Thursday, March 25, 2010


Councilman Matt Ritter will be announcing his run for the State Legislature on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 5:30pm. The announcement will take place at the Noah Webster Elementary School at the corner of Cone and Whitney Street in Hartford's Westend.

Ritter will be challenging Representative Ken Green who currently represents the 1st District which covers portions of Hartford and Bloomfield


  1. Ok, so WHY is he challenging Rep. Green? Or at least what is the given reason, what is Green not doing that this one will do? A little more info please!

  2. Not really sure what he will do different or what his platform is.

    Hopefully after the announcement we will know more.

  3. What is Green not doing? This is politics. People run against people all the time. Ritter wants to be in the general assembly and he lives in the district that Green represents.

  4. What ever the reason Ritter is a talented and
    respectable young man who will run a fair campaign
    on issues and platform. I hope that we can have
    more challenges by young, talented, educated,
    motivated folks and let the voters decide.

  5. Okay, to the 3rd commenter--um, thanks for the "clarification."

    What i mean is Ritter offering ANY platform other than he wants it and the entitlement factor (from a wealthy, political family, etc, etc.) I've not heard a thing but do see the Mayor's people lining up behind him which to me is telling.

  6. As to comment 5...

    Ritter and his family are independant of the Mayor and and have enough personal money and power to remain independant of the Mayor and the Mayor's allies, though Ritter and the Mayor undoubtedly have mutual political allies and sometimes their political interests are the same.

    Also...folks are "lining up" around RItter based upon his and his familys long history in is clear that Ritter's support has nothing to do with the the Mayor is a crook and will be heading off to jail soon.Support for Ritter encompasses folks friendly with and unfriendly with Mayor Perez.

    One hopes that Ritter in his announcement will touch on his core values ( if any)..issues and positions that he supports and cares about and his platform for success.

  7. I concur with comment 6

    As far as I can determine Council members Torres,Winch,Airey-Wilson and Cotto are the only Council people that the Mayor owns and the rest are independant.

  8. To commenter number 7. If this is "as far as you can determine" then please don't give up your day job. Here are a couple key votes in the past 2+ years and the people who pushed it one way or another.

    1) Resolution by Mayor to hold referendum to raise council salary (5th vote = Deutsch)

    2) Resolution to oust Torres (Failed due to Cotto)

    3) Resolution to spend $2 million in taxpayer monies for "Arts Stimulus" (Veto upheld by Cotto, Winch, Deutsch)

    4) Resolution to scrap 311 in last years budget (Failed due to Segarra)

    5) Last years budget passed 5-4 (5th vote FOR cast by Ritter)

    You don't see Airey Wilson's name anywhere there. Go ahead, name votes where she shows she's "owned."
