Friday, December 11, 2009


Since I have made a point of drawing attention to others and their outstanding tax issues, I just wanted to be the first to say that I received a past due motor vehicle tax bill from Tax Serve for $151.00. The bill was sent to the wrong address and made it to me eventually with the yellow forwarding sticker. Even though I moved over a year ago and changed my address with Motor Vehicles, apparently the City of Hartford still has an incorrect address.

I will say though that my vehicle is properly registered and the check has already been sent to TaxSERV.

For anyone wishing to make an issue of it, feel free. I know how to admit when I'm wrong and take responsibility.


  1. The City of Hartford rarely if ever updates their info from the DMV. I transferred a plate to a relative about 6 years ago. They received some tickets last year. Hartford Parking authority still had my name and address as owner of that plate.

  2. Why make good on the bill when you could have just had a pep really in front of city hall explaining your innocence?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I must have hit a sore spot
