Friday, December 11, 2009


UPDATE, 12/11/2009, 7:30PM

When Jeff Cohen at the Courant called me about this today, he said he had apparently recveived a tip about my taxes not being paid on my vehicle. I told him I had just received the notice in todays mail from Taxserv, showing a past due amount of $122.38, plus $11.00 interest and a collection fee of $17.99 for a total of $151.27. The notice was dated December 4, 2009 and was also sent to my old address

I didn't argue the point, the taxes are due, end of story and they were taken care of immediately. I sent a check to Taxserv for $151.27

For those that read this blog, I have made an issue of Councilwoman Rosezina Winch's mother, Prenzina Holloway's taxes and the fact that she has been driving her vehicle unregistered since March 1, 2009 because she couldn't register her vehicle with the taxes due. I never made an issue of the taxes until the Courant reported on it.

It doesn't take a super sleuth to figure out where the information given to Cohen came from. The interesting part is that Nadine Muhammad, Holloway's daughter and Winch's sister, who also happens to work in the Tax Office, decided today to pay her tax bills dating back a couple years. According to the City of Hartford website, Nadine Muhammad paid her past due taxes in the amount of $2011.82 today, December 11, 2009. I wonder if she did that before or after she and her sister sent the e-mail
to Cohen.

Now if you can only get your mother and your sister to pay their taxes. As of today Councilwoman Winch's past due taxes are $505.46 dating back at least 2 years,her mother's taxes total $2738.82. A payment of $801.00 was made toward Holloway's taxes when the tax collector seized a check issued to her by the city for work in the registrars office. The Tax Collector seized the check on 11/27/09.

As a sidenote, Nadine Muhammad is also the mother of De'Quan Muhammad who was recently arrested on charges related to the stabbing death of UConn football player Jasper Howard.


  1. I just posted this on Cityline as a comment and thought I would put it here in case it doesn't make it onto

    Keep doing what you are doing and don't let these corrupt politicians get to you.

    Sounds like a non-story, especially since you only took a shot at Brookman. At least on his blog he seems to be fair from what I have read. According to him Winch has much more in back taxes than he does, yet you didn't mention one word of that. After reading the info on his blog I checked a few names on the website. Just off hand it looks like Councilwoman Airey-Wilson has back taxes, Republican Town Chairman Mike McGarry has back taxes, even the Mayor's son Eddie A. Perez jr. has delinquent taxes.

    We should be getting Brookman a tax credit for all the dirt and corruption he has exposed and for keeping Winch and others accountable. He has saved the taxpayers more money than Winch ever has.

    And unlike Winch who repeatedly lied to you about her recent spending spree, it sounds like Brookman knows what honesty is and told you the truth.

    I doubt you'll post this, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

  2. Winch/holloway/Muhhamad...a family of crooks.....

  3. Wow, out of all the things that are going on in the news, Jeff just had to get a cheap shot in at Kevin before leaving the Courant. How classless.
    Goodbye and good riddance, Jeff!!

    Unlike all the other opportunists, poverty pimps and leeches we have in positions of power in this city, Kevin was honest about his tax situation and paid them in full without any argument. And that is what open and transparency is all about. Keep up the good work, Kevin!!

  4. Why did you delete my post? Everything I said was true. You are a joke.

  5. to the King:

    no comments get deleted here. I can take the comments. If the blog is such a joke, you may want to save your time and stop reading it. Obviously you keep coming back, so it can't be that much of a joke. Unlike you and your boss Eddie, I can admit when I make a mistake. Keep reading though, it makes me feel good to know I'm getting under your skin

  6. You did delete my note about the pot calling the kettle black. Your taxes were late just like the people you criticize. Also, you don't get under my skin. I like this blog, it's humorous. And by the way my boss's name is Anthony not Eddie.
