Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 One section of the 2020 Police Accountability Bill relates directly to the release of body cam video, especially as it relates to police misconduct and police assaults.    

The section seems pretty clear, as follows:  {Police accountability bill, Public Act  20-1 ( page 33) "not later than ninety-six hours following the recorded incident, whichever  is earlier, such recording shall be disclosed, upon request, to the public, subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section".

Body camera footage as well as internal surveillance video apparently exists of an alleged assault by Hartford Police Sergeant James Guzie against a female prisoner in the HPD booking facility  in the beginning of March.

This incident was acknowledged by HPD Chief Thody and Guzie was suspended from duty .

I have requested the video, but as of this time HPD has not complied with my request in accordance with Connecticut State law.

This the hypocrisy of  HPD Chief  Jason Thody and Mayor Luke Bronin as they claim publicly that they want to change the culture of HPD but they do the opposite  and cover for problem officers.

Covering for bad cops does not bring about change, it only empowers bad cops to continue unchecked without any fear of being held accountable.

Has  Hartford not learned anything from the Chauvin trial?


  1. Thody is a criminal. He’s already proven that.

  2. Wow great work Kevin revealing that Black Eyed Thody is breaking the law. A minority was beaten up in booking and not a singlw word or statement from the Guardians?? What a jooe I guess Human and Civil Rights only matter when people of color wearing the blue uniform are violated. But anywho keep up the good fight!!!!

  3. Kevin did you call Thody or Lukes office to check in on the status of the cases sittingon Thodys desk involving police misconduct. The citizens deserve to know
