Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It has a nice ring to it I think. After listening to Mayor Perez Monday night claim that he was naming a firehouse after Mayor Mike, I took it as a decent gesture by Perez, but far from being enough. Mayor Mike may have been a career firefighter, but no one can deny that his vision and enthusiasm for the city he loved and called home his entire life, brought the Convention Center to reality. His ability to actually work with Governor John Rowland and others and get things done was a credit to his life and love for Hartford. It seems only fitting that one of the largest development projects in recent Hartford history should bear the name of someone truly worthy of such an honor.

I have spoke with a couple legislator's and a high ranking state elected official over the last 24 hours, and they have all offered to help get this done. Any ideas, comments or support would be greatly appreciated to move this forward, please feel free to e-mail me at or call me with your ideas.

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