Monday, March 29, 2010


I received a "press release" on Friday from the Mayor's mouthpiece, I mean Director of Communication's Sarah Barr. It contained a word attributed to the Mayor that I'm sure many people have a hard time believing can be used to describe Eddie Perez... "leadership".

As jury selection begins next week for the upcoming trial of Perez, I would be hard pressed to accuse this administration of exercising "leadership".

In essence, the press release was trumpeting the fine shape that Hartford is in financially under the "leadership" of Perez.

The press release quoted Perez as stating , "Under my leadership, the City has created strategies to mitigate the impact of the current adverse economic conditions. I will work hard with the City Council and Treasurer to maintain the high standards of fiscal management we have put in place."


Under Perez's "leadership" hundreds of City employees have been laid off while spending has not been reduced and in fact next years projected budget includes an increase in spending of over $40 million dollars.

Under Perez's "leadership" the rainy day fund that had been built up under the Peters Administration to almost $40 million dollars is , by most accounts, gone. The rainy day fund has been drained under the "leadership" of the Perez Administration.

Under Perez's "leadership", the City of Hartford is projecting a "budget gap" in excess of $30 million dollars this year alone, not including the $40 million being projected for next year

Under Perez's "leadership" his so called "high standards of fiscal management" led his attempt to raid the pension fund of over $10 million dollars. Luckily for city retirees, a strong willed City Treasurer named Kathleen Palm fought off this improper allocation and the pension fund remains intact.

Under Perez's "leadership" the annual city budget has increased over $125 million since the day he took office and the mil rate has doubled.

I could go on and on detailing the Perez "leadership" initiative, but I think one example tells the entire story. In last Friday's Hartford Courant in the real estate listings, it detailed at least twelve property owners essentially walking away from properties and giving them back to the banks holding the mortgages.

This should be an unsettling trend for any Mayor spouting his "leadership". If there is any stronger sign that people are being taxed out of their homes, I'm not sure what it would be. I understand that other factors come into play, but the majority of people telling me that they are planning on leaving Hartford, an unbearable tax burden is the number one reason.

Hopefully this Perez "leadership" will only last for another couple months until we hopefully change direction under Segarra "leadership". Maybe Mayor Segarra will deal with reality and not "spin".

Hartford Real Estate Walk-Away


  1. The press release is as bogus as the Mayor's financial "controls" are...

  2. You know what they say... You can fool everyone sometimes, some people every time but you can't fool everyone all the time.

    Let's see if he can fool the jury soon.
