Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Should Mayor Eddie Perez resign as Mayor of Hartford ? That was the question posed by the Hartford Courant last week on their website, courant.com. According to the poll numbers below, people overwhelmingly answered yes. Almost 60% answered that Perez should resign because he has been a disgrace to the City. Another 13.8% answered that he should resign because he can't be taken seriously. The "yes, he should resign" votes amounted to 73.4 percent, or almost 3/4 of the people responding think Perez should resign.Only 4.4% of those responding think Perez is doing a good job and should stay on. This poll is by no means scientific, but it was also by no means close, it seems pretty obvious what people are thinking.

Should Mayor Eddie Perez resign?

Yes. He's been a disgrace to the city. (779 responses)


No. He is innocent until proven guilty. (290 responses)


Yes. Who can take him seriously? (180 responses)


No. The voters elected him and the city is running well enough. (58 responses)


1307 total responses

(Results not scientific)


  1. Kevin, this poll represents the people in Hartford who read the paper or website. A large number of Hartford inhabitants do neither.
    I agree with the numbers from an educated public but unfortunately there is an alternate teeming mass out there. How does one poll them?

  2. No need to poll them. Just look at the Perez Rally held after his arrest at City Hall last week. Many people have called and e-mailed identifying people in the video I posted here of those attending the rally. As of this point no one has met the challenge I made of identifying 10 people from the video that weren't bought and paid for by Perez, either city employees, non-profits funded by the city or political cronies. We have spoken with people who felt threatened to attend or were paid to attend, such as union members paid for by the Carpenter's Union to be there. The Courant poll speaks for itself, those people were most likely not paid for their posting, the Perez supporters for the most part have been.
