Tuesday, October 20, 2020


The Hartford Police Department has been less than transparent on the recent thefts from their impound lot burglary.

 A listing was obtained today from an anonymous HPD source listing 31 of the missing vehicles and the HPD case numbers associated with the thefts. Sources stated that 3 of the vehicles may have already been recovered.

 HPD spokesperson Lt. Paul Cicero still has not provided any information regarding the thefts, despite my requests for details. I guess it is too embarrassing for them to comment when the thefts are the result of their own oversight.

 It is unclear as to the liability of The City of Hartford to the owners since the vehicles were technically in the care and control of HPD, who had a responsibility to secure them until released or disposed of by the Court.

The question most are asking me  is to how an area used for evidence storage was so poorly secured. Hopefully the HPD Property Room is a little more secure, but who knows.

 So much for the chain of custody.