Wether it was street drug dealing, organized auto theft, burglary, robbery groups and violent offenders with firearms.

    Re-institute the street crime unit, if anyone would apply.
    Increase the V & N unit personnel
    Put a presence on the street. 2000 to 0400 hours.
    Target continual offenders

    But first make sure officers and detectives get support.

    In past times of trouble all chiefs enabled this. Chiefs Sullivan, Loranger, Campbell, Croughwell, Chief Brown and Marquis all had units,
    detectives, supervisors for this purpose. But they also had support from City Hall. Not the case today.
