Tuesday, October 20, 2020


The Hartford Police Department has been less than transparent on the recent thefts from their impound lot burglary.

 A listing was obtained today from an anonymous HPD source listing 31 of the missing vehicles and the HPD case numbers associated with the thefts. Sources stated that 3 of the vehicles may have already been recovered.

 HPD spokesperson Lt. Paul Cicero still has not provided any information regarding the thefts, despite my requests for details. I guess it is too embarrassing for them to comment when the thefts are the result of their own oversight.

 It is unclear as to the liability of The City of Hartford to the owners since the vehicles were technically in the care and control of HPD, who had a responsibility to secure them until released or disposed of by the Court.

The question most are asking me  is to how an area used for evidence storage was so poorly secured. Hopefully the HPD Property Room is a little more secure, but who knows.

 So much for the chain of custody.


  1. Never in the history of HPD has it been in such shambles. Wouldn’t really expect anything less from Thody and a Triple A veteran with a badge.

  2. 31 stolen vehicles from a police impound is an organized event that can’t be just street crooks stealing.

    Whoever did these thefts must have either performed surveillance at the location for a prolonged period
    to insure that the lot wasn’t monitored or is a city employee or group of city employees with the knowledge
    that they could steal the vehicles with impunity.

    Quite a disgrace and there is “egg on the Department’s face”.

    Very sad

  3. Why are we learning about all these things from the blog and local media?! We are still waiting for the unusual report on this event. If the front office wants to portray that the city is safe and sound that is generally dishonest. If they withhold incidents like this from sworn personnel it could jeopardize officer safety, we need to know these things. Do they even care?

  4. The Courant put out an article about all the Hartford cops transferring to other places. It's all true and many more to come this pd has been ran into the ground. Before they spend a bunch of money on another study we will give you a start. Stop letting Medina go to roll calls we can't stand that guy. Our morale will rise if we don't have to deal with his chest puffing routine before we can even load up our cruisers. And another hint when you come to roll call with no radio and your cell phone in your radio holder it just annoys us. We understand you don't even know how to turn on a HPD radio nevermind use it. But it reminds us you will never be one of us and your out of touch of what we do. If we need advice on how to write speeding tickets we will give you a call (cell of course not icall because your radios still in the box)

  5. (L49) 8149 is his icall in case anyone wants to test it! Great post 12:17pm. Well said

  6. Micro Mike/ Company Man Coates can chill with the roll call BS too. Talk about a guy with no respect around here. By both the rank and file / command staff,,, time for an early retirement mike! Hey East Hartford is hiring if you didn’t know....!!!

  7. Bowsza spotted in HPD Tahoe today at Bob's Discount Furniture loading up a new recliner to de-stress!!!

  8. Better than loading up Home Depot mulch photo on Facebook

  9. What school are the City of Hartford Mayor kids enrolled in.? HPD get out why you can.

  10. Thody is quoted in today’s Courant that “it is a fallacy that officers have stepped back after those reforms passed” ,,,, every real and straight talking cop will tell you the opposite , i know officers putting retirement papers in early ,transferring to less active departments and younger ones changing occupations ,all because of the police reform bill ,,, Thody also stated that it’s the “ narrative and nationwide police criticism that’s fueling criminals disregard for officers” ,,,, can any of you fine women and men of HPD answer a simple question ,,, has Thody always been a liar or just recently as a puppet to his masters? Maybe we can blame the Covid pandemic for his stupidity and incompetence ,,we’ll take a page right out of his book of lies

  11. I'm still waiting for PW / Norm Pattis and crew to wreak havoc on the corner offices of the complex!!!

  12. I wouldn’t care too much about getting a response from Cicero. Most likely it will be a huge made up lie which is his M.O. I can’t understand why the PD would put a guy with his character in a position to be front and center on the news and communicating with the news. He’s lied to 95% of all the officers he’s ever come into contact with and doesn’t care that they know.
    I remember the PD had him go to an event and speak to a large group of Hartford Public School students. Cicero must’ve told the chief at the time (Rovella) that he was born, raised, and schooled in Hartford. At one point while Cicero was on stage telling all the Hartford students that he himself was born and raised in Hartford, one of the students raised their hands and asked which schools did he attend in Hartford. Cicero immediately began to stutter and ultimately said he was schooled in Wethersfield, CT. What a joke!

    1. That was probably the first time he told the truth in his life!
      He probably only told the truth because Mr. Hartford didn’t even know any of the schools names in Hartford.
      What’s he going to do when the City goes after him for the damages they pay out because of his racist actions?

  13. Still waiting for our union president to hold a vote of no confidence on Jason Thody and his entourage. However, he’s probably too busy fratnazing and dating coworkers to advocate and care about the best interest of the rank and file of the department.

    The timeline of events and evidence speak volumes of the preputial lies, corruption, nepotism,and quid pro quo that takes place under a Jason Thody administration. But what do you expect from a person that leads by the example of, “do as I say, not as I do.”

    Jason Thody lacks the education, experience, emotional intelligence, and crisma to hold the rank and office of chief of police. His tenure has only worsent community relations, department morale, and increased crime rates city wide, which has an exacerbating effect on bordering communities. Jason Thody you're a liar and failure, resign immediately!!! Jason Thody you’re a failure.

    Jason Thody you are nothing more then a Bronin puppet. You are arrogant, self-centered, egotistical, and anarchist!!! You get a grade of F! Resign already.

  14. Maybe someone can help explain this. In recent history Cicero lied directly to Thody's face and Thody called him out on his lie. Yet he let Cicero keep his position as PIO and MCD commander. WTF?!

  15. Liars find it easy to give a pass to people they catch in lies. It's not as big a deal for them like it would be for someone who lives an honest life.

  16. Cicero has always been a compulsive liar nothing new there. I wouldn't count on him ever getting that information request back to you he's to busy throwing anyone he can under the bus to make himself look good. Anytime he gets himself in trouble Lantern will just cover his tracks he has created a monster there. Things tend to come back around and that will be apparent when Sammy is driving that fancy car of his and double parking it in the rear of 253.

  17. Why is it that nobody from the Union or any Officers/Detectives are complaining about what Medina is trying to have Bowsza do with these new performance evaluations? Medina along with Cicero have been on a quest to demote Detectives they don't get along with. The PD knows that there’s no way in HELL that they will treat everyone the same. That would entail them evaluating their friends the same as they evaluate the guys/girls they don’t like. Can’t wait to see this new wave of discrimination that will sweep through the PD. Good Luck Lantern, I’m pretty sure you remember all the Deputy Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants, and Sergeants that told you from day one that you can’t do what you’re attempting to do.
    Oh and FYI, Medina is a political appointed administrator to the PD. He is not the highest ranking Hispanic officer to the PD. 1st, You never worked an 8 hour day in your short time, 2nd, You never worked the streets of Hartford or ever made an arrest, 3rd, You never worked your way through the ranks, and 4th, You don’t even speak Spanish!
    You don’t even know our 10 codes...
    You don’t carry a police radio...
    You can not get badge # 2...
    You can not save Cicero (Bronin’s new mini me)...
    You can not get hired at Aetna....

  18. One must be able to spell Aetna before being hired there.
