Monday, August 31, 2009


Good things come to those who wait.

After weekend denials by the Mayor's Director of Misinformation (aka the "Mouthpiece")Hartford Mayor Eddie A. Perez today stepped to the podium at the office of his defense attorney and announced that he will once again be turning himself in to face additional corruption charges. The depth and details of the charges will most likely be public as of Wednesday when Perez turns himself in once again.Although the Grand Juror's Report has remained sealed up this point, many questions may be answered when the arrest warrant affidavits are made public. No one knows whether this will be the last arrest or just another in a series of arrests as the corruption probe continues. Be patient as we wait to see the eventual outcome. The video of the Perez announcement is below, and in the true spirit of "aggregation", feel free to share the video with your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on your recording Kevin aka The Watchdog...LOL
