Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Even though I have been pretty tough on the Dishonorable Mayor Eddie A. Perez and his Director of Mis-Communication Sarah Barr, it's hard to not be when they hand you things on a silver platter. Barr's messages have been about as inconsistent as our weather lately, and her facts and information leave a lot to be desired, especially for what she is being paid.

In Monday's State of the City Address, Perez quoted Abraham Lincoln and attributed it to Lincoln 200 years ago. Lincoln was born 200 years ago in 1809. I have admired Lincoln, and if he was making such profound statements at 3 weeks old, is it any wonder he stands out to many as one of our greatest President's.

Then today, I read Jeff Cohen's comments at and he mentioned the presentation folders that Barr handed out to "credentialed media" Monday night.

The old Hartford Image Project was going to throw the folders out last year, said Perez spokeswoman Sarah Barr.

"In an effort to 'go green' and to save money and not buy new folders," she got a few boxes of unused folders and "repurposed" them with stickers, she said in an email.

"In fact, when the mayor went before the Courant editorial board last year, I used them for the handouts and gave the editorial board the very same explanation that I am giving you and they seemed very pleased with our recycling efforts," Barr said.

Details again, I know, but Eddie Perez never went before the Courant Editorial Board last year (unless it was for a reason other than his re-election endorsement, thanks J). It was 2007 that he was unfortunately re-elected. I was able to check the date because he was interviewed by Dave Medina and the Courant's Editorial Board shortly after his home was searched by Inspector's from the Chief States Attorney's Office in August of 2007. This past year when the Courant's editorial Board interviewed candidates for State Representative and State Senate, Dave Medina was already rewarded by Perez with his position at the Board of Education.

And as far as going "green", recycling a few folders doesn't even come close to balancing the "carbon footprint" being left by Perez and his staff members and their gas guzzling luxury SUV's running around the State at the taxpayers expense.

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