Monday, April 12, 2021


Why is it that every time there is gun violence or a tragedy, the Washington talking heads run to the microphones to spout their nonsense. After a senseless murder of a three year old in Hartford this weekend, US Senator Chris Murphy wasted no time in rattling off  tired his lines about background checks ,from the same old script that hasn't changed  at least since Newtown.

The only real thing that has changed is that nothing has changed.

I understand the debate over guns. Even though I support  the second Amendment, I will be the first to admit there are way too many guns out in our society. Not guns owned by legitimate gun owners but by people that have no business having their hands anywhere near a gun, People with mental illness and more importantly criminals that are forbidden from owning or possessing a firearm.

Every time you see an arrest and the charge is "criminal possession of a firearm", that means the person is most likely a convicted felon with a gun. A convicted felon who is forbidden by law from possessing a gun. A convicted felon who has no fear of the consequences of their crime because usually there are no consequences.

For my own education please, can anyone tell me how Senator Murphy's background checks will prevent that  Is a convicted felon going to proceed to their local police station or gunstore to be fingerprinted to legally go through their background check before they pick up a firearm? Are the street sellers going to require proof of a background check before selling a gun on the street?

How many shooters go through the cumbersome process to get a firearms permit before carrying a gun to shoot their next victim?

If we are serious about gun reform and ridding our streets of many of these weapons, lets be serious about reform that works, not just the rhetoric to inflame people and get the self promoting sound bytes.

Sandy Hook was December 14, 2012, what has changed since then? We will probably still be having the same debate with the same results ten years from now.

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