Tuesday, September 1, 2009


If you follow my blog, you are familiar with the posting I made yesterday regarding Hartford's Tax Collector Marc Nelson facing eviction from the home he has rented in Canton for non-payment of rent. The Judicial Branch Docket sheet was posted showing the Court activity as of August 28, 2009.

Jeff Cohen from the Hartford Courant had posted a story yesterday on his blog, which can be viewed at http://courant.com/cityline, about Tax Collector Marc Nelson selling tax liens to his former employer, XSPAND. Today on Jeff's blog he had an explanation from Mr. Nelson as to why the eviction process was taking place and Nelson laid out a series of financial hardships that resulted in rent not being paid for one month, July 2009. In the meantime I had contacted Attorney Ronald Petosa, who is representing Mr. Nelson's landlord. Attorney Petosa painted a somewhat different picture. Although he would not go into detail, he stated that the money owed was "substantially" more than the one month Nelson was claiming and that no attempts were made to pay the money back. I offered Mr. Nelson the opportunity of an explanation, and he did call me back and stated that he "was not sure what the dollars are" and that "we are hoping we can get caught up". After speaking to Mr. Nelson I received a call from Charles Bevilacqua, the homeowner and Mr. Nelson's landlord. Mr. Bevilacqua related to me that Nelson's explanation was not accurate. Mr. Bevilacqua stated that Nelson has been late on his rent payments every month since signing a lease in late 2008 and that Nelson is currently four months behind and no payment arrangements have been made nor have any payments been received.

Stay tuned for more information. In the mean time though,just a suggestion, there are many affordable rents available in the City of Hartford, and the commute to City Hall is much easier.


  1. Just curious as to why this is blog material? Some things are personal matters and should be left that way. Looks like Mr. Brookman needs a life of his own.

  2. That's the beauty of a blog, I can write anything I want about any issue I want. They are very easy to do, you might want to try it. But to answer your question, let me ask you a question. You have no problem with the tax collector for Hartford being unable to manage his finances and not paying his landlord for over four months? This after he sold tax liens for people barely three months past due to his former employer XSPAND? Obviously you must have been too busy at the Perez rally Wednesday to be able to clear your mind and consider the facts. I have a real problem with Mr. Nelson taking actions to force Hartford residents out of their homes for being unable to pay their taxes when he is a deadbeat himself. But keep watching for more on this as we continue to develop more facts. If you didn't like this, you will hate what is coming next.

  3. It is very sad to me how little people know about the Tax Collector in the City of Hartford. First of all Mr. Marc Nelson is not even a member of the Tax Collector's Association Inc.. He is not a CERTIFIED CONNECTICUT MUNICIPAL COLLECTOR (C.C.M.C.), http://www.cttax.org/a_CTx%20Member%20Resources.htm. How is that possible, How did he get the job? How can the City of Hartford hire a Tax Collector that is not certified? P.S. Classes for certification started in the Spring, still time to enroll! Signed: Just an Unhappy Hartford resident.

  4. I think there is a lot we don't know about that is occuring behind the doors at Hartford City Hall. Through comments like yours and others, we are shining the light on a lot of things. Keep the info coming.For anyone that doesn't feel comfortable posting here, even anonymously, feel free to e-mail me directly with info. All information is held in strict confidence

